Interpretation as a Profession - Part 3: NCDHHS & Language Access

Part 3: Yazmin Garcia Rico and Carolina Siliceo Perez from the NC Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) discuss how their training as interpreters and language justice workers informed their commitment to and knowledge of language access. They provide an overview of DHHS’s recent efforts to train interpreters and to improve language, communications, and physical access to DHHS information and services. This presentation is part of the 2024 Language Access Continuing Education Series.
Part 1: Interpretation as a Profession - Professional Pathways • Interpretation as a Pr...
Part 2: Interpretation as a Profession - CNNC’s Interpreter Access Project • Interpretation as a Pr...
For more tips on creating language assessments and policies and to find more language access resources for local governments, visit:
Interpretation from Spanish into English was provided by tilde Language Justice Cooperative.
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