Intro to the Twin Falls Historic Tour

The Twin Falls Land and Water Company platted the city in 1904 as a part of their Cary Act Project. Four blocks, including the present site of the parks, jail, and county courthouse, were set aside at this time for park purposes. The buildings in the city park historic district primarily date between 1909-1920, although several were erected in the late twenties and thirties. None are more than three stories high and most are two, with brick being the predominant building material. United by their scale, age and function the buildings create a cohesive environment while presenting a diversity of styles typical of the period and region. The Spanish mission, Gothic, Craftsman and neo-classical are the major styles represented. This high density of community related structures centering about the park is highly reminiscent of New England town greens, and serves as an example of its adaptation in early twentieth century urban planning. This means that the Twin Falls City Park Historic District is also significant for its association with the efforts to deliberately and intentionally plan and shape the City of Twin Falls.
