Illuminare by Elaine Hagenberg - Johnson County Chorus

Illuminare by Elaine Hagenberg
Director: Dr. Sheri Cook-Cunningham
Collaborative Pianist: Susan Adams
Strings: Eric Williams, Sarah Wegner, Seth May-Patterson, Ho Anthony Ahn, Kassandra Ferrero
Fall 2023 Concert - Johnson County Chorus
1. Splendor
Saint Ambrose (340-397)
Splendor of God’s glory,
brings forth light from light,
Light of light, light’s living spring diem
Day, all days illuminates.
2. Caritas
Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179)
Love abounds in all,
From the depths, most excellent
To beyond the stars,
And loving towards all,
She has given the highest king
The kiss of peace.
3. Nox
Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy.
Aurelius Prudentius Clements (348-413)
Night and darkness and fog,
Confused world and turmoil.
Dark gloom tears the earth,
Beats and stabs the sun.
4. Munera pacis
Saint Gregory (540-604)
Behold, already night and shadows taper off
Light and dawn sparkle and quiver
We humbly beg the Lord through song
Our voices pray:
Though we are guilty, view us with compassion
Banish anguish, bestow health
Grant us everlasting goodness
Give us peace.
5. Illuminare his
Canticle of Zechariah (Luke 1: 68-79)
Illuminate those in darkness
And in the shadow of death are seated
Direct our footpath in the way of peace.
