IHSG Konsolidasi Sejenak, Pantau 4 Saham Ini, Ya! | Morning Meeting 2 Juli 2024

#ihsg #stockpicks #AKRA #ASII #ELSA #SMGR
3:20 Morning Meeting Highlight
5:22 Macro Update - June 2024 inflation updates: First half of 2024 inflation hits nine-month low by Karinska Salsabila Priyatno ( See Full Report: fima.co.id/research/analysis/... )
10:19 Indonesia Market Update by Kevin Suryajaya
13:57 Technical Analysis by Muhammad Nafan Aji, CTA
24:00 Market Commentary by Christopher Rusli
26:52 Live Q&A
full report :
The world is changing. The global trend and how we do our business need a new perspective. As the biggest securities company in Indonesia with the highest transaction value worth IDR 587.54 trillion and 8.12% market share per December 2022 (Based on IDX data), we aim to reach higher and bigger.
Our company should keep moving with innovations and contributions to our changing environment.
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Mirae Asset Sekuritas terdaftar dan diawasi oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK)

