Is Zack Synder actually a good director?

This is a question that needs to be answered -- is Zack Synder actually good at directing?
His newest film Rebel Moon is due to come out this month on Netflix.
He has a huge fan base who petitioned for the release of the Justice League Synderverse -- but is he worth the hype?
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  • @pedrolopes8

    He can't write dialogue. The cinematics tend to be great.

  • @tamalchakraborty5346

    He is divisive. He has the best and the worst movies, nothing in between.

  • @kieroncampion120

    I think the theatrical cut of Justice League is the closest Snyder has ever come to making anything worthwhile.

  • @victorramos3919

    Well, I'm not sure if he's a good director but with Rebel Moon he's going down the same direction as Star Wars casting another female empowered lead.

  • @niconico2312

    The comparison to Jon Watts is asinine. We have Zack Snyder who is popular but makes BAD films and we have Christopher Nolan who is also popular but makes GOOD films. SO which of the two is better? I don't wanna be like Zack Snyder who is popular but is known to make bad films. Forget popularity, just make good films first.

  • @FrankX

    Another thing i noticed was that he shoots too much footage. Which I imagine makes it harder to tell a coherent story in the edit room.

  • @nestorarranz3179

    I think that if he wasnt given all the money he wanted and wasnt allowed to write his scripts i think he would make better movies. More than a bad director he's a terrible writer.

  • @FTropper

    I think the main problem is that he is coming from the commercial world. And a commercial is pretty short, so you need to use your time. But a movie is a different thing. I think he need someone who pull him back. Pretty sure that why 300 is considered good (I personal didn't enjoy it when I was rewatching it). Where as in his Netflix Projects he can do what ever he wants and we see what kind of junk comes out. So I would say overall he is a bad director because he does not understand who movies work. Kinda like Michael Bay.

  • @tahnadana5435

    bad faith even from the start... saying its a star wars rejected script and its will be replacing star wars

  • @FriendlyBatDoom

    No, he's not

  • @TheBonebridger

    Marcus your content is awesome and I just wanted to say keep making content like this and you are going all the way!

  • @nyssaalghul-queen08

    I like watchman a lot but. I do find pacing of his films quite daunting though, but I'm happy to see someone else thinks that Sofia Boutella is Underrated, I first saw her in a movie called Streetdance 2 it was on hbo😊 when I was a kid. And yes Climax was great and it terrified me till end. I still think about that ending

  • @theroguerider

    As a filmmaker, don’t you find his recent use of lenses ridiculous?

  • @gamervet4760

    I followed Fassbender's career with great interest. I think it was Jonah Hex I remembered him in. It was a very meh movie, but Josh and Michael were the best parts of it.

  • @oli073

    The hell Marcus...why so little subs mate? This was such a good watch. The only good things from Zack that i watched was the first 300 and the watchmen, both of which were ready to just put into visuals...anything he did on his own...they lack substance...people are dazzled by his visuals (rightfully so) but those who do are likely to be tricked easily by smokes and mirrors. I wish he teamed up wiyh another director.

  • @dignerds

    Zack Snyder is a great director. He has the praise and support of other top directors like Nolan and Cameron.

  • @theroguerider

    I am a film buff so I guess that might be why I know who Jon Watts is without looking him up.

  • @FrankX

    You took the thoughts right out of my mind. Saw 300 and I knew this guy was going to be special. Then sucker punch came out i was ecstatic going in the theater. I came out feeling let down somehow. Thats when i first realized he was no good with story. Same thing with man of steel. Great visuals not quite hitting that refreshing taste when you walk out the theater. Yes he didn't write that one still his job to get the theme across.

  • @merder1414

    Just clicked…but this is always the question left lingering in my head when it comes to Snyder and the way people discuss his work. Can’t wait to hear your thoughts though!

  • @hannonbendall5536

    I know the name Jon watts and I wish you algorithmic success, let’s make a film together.