In Search of Religions (Life of Pi)


Recommended Resource:
Why Jesus?: Rediscovering His Truth in an Age of Mass Marketed Spirituality by Ravi Zacharias
From the movie "Life Of Pi"
(Audio Transcript)
Pi: Why would a god do that?
Why would
He send His own son...
to suffer for the sins
of ordinary people?
PRIEST: Because He loves us.
God made Himself
approachable to us,
so we could understand Him.
We can't understand God
in all His perfection.
But we can understand God's son
and His suffering
as we would a brother's.
Pi: That made no sense.
Sacrificing the innocent to atone
for the sins of the guilty...
What kind of love is that?
But this son...
I couldn't get
him out of my head.
If God is so
perfect and we are not...
why would He want
to create all this?
Why does He need us at all?
PRIEST: All you have to know
is that He loves us.
God so loved this world
that He gave His only son.
Pi: The longer
I listened to the priest...
the more I came to like
this son of God.
Thank you, Vishnu,
for introducing me to Christ.
I came to faith
through Hinduism
and I found God's
love through Christ.
But God wasn't
finished with me yet.
God works in mysterious ways.
And so it was,
He introduced Himself again.
This time by the name of Allah.
Allahu Akbar.
My Arabic
was never very good...
but the sound and feel of the words brought me closer to god.
In performing Salah...
the ground I touched
became holy ground...
and I found a feeling
of serenity and brotherhood.
Pi's Father,Santosh : This lamb is exquisite.
It's the best
dish on the table.
You're all missing out.
You only need to convert to three
more religions, Piscine...
and you will spend your life on holiday.
Pi's older Brother, Ravi: Are you going to Mecca
this year, Swami Jesus?
Or to Rome for your
coronation as Pope Pi-us?
Pi's Mother, Gita: You stay out of this, Ravi.
Just as you like cricket,
Pi has his own interests.
Pi's Father, Santosh: No, Gita, Ravi has a point.
You cannot follow three different
religions at the same time, Piscine.
Pi: Why not?
Pi's Father, Santosh: Because believing in
everything at the same time...
is the same as not believing
in anything at all.
Pi's Mother, Gita: He's young, Santosh.
He's still finding his way.
Pi's Father, Santosh: And how can he find his way
if he does not choose a path?
Listen, instead of leaping from
one religion to the next...
why not start with reason?
In a few hundred years...
science has taken us farther in
understanding the universe...
than religion has in 10,000.
Pi's mother, Gita: That is true.
Your father is right.
Science can teach us more
about what is out there...
but not what is in here.
Pi's Father, Santosh: Some eat meat,
some eat vegetable.
I do not expect us all
to agree about everything...
but I would much
rather have you
believe in something
I don't agree with...
than to accept
everything blindly.
And that begins
with thinking rationally.
Do you understand? (Pi nodded)

