I Survived The Rebecca Ocean For 24 Hours! - Survival Craft Demo Movie | Part 1

The Rebecca Ocean Is The Largest And Most Dangerous Ocean Ever Existed In My Game! It Was Located At Cow Alaska At The Cowmilo Moortililnillon Jr. It Has So Many Barracudas And There Are 3 Islands In The Rebecca Island Well To Travel The Rebecca Ocean Use A Airplane To Visit Cowmilo Moortililnillon Jr. It Takes 10 Hours And 53 Minutes To Go There And Find Cow Alaska And Go Find The Rebecca Ocean It Takes 2 Days To Go There With A Airplane! Cow Alaska Has A Rebecca Ocean Airplane To Go To The Rebecca Ocean But If You Use Ships To Go To Cowmilo Moortililnillon Jr. It Will Take 6.75 Weeks To Go There! Arriving At Cow Alaska To The Rebecca Ocean With A Ship Takes 2.2 Months To Go There But If You Go To The Rebecca Ocean It Will Take 6.3 Months And 20 Minutes To Go There With A Ship!

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  • @MuqtadirCow
    @MuqtadirCow16 күн бұрын

    That's too long to go there