I had a little pony - Kids Learning English Language poetry with interactive Poem recitations

I had a little pony
I had a little pony
His name was Dapple Gray
I lent him to a lady,
To ride a mile away.
She whipped him, she lashed him
She rode him through the mire,
I would not lend my pony now,
For all the lady’s hire
Fun Pony Facts for Kids
Ponies are small horses.
Ponies have thicker manes and tails than horses.
They also have proportionally shorter legs, thicker necks, and shorter heads.
Well-trained ponies are good for children while they are learning to ride.
As well as for riding, ponies are used in driving and working roles.
Poems can paint a picture in our minds. They can also make us feel a certain way. Poetry was originally recited, or spoken aloud, to an audience. There are many different types of poetry, and the earliest, called epic poems, date back thousands of years.
Reading poetry helps children with voice, pitch, volume, and inflection. While these are mainly functions of speech, they're also incredibly important for children learning to read. Poetry can teach young readers about speech patterns, which can give them cues to the words on a page., Poetry encourages kids to play with language and words. When reading poetry, they hear how words can be moved and stretched to rhyme, and when they write poetry, they're doing the same! 4. Poetry helps emerging readers
Why do children enjoy poems?
Through rhymes and poems, children understand that there are words which are similar in sound but with different meanings. They learn what a pattern is, and become capable of recognizing patterns. They understand, through patterns, what a sequence is.
Both writing and reading poetry, through their expression of feelings and words have highly therapeutic effects on the mind. The structure of a poem favours brevity yet the best poems also capture succinct detail, making them incredibly powerful in getting a message across to the reader.
It helps children understand their emotions
Poetry supports the development of children's emotional literacy. They can learn to manage and reflect on their emotions, feelings, and behavior through drawing on experiences they hear about in poems shared.

