Is Your Tree A Troublemaker? Do Not Plant A Tree at Wrong Location, The 1st to Know Before Planting

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Hello Charles from American Life 365. In this video, I will share with you on planting trees. I like trees. The trees I planted in my yard brought me a lot of fun, surprises, microclimate changes and a lot of fruit.
When we bought the house. Fortunately, there was no tree in my yard. Since there was no tree in my yard and my house is close to the coast, I felt very windy and dry when I was in my yard. It is also very hot in summer. I started planting trees around my house. In the end, trees have brought us wonderful microclimate changes. There is no wind anymore. No longer dry. Very pleasant feeling.
The trees not only bring us pleasant microclimate, but also protect my house from the sun and wind. People always think that rain damages the house the most, but sunlight and wind do the most damage to the house. Sunlight burns the walls and roof, ages and wires wall and roof materials. The wind will also dry the walls and roofs. you will notice more cracks or cracks in the wall faces more sun light and wind. The paint is lighter on the wall facing sun light and wind. The trees can prevent these damages from providing shed and reducing wind.
My trees also bring us a lot of green and beautiful view. Most of the trees we plant are evergreen. We paid attention to the point of view. Make sure to see the most beautiful scenery where we often go and can see. We planted avocado trees between neighbors in the backyard. At best we can see evergreen trees. Also gained privacy. I remember a friend told me of his feeling of the jungle. This is exactly what we want.
My trees brought us a lot of fruit. We have avocados, oranges, lemons, dates, pomegranates, figs, guava... I made a mistake when I grew peaches and plums. They are troublemakers, and once the fruit was ready, they all ripped in 2 weeks. Too many soft fruits fell on the ground. Draw animals and flies. Created a lot of trouble. Even if they produce good fruits, we still cut them down. When you grow fruit trees, make sure you don’t become a troublemaker that produces a lot of fruit at once.
My trees brought us the most benefits and the least damage. I noticed that people choose trees only by their preference. They do not think future consequences when tree becomes mature. They like to look trees when they are young. But when they mature. They can be a huge troublemaker. They grow to higher and higher. Very tall. I once planted a palm tree in my front yard. When It was young, I was very beautiful. But after a few years, it became as high as the house. I wonder if it grow to twice high of my house. If you don't cut the dead leave, it looks very ugly. If you hire a professional tree service, it can cost me a fortune. So I cut it down before it makes trouble.
Trees increase property value. It makes the community look good. I share with you a real story. There was community of the east coast. The crime rate was very high. Wherever crime rate is very high, the property value is low. The residents started to grow trees. The community looking better and better. Eventually the beautiful looking attracted people from the upper class to move in, and has gradually transformed into a high-end community. Crime rate gradually decreased to very low. Trees have played a very important role in community change.
Planting tree is definitely a good thing. But it can damage your property. I heard that some people are worried about the root damage to property. If you plant the tree in the wrong place, it will indeed do the damage. Tree root can Tree roots tend to trace the water....
#Tree #Garden #Problem

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  • @ryanyao5354
    @ryanyao535411 ай бұрын

    你好,我家在洛杉矶安大略,新房,后院做好后种了几颗小树苗,种了1年半了, 苹果和梨树 都正常长大,但还没开花结果,牛油果和巴拉一直不长大,但也不死,叶子也不黄, 唯独 石榴,叶子全部落光,挖开一看原来坑里都是水,是黏土,排水不好,所以把石榴移开,买了15加仑的琵琶,挖很大的洞,深2ft,换了home depot买的营养土,种下去后没多久叶子就都掉光了,拿出来一看,臭啊, 把受伤的琵琶树又已到盆里进行养伤了, 这样的话这个坑以后要怎么办,不知道为什么就是这个点,排水不好,土壤就是湿,这个坑要怎么改善土壤? 谢谢
