
So how did a person lose the Seated Half Dollar along a sidewalk back in 1869?... 😏
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#RelicRangers #MetalDetectingWashington #HowToLoseASeatedHalfDollar

Пікірлер: 65

  • @mje8881
    @mje8881 Жыл бұрын

    I think a metal detector just found it in the 80s was super excited. And then I lost it on the way back to the car. Ha ha ha.

  • @stevepettersen3283
    @stevepettersen3283 Жыл бұрын

    The lumberjack dropped his change from the brothel

  • @stevedurham3270
    @stevedurham3270 Жыл бұрын

    Fell out of his while skydiving with loose pants

  • @dirtclodmetaldetecting
    @dirtclodmetaldetecting Жыл бұрын

    I think someone lost it when he pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and didn't notice the coin fall out. An expensive way to blow his nose!

  • @garyhuls3997
    @garyhuls3997 Жыл бұрын

    I sent this out last night, but it went to BHiggles you tube channel, was he surprised to have this comment posted to his park hunt.. lol.

  • @preserving_the_past
    @preserving_the_past Жыл бұрын

    A man was following a lady of the night back to her place...he had his hands in his pockets. Possibly getting himself worked UP. When the wife walked up behind him. Yelled out... "What are hell are you doing?!!" He jerked his hand out of his pocket and boom. There went the half and more. 😉🤣🤣🤣Cheesy I know🤷‍♂️ Thanks for sharing and the GAW. "Chris*

  • @EZDiggin
    @EZDiggin Жыл бұрын

    If I had to take a guess I would say that Billy Johnston was playing doctor with the preacher's daughter. When they were discovered in the barn Billy tried to run but with his pants around his ankles he tripped. While he was falling his pocket got caught on a pitchfork and out came the coin.

  • @piedmontartifacts8910
    @piedmontartifacts8910 Жыл бұрын

    I’d say junior heard mama ring the dinner bell, nothing else mattered. Kenny

  • @gloriajoseph7031
    @gloriajoseph7031 Жыл бұрын

    Never trust your friend to carry your 50 cent piece when he has holes in his pocket.

  • @joshuaeschliman221
    @joshuaeschliman221 Жыл бұрын

    That one's simple..... someone was on their way to turn in their Washington State tax tokens to pay their taxes and when they pulled out the tax tokens they didn't realize they had a half dollar in their pocket and it fell next to the sidewalk. That is also the only story of a Washington State tax token that didn't get dropped on the ground 😁

  • @KidDig
    @KidDig Жыл бұрын

    Likely running from Big Foot in Mossyrock ;)

  • @markparr7224
    @markparr7224 Жыл бұрын

    Hi Andrew and Virginia. I have a really rare coin with lots of history behind it I'd like to do a video of with you two. Best find of mine so far.

  • @iceviking3
    @iceviking3 Жыл бұрын

    I believe the poor fella was with his girl and dad heard something. Grabbed his henry ran out to see if it were maybe a fox in the hen house but nope it was johnny the neighbor with his daughter well you can imagine johnnys suprise and the haste he made his way outta there with his drawers around his knees. He lost that darn coin luckily thru the magic of modern science you found johnnys unfortunate loss

  • @hardyakka6200
    @hardyakka6200 Жыл бұрын

    When you go back i hope it isn't raining. I would give 50c just to see Virginia do that skiddy trick again.

  • @tonyanam5thriver
    @tonyanam5thriver Жыл бұрын

    Back in 1870 a few young lads were playing a game of baseball. As Little Johnny was up to bat , he hit the ball so far that it was a home run. He was so excited that he slid into home base , not realizing that his Lucky 1869 Half Dollar slid out of his pocket. There it laid hidden for all those years at the old forgotten baseball field ,only for you to come along and find it with your metal detector.

  • @briank.1848
    @briank.1848 Жыл бұрын

    A dude was staggering down the sidewalk intoxicated and mistakenly gave it a toss thinking it was an Illuminati tax token!

  • @andy1056
    @andy1056 Жыл бұрын

    He was soo happy that Betty Lou kissed him on the cheek, that he did a cartwheel, when the coin fell out of his overalls 😊. Check that area again. He also lost his lucky knife, his pocket watch, and a plug of chew. He was really, really sweet on Betty Lou…..

  • @DonKeybals
    @DonKeybals Жыл бұрын

    Why a man lost his coin near the old sidewalk? Drunk from beers, Twas lost for years Till found by Silver Hawk 😂😂😂

  • @zenithcoinsandhobbies
    @zenithcoinsandhobbies Жыл бұрын

    I'd imagine it went something like this: a young man was walking home from his first day of working at the hotel as a bellhop. He was so nice that he had received many tips that day, but the biggest tip was from a big wig from California, who had given him a shiny new half dollar. As he was rounding a corner near his house, a friend came around the corner, grabbed him, and swung him around in fun. Unfortunately, there was a little stone, and it tripped the young man. Coins flew everywhere! The two spent an hour looking for all of the money that he had earned that day and found almost every single coin, except for that shiny new half dollar.

  • @ranmarch6768
    @ranmarch6768 Жыл бұрын

    Right before the first snow this past year, up on Vulcan Mountain, I found 8 1890-1906 Indians and 5 V Nickels 1901-3. I will return in the spring as soon as the snowpack melts. The site was supposed to have been a trading post that specialized in rot gut whiskey. I found a lot of broken brown glass in the ground, too. I would like to find some whole bottles and some more coins.

  • @ranmarch6768
    @ranmarch6768 Жыл бұрын

    On a snowy night in 1889, the logging boss was burning bear grease in his lantern, but it was a smoking badly. So he put his lucky 1869 half dollar on the glass top of his lantern to catch most of the smoke. Well, the camp cookie saw the coin and took it upon himself to sneak it into his pocket. He snatched the coin off the top of the lantern and immediately burned his hand. He ran outside to plunge his blistering hand into the snow and dropped the coin never to be seen again. The boss discovered later who took his coin when there was an exact scar on cookie's palm of a seated 1869 half dollar. Poor old cookie had to go through the rest of his life branded by that danged curse'ed old coin.

  • @martyfleury5422
    @martyfleury5422 Жыл бұрын

    Well I think little Rosie's great great grandfather was riding his unicycle down the sidewalk in 1869 , when suddenly out of nowhere came Silver-hawks great great grandaddy staggered out of the saloon doors and walked straight into the unicycle and wiped out out losing his last shiny half dollar..hahaha 😉

  • @daveflowers3070
    @daveflowers3070 Жыл бұрын

    Little Johnny's grandpa sent him to the general store to get a new rifle for the trapline. On the way, that nasty town bully, black Bart, picked a fight with him but little suzi was closeby. Little Johnny wanted to impress Little suzi so he whaled into black Bart with everything he had and won the fight, got the girl, but lost the money for the rifle in the scuffle. They lived happily ever after.....

  • @kevensteiner242
    @kevensteiner242 Жыл бұрын

    That night it was cold and rainy, the man of the house was trying to get home to his wife and kids after a long couple months earning money logging. He stopped to check his earnings and unknown to him he dropped one. It sat on the ground to be covered with mud through the years, to only be found by the next lucky guy heading home to show his wife his earnings from the day.

  • @TermaMary
    @TermaMary Жыл бұрын

    When Paul Bunyan took quick squat, he learned how swiftly coins will be lost

  • @idetectchange2124
    @idetectchange2124 Жыл бұрын

    In 1870 a young Lumberjack by the name of Jim Jeremy was working in the area and decided to go into town for a night of festivities. Pockets loaded with change from his pay for the week, he headed through town to his favorite Watering Hole. On his way to the watering hole he was jumped by a couple of no-good thugs who beat and robbed him. Unfortunately for them, he put up a good fight. He managed to run the two robbers away but in the process his money was scattered all over the place. He picked up what he could but it was getting dark and of course, could not find some of it. So unfortunately his night was cut short due to lack of funds. The next day when leaving town he noticed Two Gentlemen that were familiar from that night and turned out to be the two attackers. He grabbed his buddy from the hotel nearby and gave those two guys a good thrashing right there in the street. He managed to rob them of their takings for the evening but still never recovered that coin.

  • @Roguetreasure
    @Roguetreasure Жыл бұрын

    Was running from the law and in his state of exhaustion he decided he needed a SEATED rest break (coin slipped from his pocket) and when the law finally caught him he was hauled off to the jailhouse where they ended up posting his bail for just HALF a DOLLAR. He was delighted as he knew he could pay for his own bail. Reaching into his pocket to find only lint. He scratched his head and thought to himself, “what in the world have I done with my half dollar”? He was forced to serve his time due to the mysterious disappearance of the lost coin.

  • @mididen
    @mididen Жыл бұрын

    One day a guy using a metal detector current day, found the coin not knowing it was a time portal (ala 'Somewhere In Time'). He immediately went spinning down a whirlpool vortex and awoke in 1869. The coin, still in his hand, fell to the ground. Being disoriented, he hadn't connected the coin to his time travel, leaving it behind. Now, being stuck in the past with no mode of time travel, he lived the rest of his life in that time, marrying and raising a family. The trick now is to find the exact spot where he was standing while holding that coin. HAPPY TRAVELS!

  • @maxsands3861
    @maxsands3861 Жыл бұрын

    Little Johnnys Dad and Grandfather were building a big woodshed before winter set in to keep their firewood dry. Johnny was thrilled that they asked him to help and he passed them boards when they needed them and cleaned up all the sawed off scraps so they wouldn't trip while working. Nails were expensive back then so Johnny was busy straightening old nails his father had collected from an old burned down barn. Well they ran out of nails just as they started working on the roof so Johnnys Dad gave him a half dollar and told him to go to the old hardware store and get 3 lbs of nails. Johnny was thrilled that his Father gave him such an important job, he had only seen a half dollar once before. As he got to town where the sidewalk started he started flipping the coin in the air playing heads or tails like his Grandfather did with him so many times with pennies. Sure enough he flipped the coin higher and higher until once he didn't catch it and it hit the tall weeds and grass next to the sidewalk. He thought he saw where it landed but to his dismay it wasn't there. His heart dropped, he frantically began searching in the grass and weeds as he thought about how much trouble he was going to be in if he didn't find it. An hour went by and Johnny couldn't find it, he looked up and saw his Father and Grandfather walking fast down the sidewalk, his heart was racing because he could see the look of fury in his Dads eyes as they got closer but just as Johnnys Dad was almost within reach of grabbing him by the scruff of the neck Johnny found the coin and held it up in the air, but Johnny wasn't off the hook his Father was not pleased as he took the coin from Johnny he turned to Johnnys Grandfather and said here pops go get the nails while I reprimand my boy and he flipped the coin toward Johnnys Grandfather but he flipped it too hard in his rage and it hit the rim of Gramps glasses and landed right back into the tall weeds. Johnnys Grandpa with a great big smile looked at Johnnys Dad and said while your down in those weeds looking for that coin me and Johnny will be at the ice cream parlor having a double chocolate malt! Needless to say about the time Johnny and his Grandad were finishing their malts Johnnys Dad came strolling in telling them he couldn't find the coin. Johnnys Grandpa quickly replied well son while your at the old burned down barn at the other end of town finding nails me and Johnny will be right here having on of those new fangled Boston Coolers!

  • @hardyakka6200
    @hardyakka6200 Жыл бұрын

    PS Spike slowly recovered slowly. but never pursued cats again. Tiddles grew into a haunty cat who strutted the street at will.

  • @jtblake714
    @jtblake714 Жыл бұрын

    In 1869 you say, a silver coin was lost that day. By a sidewalk near a street, trampled down by many feet. Out of sight it slips below, from the vision of common foe. The actual story is in the jeans, the worn out pants with splitting seems. Tattered torn and poorly mended, is where this story is surely headed. The coin was new and had sharp edges, a reeded rim a splendid treasure. A quick jump over the hedges, the keepers mind seeking some pleasure. The worn down thread begins to break, from the coins size and shape. Through the void the coin slips past, down the leg into the grass. For days and weeks to months and years, a fruitless search ending in tears. Time past bye a silver half forgotten, within its foliage to forever rotten. Decades pass in this town, families grow and move around. A family of quiet time, started back in 1869. You see the boy had slipped away, to meet his girl that summer day. The hedge he jumped the coin he dropped, marked the place where love was sought. Well, fait would have it so you see, the boy turned Dad and then Grandee. His son would also bear a boy, who owned a detector which brought much joy. He swung his coil here and there, on all the sidewalks everywhere. In timber towns that boy would knock, on all the doors around the block. A coin once lost while seeking pleasure, comes full circle while unearthing treasure. It layed in wait below the rock, to be found by the boy "Silver Hawk!"

  • @triglidecowboy7434
    @triglidecowboy7434 Жыл бұрын

    Mawnin...Really like your videos, guys. Keep them coming. - Good luck, and best regards- Mike

  • @ThelifeandtimesofBarneyTaylor
    @ThelifeandtimesofBarneyTaylor Жыл бұрын

    He dropped it

  • @marvinehicks1463
    @marvinehicks1463 Жыл бұрын

    This is a true story that happened to me on my 4th Birthday in the summer of 1960. My parents gave me a used bicycle that was as tall as I was. At age 4, I did not know how to ride a bike, so a friend said he would show me how. As he was riding my bike I was running along next to him on the sidewalk. A car coming down the road cause the kid riding my bike to panic, veer left and run me over with my own bike. I hit the sidewalk face first and when finally came to a stop, that was when Ben and I went our separate ways. You see, another gift I had received for my Birthday was a new Ben Franklin half dollar, which was very big money back then and it was the first half dollar I had ever had received and like a fool I put it in my shirt pocket. The moment I hit the sidewalk the half-dollar went flying. I was skinned from my head to my feet and I was covered in blood. I ran to my mother and as she was cleaning the blood and the dirt off of me that was when I started to cry. She told we I was all right and should not to cry. I told her that I was not crying because I was hurt, but it was because I lost had lost my half-dollar. The half-dollar had rolled off the sidewalk and into the grass where it was found a few days later and return to me. I was scarred for life by this memory of losing this half-dollar even though it was later found. It could have been worst if I never gotten it back. So I think this could have happened to another little boy, say 90 years ago only he had gotten a pony and not a bike for his 4th birthday and that he had the same thing happen to him when he gotten ran over by his own pony but never found his half-dollar. Who knows how this event changed his life?

  • @ravensgaldr7705
    @ravensgaldr7705 Жыл бұрын

    Times were rough back in the early 1870's, and cutting trees was damn hard work. It just so happened that a (for lack of a better description) BANK had just opened in our little timber country town, and it had even installed a timber board walk along the road! Good times were on the way, it seemed, or at least it was until one day this one and only bank in town was robbed at gunpoint by desperate timber man turned bank robber, Jimmy the Ax Pettygrove! On his way out the door, bag a coin and cash in hand, a tussle began between heavily armed bystanders, and our unlucky Mr. Pettygrove, spilling his ill gained wealth upon the lovely new side walk, and the surrounding area. Most of the stolen dough was recovered, but not all, and Jimmy went off to the county jail. Ah, the good old days!

  • @thefirefromwithin1
    @thefirefromwithin1 Жыл бұрын

    The poorest man in town found a half dollar and then he tripped fell to the ground. When he got up he went to see the Taylor Mr Brown. The Taylor said let me see your money before I make you the suit to make you the talk of the Town. The poorest man reached in his pocket and gasp I must have lost it the same way it was found face up lying on the ground.

  • @Rehsmj2012
    @Rehsmj2012 Жыл бұрын

    I have found a few half dollars in wooded areas on bottoms of hills. My take is they were possibly hunting and slid down the hill. Pocket was either ripped open or loose enough to spill. I once found a 1903 Barber half and a 1911 Barber dime in the same hole at the bottom in a hills in the woods. Please pull me name lol.

  • @graffet
    @graffet Жыл бұрын

    It was a cold and starry night, the old mad was walking down by the railroad tracks on his way home after a long night at the bar. The man was stumbling after every footstep barely making it an effort. Then out of nowhere he hears the raging sound of a distant train barrelling towards him, but something was off. The train horn was changing, it went from a bellowing wail to a quick click as the man looked up and found that it wasn’t a train after all! It was a tall robed man and in his hands he held what seemed to be a stopwatch. The tall robed man addressed the old man and said, I am but a humble collector and I’ve come to collect. With that the old man felt warmth for reasons unsure. The very next moment they where off with a blur. Left in their place lied a remnant of the old man, a 1869 seated man. (Disclaimer: I know its a woman seated on the coin, just thought it would be interesting to play it as a man.)

  • @andyroe2121
    @andyroe2121 Жыл бұрын

    It was 1910. A local fishermen was out in the yard sitting at a table celebrating the new house he built. He was with his buddies along the sidewalk playing poker and drinking a little too much. One guy was down to his last lucky half dollar he carried with him everywhere. He had a good hand and had to put it in to stay in. He had a straight flush and thought he couldn't lose. He went all in and the other friend had got one better all night so there was no way he could lose again. But he did. His friend got a royal flush and took it all. He thought the only way he could wit that consistently was to cheat so he turned the table over and there was a brawl. All money was accounted for after accept the lucky half. Friends didn't Remer that much the next day so remained friends but spent years looking for his lucky coin.

  • @bells1054
    @bells1054 Жыл бұрын

    The old rancher finally made it into town after being with his cattle for 6 months. First thing he wanted like most men is you know what. Knocking on the brothel door, he was greeted with a very large lady clothed in only a smile. Shyly he asked how much it would cost. She informed him it was 2 bits for 5 minutes. Reaching into his pocket and all he had was an 1869 50 cent piece. Informing her all he had was 50 cents. She replied well, you'll get twice as much with 10 minutes of fun. The old rancher stood there pondering for a minute looking at the seated half; and then reared back and thru her toward the street. The lady of the night surprised, said why would you do such a thing? With which the rancher replied, if I'm going to waste 9 MINUTES of this 50-cent piece; I just as well throw it all away.

  • @dhoffner1591
    @dhoffner1591 Жыл бұрын

    In 1869, a couple of friends were having a competition to see who could roll their half dollar the furthest down the sidewalk. Tommy and Joey rolled theirs within inches! Then Peter was up. "That's nothing guys, watch this!", said Peter. As Peter's silver half dollar was ringing the whole way past he buddies coins, it hit a stone and ricocheted into the grass! "Haha guys! I WIN! You guys are Losers!", said Peter. As the boys went to pick up their coins, Peter, who 'Won', couldn't find his. Tommy and Joey then said, "haha Peter! Who's the loser now?!" They all went to the local baker afterwards and bought themselves some nice slices of apple and cherry pie. But Peter didn't have any money. The Baker decided to give Peter some scraps of pumpkin let over from making pumpkin pie. This is where we get the name of, Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater. 🎃 The End.

  • @garyhuls3997
    @garyhuls3997 Жыл бұрын

    This one goes out to Virginia the lost seated half dollar 1869. The home where this coin was found back in the day was a grand home of design and especially built features like their gardens that would make any landscape designer envious to be a part of .their were rose gardens, perennial gardens, annual gardens, bush gardens, ornamental gardens, the grounds were well manicured and flowers bloomed from the beginning of spring to late fall both the husband and wife took much pride in their beautiful home and landscape every summer. The lady of the house would invite a couple of her closest friends to come over and they would put on a weekend festivities for the ladies to attend, they would host a tea party that would have cream, cakes and scones and pastries, and sweet breads, and delicious desserts . The yard was set up with tables so that the local ladies of the town could display their arts and crafts their quilt works. They’re sewing works they’re paintings. Their needle and embroidery works and just fun craft ideas that they had that they wanted to sell every year they put this on and people from the local town in the surrounding towns to see what was on display and to admire the beautiful home and gardens and buy the goods and crafts. Customers would take part in the tea party and play maybe some croquet and some badminton that were set up and to sit and socialize and listen to the young girls playing music, and putting on little skits to entertain them this was all done for the ladies of the local towns and what a beautiful display of amazing quilts and dresses and artworks of all kind every year this happened about the same time of the year and for about 40 years this went on until the woman of the house got to the age where she couldn’t do it anymore during one of these years, that coin was dropped by the sidewalk where the ladies would pull in with their horse drawn, carriages, decked out with fringe and lace and there best dress and bonnets What a sight to see how could one miss a silly dropped 50 Cent , when there was so much beauty to bestow.

  • @hardyakka6200
    @hardyakka6200 Жыл бұрын

    Ahh! now the sad story of Tom being parted with his ill-gotten wealth. He was running home with his 50c he received from the sale of his sister Little Rose to the olde couple in the ramshackle house down the road. He had up a great turn of speed when he encountered spike the mean neighborhood dog in hot pursuit of tiddles the once-friendly cat. As both tom and spike had on a great turn of speed it was not pleasant to espy the collision. boy and dog shot in different directions and the coin dislodged from Tom's hand transcribed a slivery arc across the road to land on the opposite footpath. Tom face down in the gravel was unaware of this and never found that coin. So at the tender age of twelve, he set out alone into the world as he could not explain to his folks the loss of Rosie and the coin. He headed east.

  • @chriskrasnai2453
    @chriskrasnai2453 Жыл бұрын

    Little Billy Bob one day decided to meet up with his buddies to throw a ball around at the empty field next to where the cows graze. He had a pretty good distance to walk and especially long with his worn out dirty shoes that had holes in the soles. But he was determined to get there. In his old ripped up pants pocket he carried his most beloved treasure, a silver half dollar that his grandpa had given him. He carried that coin everywhere he went. He never wanted to spend it on toys, candy or anything. Not even new shoes or new pants. What young boy would want to? This was his treasure that he would keep forever. He walked for almost an hour when he finally reached his destination. His friends were all there waiting for him, even Tammy Jo who was a girl but she liked to do boy stuff. They played and ran and jumped throughout that field until it was almost dark. The kids lost track of time and had to hurry home or else they’re papa would take them out to the whippin post and tan their hides. Billy Bob was really scared cause he’s seen the whippin post quite a few times and really didn’t wanna see it tonight. He was so tired from playing all day and just wanted to get home and hit the hey. He ran as fast as he could and finally saw his house in the distance. He made it home. He peeked in the window to see if his Pa was waiting for him, but the coast was clear and he made a bee line in the house and to his room. He quickly got undressed and got into his night clothes and hopped into bed. Phew!!! I made it he said. Nobody had even known he was gone. He laid his dirty clothes in a heap in the corner of his room, and fell asleep in the blink of an eye. In the early morning hours his momma came into his room while he was sleeping and gathered up his dirty clothes. It was laundry day. She didn’t know his most precious treasure was in his pants pocket. She washed them up and hung them out to dry in the side yard. She didn’t even check his pockets. The wash had all dried, been folded and put away before Billy Bob even woke up. When he finally did wake up he realized he forgot to take his coin out of his pocket before he threw them in a pile on the floor. He looked all over his room but to no avail. He was crushed. It was gone! His momma told him that his clothes had been washed and put away. He ran outside to the side yard where the wash line was hoping to find it in the grass. But they didn’t have metal detectors back then and sadly it was lost forever, poor Billy Bob. Who would think that 100 + years would go by and someone with a metal detector in the perfect spot would find little Billy Bobs most precious treasure.

  • @daniel10275
    @daniel10275 Жыл бұрын

    A farmer lost it after a full night drinking The half dollar whet threw a whole in the pocket of his levies while running and wobbling in the rain on the sidewalk going home to his wife hoping all the long his wife does not catch him drunk at night in the house

  • @adventureislife7793
    @adventureislife7793 Жыл бұрын

    in1970 a alien smoked some pot and sat on the curb strip the coins he had been asked to bring back from the future after visiting universal studios and stealing the DeLorean and going back to 1896 the alien swore to never smoke again 😂👽👽that is how u found it

  • @SalmonKing52
    @SalmonKing52 Жыл бұрын

    That coin is in amazing condition. The definition on the stars are clear. It was obviously dropped by old Rick the Stick. You see Rick the stick was a gold miner. Like most gold miners of old he’d spend all summer in the mountains mining and saving up his gold. When the weather started getting cold he’d come into town and sell his gold at the bank. The banker would give him his take in silver coins. $1, $.50, and $.25. But Rick…he wouldn’t accept just any old coins that was worn down from years of circulation. Nope…he demanded shiny brand new coins and that’s what the banker gave him. Old Rick, like most miners of the day had his trusty steed and he placed his “haul” in his saddlebags and wandered down the street. He stopped at the local saloon, tied up his steed, grabbed his poke bag from his saddlebag, then went in and had a few drinks. As he left he stumbled, dropped his poke in the mud and spilled several coins. Thinking he found them all he went on his merry way unbeknownst that he’d missed a few. Over the years that old coin you now hold has been tromped on squished deeper and deeper into the ground until you found it. BTW…Rick the Stick would appreciate your honesty if you’d bring it back. You can find him buried at the old timers and founder’s cemetery. Just leave it on the headstone…you will be rewarded with bigger and better finds! 😉

  • @PreacherDigger
    @PreacherDigger Жыл бұрын

    Well, once upon a time in the wild West in 1869, Bobby Joe sure had an eye for Virgina Lou. The day he got paid at the sawmill, he decided he was going to ask Virginia Lou out for a date. Walking on the way home, he was trying to figure out when and where he was going to pop the question. That evening, he went over to Virginia Lou's home for supper as they were having chocolate ice cream for dessert. What they didn't know was Bobby Joe was lactose intolerant, but he was too afraid not to eat it. As the family all sat around after supper talking, Bobby Joe's tummy began to gurgle and growl like a bear in hibernation waking up and coming out. So he dismissed himself to the outhouse, but it was out of order. So he decided he'd run home down the street and come back before anyone would know. As he got on the sidewalk, he knew he wasn't going to make it and bagan to do the "poopy dance," but it was too late! He dropped his skivies beside the sidewalk and shouted, "Lord! have mercy on me. I'm dying!" At that time, the preacher was out for an evening stroll with his wife and asked if he was alright. Embarrassed, Bobby Joe yanked up his pants and made a run for it, leaving behind his shiney but soiled coin. Years later, it was found by the Relic Rangers. The End.

  • @BruceGordon925
    @BruceGordon925 Жыл бұрын

    That's "Half" a days' wages in that time frame I said with a "Half" hearted attempt to win.

  • @Crazy-bout-a-mercury
    @Crazy-bout-a-mercury Жыл бұрын

    Well it's a long story my great-great-grandfather was a miser I don't think that man ever threw away anyting. Cuz he said as long as he could have a use for it he would keep it. So he was walking into town one day because the buggy wheel had fell off and he had to get to town because he wanted to make another land purchased to the property right next door. So he put on his one Sunday Best outfit that he owned and proceeded to walk into town. As he passed by the neighbor's house he put his hand in his pocket and realize that that pocket had a hole in it. He had forgot to tell my great-great-grandmother that she needed to fix that pocket so as he headed on down and realize that hole was there he found out that he was dropping change as he went. Well he made a quick stop and pulled all the change out of his pocket to switch it to the other pocket and he wanted to count it and make sure everything was still there cuz he needed it to pay for the land filing. Lo and behold he had lost too much money and didn't have enough to pay the fees so we had to head back home and go talk to great-grandma the whole way looking to see if he could find what he dropped. Well it was a sad day for the family because that was all his earthly goods as somewhere along the way he lost the one 50-cent piece that would have give him enough money to do that paperwork. Later on that very afternoon the neighbor on the other side made it to town with his horse and buggy and he filed the paperwork and bought that property right out from underneath us. Grandpa was surely sad but grandma was sadder because she wanted to put a big garden over there. I promise you he never forgot to tell great-grandma again when she needed to do some mending.

  • @99ukfan
    @99ukfan Жыл бұрын

    HEADLINE Chinook Observer 1869: First coin, other than Washington Tax token, lost near Long Beach Sidewalk.

  • @wadekriske
    @wadekriske Жыл бұрын

    Did you happen to find a 3 merry widows tin near buy??🤗

  • @cohoman83
    @cohoman83 Жыл бұрын

    What part of Washington do you guys mainly hunt?. I just got into the hobby.. got a gold kruzer and a vanquish 540. I didn't think it would be as addicting as it is. Got my detector two-week ago and have been going almost daily. Can I also ask how hard is it to get permission? There's a few farmhouses here in Lowell that I want to poke around at.

  • @alancarmack7234
    @alancarmack7234 Жыл бұрын

    A man was in a house with a woman that was not his wife. His wife found out and busted the door down and dragged him outside to the sidewalk and her being very large commenced beating him up. After sitting on him. Then dragged him home by his feet an the coin fell out.

  • @lwfloors1
    @lwfloors1 Жыл бұрын

    Wife pulls the car over and kicks her husband out of the car……ping clink step. That’s how it got in the curb strip.

  • @mickeycecil3070
    @mickeycecil3070 Жыл бұрын

    There's a foot of snow on the ground, and now you want to borrow my pocket knife to do what? Great, now that you got that piece of meat out of your teeth, help me find the half dollar that I dropped.

  • @garyhuls3997
    @garyhuls3997 Жыл бұрын

    Does that coin have a mint mark?

  • @matthewsee8557
    @matthewsee8557 Жыл бұрын

    So Billy's mom told him to take this .50 and goto the local market to buy a leg off fresh butchered beef. On the way to the market Billy had put the .50 piece in his shoe for safe keeping. As he rounded the corner by old man Jones, Billy heard a snarl behind him. He turned to see old man Jones' Rottweiler with head low to the ground and a big toothy face growling at him. Without a second thought, Billy turned and ran as his life depended on it. He thought if he could just make it to the next block and in the door of the market he might survive. Unfortunately Billy was not fast enough, that Rottweiler gained ground quickly and grabbed Billy's shoe. Down Billy went with a thud. Billy turned over only to be met face to face with that nightmarish beast with Billy's shoe in his mouth. Billy jumped to his feet and ran as fast as he could into the market where he found refuge. Close on his heels was the growling dog with Billy' shoe. Billy could only watch from being the glass of the market as old man Jones' dog chewed his shoe to pieces along with swallowing that .50 that his mom gave him. Billy spent the next week poking ever pile of dog poop while hobbling around town with only one shoe on.

  • @x7mastermahan
    @x7mastermahan Жыл бұрын

    The year is 2021. Little Rosie is tired of the constant whine of “I’m never going to find a seated half”. Trip after trip, hole after seemingly endless hole…no seated half. The incessant whining continues. Not even investing thousands of dollars into top tier detecting equipment can produce that seated half. Determined to stop the whine, Little Rosie finds a “Time Machine” for sale on the local classifieds. One quick trip back in time and a planted seated half dollar later…the whining stops. Little did she know the new “noise” would be “now I need to find something capped…) Will the nightmare ever end!? Stay tuned to find out!

  • @recoveringtexas
    @recoveringtexas Жыл бұрын

    How in 1869 did a person lose a half dollar along the sidewalk? The future you somehow stumbled across a time machine, and so you went back in time remembering where all the places you detected when you were younger. You then began to plant awesome targets for yourself to find to create an epic youtube channel to become famous and retire, living solely off the residual income. Present you... discovers a half, and questions how does someone drop this on a side walk strip and not see it?. (Future you giggles) Meanwhile, everyone is coming up with the most obscure ridiculous reasons why it could be there. It will all be part of the perpetual time loop.

  • @garyhuls3997
    @garyhuls3997 Жыл бұрын

    A coin Matrix with a 1869 seated half dollar no motto coin. Minted in 1869, that year Ulysses S Grant was our 18th president, Baker Boyer Bank was built, transcontinental Rail Road gold spike was drove in to complete the east to west rail system. Washington was still a territory. This coin traveled by rail, Stage coach, from bank to business to customer for 27 years before resting in the Baker Boyer Bank in Walla Walla. 1889 Washington becomes a state. 1896, my story starts with Onscar Taylor, the oldest brother living in Walla Walla getting a telegram from younger brother Amos to visit him in a small town called Elma for a fall festival that will have a German brew master ( Leopold Schmidt , Olympia Beer Company )hosting his new pale ale. Onscar , a trapper fur trader/leather craftsman, who works for Hudson Bay Company accepts. Amos who works around Gray Harbor, Montesano, Elma area is a tree faller/grease monkey working on skid row lumber jack is excited to have his brother visit. Onscar went to Baker Boyer Bank and with drew 6 half dollars, one being a capped bust, one being a seated, 2 being seated no motto, and last one being a barber to travel to Elma with. He spent two half’s getting to his brother whom was camped in a cow pasture with other tent stalkers, wagon goers, festival lovers and a few of the 1896 Klondike gold prospectors. The brothers went to the fall festival, Onscar spent another 2 half’s on there entertainment for that day. The pavilion had the pale ale , two mugs worth for five cents, a v nickel, or a trine and two IHP. They enjoyed there time together, getting very drunk. Walking back to camp, they were boasting who was stronger, and tougher, and that led into a WWWF wrestling match like no other, creating quite the disturbance that a home owner opened his front door and yelled at them to stop and go home. Little did Onscar know that one of the last two half’s fell out of his watch pocket of his pants. They stopped, brushed off , laughed about them self’s and followed the sidewalk to camp. Next day he realized he was missing a half dollar, so they went back to apologize to the homeowner, and look for his money to no avail, because it was fall time and tons of leaves had fallen already onto the ground. For 126 years this coin has been entombed in the earth lying dormant until you and your metal detector pass over it with high tones. You cut your plug and unearth this piece of untold history, wanting us to give you the 911 skinny on it. Now you know. Take this coin and flip it heads it’s a true story tails. The story is lost for another tale to be told. The coin whisperer. Gary Huls
