IXIM IXOQ by Edna Vazquez


Ixim Ixoq is written and performed by Edna Vazquz, inspired by Rigoberta Menchú. Edna says, "Ixim Ixoq (EEsheem, EEshock) is the title written in one of the 25 mayan languages there are, Mayan Quiché. It’s the translation for Mujer Maíz ("Woman of Corn") which is basically the corn plant (In Spanish has a female connotation), and is the metaphor for a woman (Rigoberta Menchú), a strong ancient seed, root, plant that brings principle, unity, understanding and cultural healing to humanity.
The song highlights the life of Rigoberta Menchú in metaphors, her accomplishments, and the longing for a conscious change against racism worldwide, especially against native tribes and women. Menchú, originally from Guatemala, a woman who stood up for her native tribe (later on, and currently exiled from her country). She won The Nobel Prize in 1992."
English Translation for Ixim Ixoq:
Corn woman
Cornfield on land
Wise root
Why do they banish you
The winds of change
Always by your side
And not in the head
Of those who have surrounded you
warrior of peace, with white flags
Your abolishing blood
Juana, Vicente, Victor present
furrow, seed
Sow brave
Against being destruction
Indigenous heals from the cruel idyll
Sunset woman
Germinate the plant on your exile
Come then the verve
From Tata Sol, in cold times
Like framed water
In huipil and zenahua
Like rays of sun
Of unparalleled radiance (2x)
end the greed
To the deaf who hear
To the blind who see
town in transition
vision is reborn
To the cruel longing for what is already lost
Corn woman
Milpa already on land
At the wrong time you shine peculiar star
Your pain, what peace it flashes
And your word terrifies everyone
Edna Vazquez is fearless singer, songwriter and guitarist whose powerful voice and musical talent embrujan and transcend the boundaries of language to engage and uplift her audience. She is a creative crisol with a vocal range that allows her to paint seamlessly with her original material, an intersection of folk, rock, pop and R&B. Edna’s passion for music and performance grew from her bicultural raices and, with songs deeply rooted in universal human emotion, she has traveled far and wide spreading her message of light, love and cultural healing.
Edna is currently performing with her band in support of her most recent release, Sola Soy, and writing new music for an album to be released in 2018. The Edna Vazquez Band features William Seiji Marsh on lead guitar (Lost Lander, Cherry Poppin Daddies), Gil Assayas on keys (GLASYS), Milo Fultz on electric and upright bass (3 Leg Torso) and Jesse Brooke on drums and percussion (Trio Subtonic).
If you want to learn more about this artist or support her important work, visit:
Venmo: @EdnaF-Vazquez

