Innovative Stroke Center Launched in Kostanay with Bulat Utemuratov Foundation's Aid

A year ago, with the support of the Bulat Utemuratov Foundation, the Auliekol Central District Hospital in the Kostanay region opened a new stroke center.
Funded with over a billion tenge, the center acquired medical equipment, including a CT scanner and an angiograph, for precise diagnosis of cerebral circulation disorders.
Additionally, renovations and technical preparations were made to the facilities.
The stroke center is now equipped to provide emergency aid to nearly 100,000 residents of remote districts like Auliekol, Naurzum, and Karasuk.
A resident of Auliekol district expressed her relief, saying, "Now there's no need to travel to the city for tests; everything is available locally. I am especially grateful to those who established this center."

