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Пікірлер: 142

  • @Stevonicus
    @StevonicusАй бұрын

    Theodoro was my first nation in EU 4. I assumed it was like CK 2, where starting as a tiny realm was encouraged. Needless to say I was annexed by the Ottomans within about 30 years.

  • @Stigmezz


    Ай бұрын

    Skill issue bud

  • @joeMFG


    13 күн бұрын

    @@Stigmezz "first nation" you fkin nerd

  • @CaliRed1865
    @CaliRed1865Ай бұрын

    @32:00 laith is like an abused wife, asking Muscovy to stop drinking and save some money for the family. No matter how much Muscovy let's them down, they'll always go back to them. Poor Laith.

  • @sizanogreen9900


    Ай бұрын

    Can't wait for part 2 where Theodoro finally subjegates their abusive husband.

  • @idk_whatmynameis


    Ай бұрын

    This is literally what all of the live chat was saying 😭

  • @dripstein5068
    @dripstein5068Ай бұрын

    laith you gotta stop licking park benches you are ill in every video lmao

  • @Stigmezz


    Ай бұрын

    This is disrespectful

  • @dripstein5068


    Ай бұрын

    @@Stigmezz not my fault he keeps licking swingsets

  • @TheSocialStreamers


    Ай бұрын

    But they burn so good

  • @rinzzler366
    @rinzzler366Ай бұрын

    Ive noticed these sort of timelines happening much much more since the last update, venice usually blobs out and takes out the ottomans, timurids usually always blow up but then resurge like 150 years later and blob. Ming is ming. France is 50/50 now between exploding and blobbing. the timelines are always wack now.

  • @kristianbritton5435


    Ай бұрын

    It's starting to feel like hoi4 with historical focuses off

  • @Stigmezz


    Ай бұрын

    If you want everything so historically accurate go and read books not play videogames

  • @Stigmezz


    Ай бұрын

    Go reaf history books then

  • @rinzzler366


    Ай бұрын

    You are way to quick to be negative, I no where in my comment say I didn't like the way it is now. In fact it's quite the opposite. I love everything about it except how rich Venice gets. It's literally impossible to beat them in a war later on if they blob too much because they will hire literal 100's of thousands of mercs and continously hire more as they get wiped out. Had a war in the mid 1600s that last about 10 years before white peace where I chewed through almost 2 million Venice soldiers. I checked the ledger right before peacing out just curious and they still had over 300000 ducats.

  • @Stigmezz


    Ай бұрын

    @@rinzzler366 listen don't tell me what to do I will get negative if I want to

  • @hicham2594
    @hicham2594Ай бұрын

    You have no idea how much we need a part.2.

  • @henryglennon3864
    @henryglennon3864Ай бұрын

    The nation of Theodoro has a lot in common with Laith, and indeed the late music overlord, Prince. They're all funky, little, purple guys. They all like to grow out curly hair, and whispy, almost non-existent mustaches; and they all have annoyed Tipper Gore in the past. Prince, when his song "Darling Nikki" was the impetus for her to create the Parental Advisory sticker. Theodoro, when Tipper followed Al Gore to a conference in Ukraine, just after the collapse of the USSR, and Boris Yeltzin drunkenly hit on her. Finally, Laith, when she happened to tune in to one of his EU4 livestreams, and was appalled when Laith stood up from his gamer chair, and wasn't wearing anything below the waist.

  • @Bern_il_Cinq


    Ай бұрын

    He's definitely channeling a sweaty, strung-out Prince with this one

  • @Stigmezz


    Ай бұрын

    Chat gpt indian

  • @hakonaae9636


    Ай бұрын


  • @ojr__9872
    @ojr__9872Ай бұрын

    No way it’s been 2 years since that Theodoro campaign?!? What? Time is going too fast

  • @Stigmezz


    Ай бұрын

    Fr i finished primary school 2 years ago

  • @sizanogreen9900
    @sizanogreen9900Ай бұрын

    Haha, oh boy that one was quite a ride, I wonder how it will feel as a video. It certainly is a long boy.

  • @IronWolf123
    @IronWolf123Ай бұрын

    Laith's Theodoro compared to Zlewikk's Theodoro is a huge comparison.

  • @RudeEnglishman


    Ай бұрын

    One is fun to watch, the other is actually good at the game 😂

  • @derdummkopf5337
    @derdummkopf5337Ай бұрын

    I like how he tries to justify the cheesing of the game. My man you earned the whole damn cow

  • @IoanCenturion
    @IoanCenturionАй бұрын

    Laith I'm pretty sure they said Muscovy can now form Russia as a subject so they can get their frontiers, so PU'ing them now is safe.

  • @eXistenZ15
    @eXistenZ15Ай бұрын

    Laith crawling back to muscovy like an abused ex

  • @darkonum
    @darkonumАй бұрын

    You gotta respect laith for keeping the branding coherent. He's social AND he's streaming. Incredible.

  • @maxgradwohl5868
    @maxgradwohl5868Ай бұрын

    Hello Mr Laith I have been watching your videos for a very long time you are very good at the map game. Sometimes when you post video my heart skips a beat. Thank you for consistently putting out great videos you deserve the 200k subs you're about to hit!!! Loved watching channel grow

  • @name12321eman
    @name12321emanАй бұрын

    “Now we pray, now we push” goes so hard

  • @thepopeofpineapples6275
    @thepopeofpineapples6275Ай бұрын

    Real OGs remember the original series, but they also remember that PDX made a game called march of the eagles. Day 17 (2 weeks and 3 days) of asking you to play it.

  • @Schwizinberg
    @SchwizinbergАй бұрын

    I've never seen ottomans reach for crimea so early into the game 😂

  • @viniciusyugulis7278


    Ай бұрын

    "But the AI totally doesn't target the player"

  • @Stigmezz


    Ай бұрын

    It doesnt stop spreading misinformation

  • @tarunyadav3567


    Ай бұрын

    Byz? Karaman? Albania? What are those we are going on a pontic adventure

  • @connorh2215


    Ай бұрын

    For me they always immediately rush down Georgia

  • @cod4ltt1213
    @cod4ltt1213Ай бұрын

    Get here 39 seconds after drop :) super excited to see this playthru

  • @SereglothIV
    @SereglothIVАй бұрын

    Amazing what Theodoro can achieve once it unlocks lathe

  • @slinky6481
    @slinky648126 күн бұрын

    It's funny how being massively in debt never seems to deter my allies from calling ME into a war!

  • @OrlovKruskayev
    @OrlovKruskayevАй бұрын

    That muscovy ally was golden

  • @SquirrelMaestro
    @SquirrelMaestroАй бұрын

    My beloved

  • @SixJayy
    @SixJayyАй бұрын

    Is there ever a moment when you’re not ‘horrendously ill’?

  • @Sunprince7
    @Sunprince7Ай бұрын

    I haven't played the new patch or Theodoro, but my instincts tell me you need to speedrun mil tech 4, go ham on the forcelimit and punch Crimea in the face ASAP to not be eaten. Consolidate, find better allies, rinse and repeat in the direction you feel the weakest. And unless special circumstances - do not go into Commonwealth until you established Muscovy as PU. Also, when Laith was not bordering GH, that was a best CB opportunity if I ever saw one.

  • @mikatjoe483
    @mikatjoe483Ай бұрын

    This was so fun can't wait for the next one. The video was so long really fun

  • @Alphabetical-Soup
    @Alphabetical-SoupАй бұрын

    You deserve 200k subs so bad man. Great video even while sick 😂

  • @alessioallegretti68
    @alessioallegretti68Ай бұрын


  • @MyroslavKuzmich
    @MyroslavKuzmichАй бұрын

    Moscovy roleplaying, poggers

  • @korfalcon1363
    @korfalcon1363Ай бұрын

    I don't have access to the members only videos but every time I see "liasing with laith" I die slightly inside because of the missing i

  • @khan_k
    @khan_kАй бұрын

    Muscovy declaring offensive wars while maintaining a massive debt... never fails.

  • @benjaminhaines6565
    @benjaminhaines6565Ай бұрын

    The true Goth gamer nation

  • @arlekinUwU
    @arlekinUwUАй бұрын

    Ah the Great theodoro, strongest eastern European empire

  • @nord76231
    @nord76231Ай бұрын

    I find it funny that Danish Russia is just casually chilling there, before Russia have even been formed.

  • @MPLoura
    @MPLouraАй бұрын

    The hair is starting to take over.

  • @Nconstruct
    @NconstructАй бұрын

    we demand part 2

  • @guyknack
    @guyknackАй бұрын

    Some of the best eu4 I've seen

  • @connorh2215
    @connorh2215Ай бұрын

    22:36 that happened to me in my Hussite Bohemia run, really annoying

  • @thelionofnorth1053
    @thelionofnorth1053Ай бұрын

    just a thousand away to 200k

  • @piotrk1432
    @piotrk1432Ай бұрын

    Great watch

  • @wiel5908
    @wiel5908Ай бұрын

    >goth nation >no goth gf

  • @XaleanderS
    @XaleanderSАй бұрын

    You literally said "I wanna play Gothic... In the real way!"

  • @thekorv95
    @thekorv95Ай бұрын

    Peak content! ❤

  • @GothBoiCliiqz
    @GothBoiCliiqzАй бұрын

    Laith could’ve went Offensive + Innovative

  • @combrade-t
    @combrade-tАй бұрын

    58:43 Honestly I think economic could've been the play here. Deceptively good for economy and pretty sure its got good policies. Also, recovering from deathwars is nicer since paying back loans reduces inflation if I recall, whilst interest is less. It's a nice QOL idea group. Also 100% should have converted religion with muscovy being muscovy. AI does kinda care, and can get bonuses to people in your religion liking you. Muslim I think converting gives them Opinion of you, so easier to snag mamlukes and or persia.

  • @goldrumble5736
    @goldrumble5736Ай бұрын

    Part 2 when?

  • @lapisdragon1237
    @lapisdragon1237Ай бұрын

    honestly, why wait to play it? Why wait to play a Fire Emblem Game? You know they're good. You know it'll make me hapy. And learn how to spell. Do it. Day 209.

  • @dacoolad


    Ай бұрын

    It'd make me hapy too

  • @metaclownfish5921


    Ай бұрын

    Yeah Laith, do it.

  • @Stigmezz


    Ай бұрын

    No that game sucks this is a strategy game channel if you want him to play it then pay up for all the potential lost revenue

  • @Brat2513


    Ай бұрын

    To be fair after fire emblem became a dating sim it stopped being great

  • @Infinitystar225


    Ай бұрын

    ​@Brat2513 they aren't dating sims and they're still great.

  • @LordFuzzyBuddy
    @LordFuzzyBuddyАй бұрын

    Your suffering is appreciated

  • @idk_whatmynameis
    @idk_whatmynameisАй бұрын

    Let's keep the Gothic dream alive boys 💪💪💪

  • @calebsutton6798
    @calebsutton6798Ай бұрын

    Do Theodoro world conquest if possible or another opm to world conquest

  • @temka088
    @temka088Ай бұрын

    so what does theodoro mean?

  • @Mole_Hole
    @Mole_HoleАй бұрын

    Research the laith

  • @lecowacawaca
    @lecowacawacaАй бұрын

    I just Gothia got some decent ideas and didn’t lose their cool theodoro sprites

  • @TheLilDhimself
    @TheLilDhimselfАй бұрын

    Drop another calderia video!

  • @hoteyz11
    @hoteyz11Ай бұрын

    laith instead of getting me all dlcs, how bout you just get me the starter pack

  • @igorg1343
    @igorg1343Ай бұрын

    Please, mak the next part

  • @Gamereal6286
    @Gamereal6286Ай бұрын

    It was fun seeing Laith getting attacked by literally everyone in existance and winning that...somehow. I still have no idea how this worked, but I guess its just skill. You could also forget Muscovy, as they just declined to help you like 3 times? It's not Theodoros problem when they are damn poor. When Kazan started to delete them, it was karma. Such an abusive husband. But I still wonder if you can form Germany with them, since you're germanic. Oh well, we will see that next time I guess. See ya 😉

  • @DarthHippygaming
    @DarthHippygamingАй бұрын

    seemed like RNG was stream sniping.

  • @gaspardfrileux1816
    @gaspardfrileux1816Ай бұрын

    14 s 2 views Laith didn’t fell off 💪🏻

  • @Piratejoe44
    @Piratejoe44Ай бұрын

    Day 251 of asking for an Oranje Free State Playthrough of Vicky 3.

  • @Mr_Godmode
    @Mr_GodmodeАй бұрын

    The start is so sad

  • @ortherner
    @orthernerАй бұрын

    have you considered a haircut?

  • @adrianofeixa5026
    @adrianofeixa5026Ай бұрын

    Abosorv all The puppents please big Teodoro

  • @oliverthomas-couch
    @oliverthomas-couchАй бұрын

    My first winds of change game venice also took all of the byzantines and really cucked the ottomans

  • @Cyber-Gigachad
    @Cyber-GigachadАй бұрын

    It's still quite odd that gothic is considered greek, but here we are.

  • @sizanogreen9900


    Ай бұрын

    I think the reasoning is that by the point of 1444 they has lived for many centuries under greek influence and thus could be considered more greek than germanic. Tho I still remember back when they were part of the germanic culture group which I personally preferred. I mean they are *GOTHS* for christs sake. Being greek just doesn't fit their image.

  • @CIII874


    Ай бұрын

    A mission changes them to German culture group from a decision you get the option to either “reform Byzantium” or “embrace gothic roots” which changes gothic to German culture group

  • @wiel5908


    Ай бұрын

    @@sizanogreen9900 yeah, i remember something about their language surviving until 1700s which means that at least in language some were gothic, maybe religiously and other cultural aspects they were greekfied but idk

  • @envy438


    Ай бұрын

    ​@@sizanogreen9900 , There is actually not much sense for goths to be germanic. The game separates Nordic and even English in there own culture groups, so, ideally, goths shoud be in there own very small eastern germanic group. Making them germans also makes other germans desire southern part of Crimea, which totally doesn't make sense neither historically nor gameplay-wise.

  • @sebe2255


    Ай бұрын

    @@sizanogreen9900 The Germanic culture in the game wouldn’t include goths anyway, as it basically represents just the medieval Germans, or West Germanic people.

  • @trevor8726
    @trevor8726Ай бұрын

    the russians have to be one of the worst allies in the game

  • @Infinitystar225


    Ай бұрын

    Every time I ally them, they are too in debt to do anything.

  • @Necromediancer
    @NecromediancerАй бұрын

    Man this playthrough made ME mad, it's ridiculous how hard the ai focuses on the player no matter what.

  • @kakkakapwppwow
    @kakkakapwppwowАй бұрын

    Honestly after this game you need to get some rest, go play another game thats not a paradox game to chill like fire emblem three houses

  • @cassardisygo150
    @cassardisygo150Ай бұрын

    Please play Fire Emblem!

  • @OliveVODS
    @OliveVODSАй бұрын

    it should be a crime to be this early

  • @johnconnor8206
    @johnconnor8206Ай бұрын

    Day 14 of asking you to play Victoria 2 semi regulary.

  • @wyvernscale9634
    @wyvernscale9634Ай бұрын

    Day 6 of lying about how many days I've said this im also so consistent

  • @picoroja
    @picorojaАй бұрын

    Christ is Lord ☦️

  • @Stigmezz
    @StigmezzАй бұрын

    Warms my heart not seeing big russia Slava Ukraine

  • @vitalik228...


    Ай бұрын

    You've been under every comment about Russia on this video. Like, chill out, it's just a game

  • @Stigmezz


    Ай бұрын

    @@vitalik228... What's wrong Ivan?

  • @Zbawienie_com
    @Zbawienie_comАй бұрын

    I want the old haircut
