In My World, The River Never Stops Flowing

In my reality, the river never stops flowing.
“All things go and nothing stays,
existence is like the flow of a river,
you could not step twice into the same river."
(Plato's explanation of Heraclitus' doctrine of Flux)
the flow state,
a state in which a person is fully immersed in a feeling of focus,
full involvement,
and enjoyment in an activity,
seemingly becoming one with time,
flowing down like a boat on a river.
In a real environment however,
real here being defined as “non-virtual”,
the flow of the river has to stop somewhere,
sometimes more, sometimes less abruptly,
thereafter the water has to find its way up again,
in an effort to regain its downward flow.
Some things change,
only to make the continued existence of other things possible.
real-time generative video projection,
putting the organic flow of life in contrast to a seemingly infinite virtual one.
