I en katolsk kyrka

Фильм және анимация

Пікірлер: 32

  • @suzanasaloma7356
    @suzanasaloma73565 жыл бұрын

    Isuse Kriste ja vjerujem da si sada ovdje. Molim te blagoslovi mene, ovo mjesto, ovaj dom i ovaj prostor. Svojom presvetom krvlju operi me od svih grijeha, i zazivam Tvoju presvetu Krv kao zaštitu na sebe (i svoju obitelj). Prelij me od vrha glave do tabana mojih nogu da budem potpuno zaštićen od sotone i svakoga zla što od njega dolazi. Isuse čuvaj me danas (večeras) od zloga, napasti, sotonskih napada i iskušenja, straha od tame i straha od ljudi, mučnina, bolesti, srdžbe i svega onoga što nije tvoje Kraljevstvo. Molim te Isuse ukloni od mene sve što mi stoji na putu do Tebe. Isuse ti si me pozvao u svoju službu, molim te Isuse osposobi me za molitvu, oslobodi me od straha i ispuni me darovima i plodovima svoga Svetoga Duha, daj mi dar mudrosti, znanja, spoznaje, vjere, razlučivanje duhova, da živim i djelujem u milosti i u tvojoj prisutnosti, da ispunjam tvoju volju i da se preko mene proslaviš. Upotrijebi me da po meni budeš upoznat, čašćen i voljen od svih ljudi, a posebno onih koje si mi dao da ih dovedem k tebi. Gospodine Bože dotakni svako srce koji si mi povjerio, neka Duh Sveti preko mene dotakne svaku dušu koju si mi povjerio i oslobodi je od svega onoga što je priječi da bude potpuno tvoja i slobodna za tebe. Ja svoju nadu polažem u Presveto Trojstvo i vjerujem da me nikada neće ostaviti! Slava Bogu Ocu, slava Bogu Sinu, slava Bogu Duhu Svetom! Kako bijaše na početku, …..

  • @potatocutter572


    5 жыл бұрын

    what ever susan, U are crazy. i can not understand a word of what you are saying

  • @liselottefrejdig1112
    @liselottefrejdig11123 жыл бұрын

    Önskar att jag hade haft en lika bra vägledning när jag kom till kyrkan en gång i tiden. Jag kom underfund med allt under resans gång. Så till slut var jag mogen att bli katolik 8/9 (Maria födelsedag) 1983.. Pax et Bonum

  • @quirkycore
    @quirkycore5 жыл бұрын

    Lärorik och bra video, tack

  • @suzanasaloma7356
    @suzanasaloma73565 жыл бұрын

    Beten Heisst : Den Blick fest auf das Kreuz Jesu Christi richten , an dem alle Wiederstädne des Feindes bereits besiegt sind . Praying means: The view of the cross of Jesus Christ, where all the enemy's enemies are already defeated.

  • @lamm22
    @lamm225 жыл бұрын

    Orginalet av Öja madonnan finns på Gotlandsmuseum i Visby. I Öja kyrka finns det en kopia av den

  • @suzanasaloma7356
    @suzanasaloma73565 жыл бұрын

    "Človek, ki se iskreno odziva na Božjo dobroto in prizna vse, kar je prejel, ne more biti mlačen Kristjan, resnična hvaležnost in hinavščina ne moreta obstajati skupaj,ker sta popolnoma nezdružljivi. Hvaležnost. nas same po sebi dela iskrene- oziroma če to ne dela, potem ni resnična hvaležnost. "Thomas Merton, razmišljajte v samoti " a man who responds honestly to God's goodness and admits everything he has received cannot be a lukewarm Christian, true gratitude and hypocrisy cannot exist together because They're completely incompatible. Gratitude. We do our own honest, or if it doesn't work, then it's not true gratitude. " Thomas Merton, think in solitude

  • @charlottasayadkhanian4323
    @charlottasayadkhanian432310 ай бұрын

    Så fint ni har placerat den Heliga modern Maria jämte Jesus på korset.

  • @TheJohanIII
    @TheJohanIII Жыл бұрын

    Jag är inte själv religös.Men dina videor är väldigt intressanta och du förklarar så man förstår.Och du är inte märkvärdig eller en diva.Du är en bra människa, så som alla borde vara.Ha dé.

  • @paulthiago9428
    @paulthiago94287 жыл бұрын

    sign please the petition to pope francis and -ask all your friends to sign itErrors about true marriage and family are widespread today in Catholic circles, particularly after the Extraordinary and Ordinary Synods on the family and the publication of Amoris Laetitia. In the face of this reality, this Declaration expresses the resolve of its signatories to remain faithful to the Church’s unchangeable teachings on morals and on the Sacraments of Marriage, Reconciliation and the Eucharist, and to Her timeless and enduring discipline regarding those sacraments. In particular, the Declaration of Fidelity firmly reiterate that: I. Regarding chastity, marriage and the rights of parents All forms of cohabitation more uxorio outside of a valid marriage gravely contradict the will of God; Marriage and the conjugal act have both procreative and unitive purposes and that each and every conjugal act must be open to the gift of life; So-called sex-education is a basic and primary right of parents which must always be carried out under their attentive in www.filialappeal.org

  • @suzanasaloma7356
    @suzanasaloma73565 жыл бұрын

    Martina Grajzar shared her post to the group: Jezus te ljubi ♥Jesus loves you. 2 hrs · ‎Martina Grajzar‎ to ZBIRKA MOLITEV Yesterday at 8:25 PM Papež: Priznati da smo grešniki je prvi korak , da spoznamo Jezusa Kristusa Drugi korak je razmišljanje, molitev, s katero prosimo, da bi spoznali Jezusa Kdo je za vas Jezus Kristus ? je danes zjutraj vprašal papež Frančišek med mašo v domu svete Mare v Vatikanu. Če nas kdo vpraša:" Kdo je Jezus Kristus," bomo rekli, kot smo se naučili, da je Odrešenik sveta, Sin nebeškega Očeta, in da je vse to , kar kar izpovemo v Veri . Vendar pa je težko odgovoriti na vprašanje "Kdo je Jezus Kristus za mene" - je dejal papež in opazil - To je vprašanje, ki nas malo zmede, da bi odgovorili, moramo vstopiti v svoje srce, to je, začeti iz izkušenj. Namreč, Sv. Pavel je občutil nemir v sebi, ker mora prenesti drugim kako je Jezusa Kristusa spoznal preko izkušnje ko je padel s konja in mu je Gospod govoril v srcu- je spomnil sveti Oče in nadaljeval- Ni spoznal Kristusa s študijem teologije, čeprav je kasneje šel gledati, kako je Jezus razkrit v pismih. Kar je Pavel slišal, hoče, da slišimo tudi mi kristjani. Na vprašanje, ki bi ga lahko postavili Pavlu, "Kdo je za tebe Kristus?«, bi odgovoril na podlagi svojih izkušenj: "Tisti, ki me je ljubil in ki se je predal za menel" - je dejal papež Frančišek in dodal - No,on je zedinjen s Kristusom, ki je plačal zanj. Pavel želi da kristjani, v tem primeru kristjani v Efezu, doživijo enako izkušnjo, tako da bi vsi lahko rekli: "On me je ljubil in se je predal za mene", vendar je to treba povedati na podlagi lastnih izkušenj. Prvo branje v današnjem bogoslužju, namreč, odlomek iz pisma svetega Pavla Efežanom (Ef 3,14 do 21), v katerem pravi apostol, " da se po veri v vaših srcih naseli Kristus in boste mogli, ukoreninjeni in utrjeni v ljubezni, z vsemi svetimi razumeti, kakšna je širokost in dolgost in visočina in globočina ter spoznati vse spoznanje presegajočo Kristusovo ljubezen, da se boste spopolnili do vse polnosti Božje. "- ki jih je navedel Papež in poudaril, - da bi prišli do izkušnje Jezusa kakršno je imel Pavel nam pomaga pogosto ponavljanje besed Vere, vendar boljši način je, da se prepoznamo grešnike; to je prvi korak. V bistvu, ko je Pavel dejal, da se je Jezus predal za njega , je želel povedati, da je plačal za njega, ter je o tem pripovedoval v svojih pismih - je dejal Sveti oče in opozoril, - sebe je prvega opisal kot grešnika, ki je preganjal kristjane in izhaja prav iz tega, da je bil izbran za ljubezen, ampak kot grešnik. Prvi korak, da spoznate Kristusa, da vstopite v to skrivnost, je spoznavanje lastnih grehov. Potem, v zakramentu sprave povemo naše grehe, ena stvar je povedati grehe, in druga je, da prepoznati se za grešnika po naravi in sposobni storiti karkoli in prepoznati svojo nečistost - je dejal papež Frančišek in opozoril - Sveti Pavel je imel to izkušnjo lastne bede katera mora biti odkupljena, za katero mora nekdo plačati pravico, da lahko reče " jaz sem Božji Sin". kar smo mi vsi, toda govoriti in slišati to, je bila potrebna Kristusova žrtev. Torej je treba konkretno se priznati grešnika, sramovati se samih sebe. Drugi korak je kontemplacija ( premišljevanje), molitev, v kateri želimo spoznati Jezusa - je dejal papež in dodal, - Obstaja lepa molitev svetnika: Gospod, da Te spoznam in da se sponam! To je molitev da spoznamo Jezusa in sami sebe. Gre za odrešitev. Ne smemo biti zadovoljni z nekaj drobnih besed o Jezusu, saj je spoznavanje Jezusa avantura, ampak resna, ne otroška avantura, ker je ljubezen Jezusova neomejena. Pavel je rekel: »Tisti, ki z močjo v našem delu, lahko naredi veliko več, kot da bi molili ali si zamislili.« Ima moč, da to stori, - je dejal Sveti oče in opozoril - a ga moramo prositi. Gospod,dopusti da Te spoznavamo; da ko govorimo o Tebi, ne ne bomo govorili kakor papige, ampak da povemo tisto kar smo izkusili. Kakor je Pavel rekel , "ljubil me je in se predal za mene", moramo moliti, da lahko to rečemo, s prepričanjem - je dejal papež Frančišek in poudaril - to je naša moč in pričevanje. Obstaja veliko kristjanov, ki so v besedah močni in pogosto smo tudi mi takšni. To ni svetost. Svetost je, biti kristjan, ki dela tisto, kar je Jezus učil in posejal v naše srce. Na koncu je papež ponovil dva koraka, potrebna za spoznavanje Jezusa Kristusa. Prvi korak je spoznati sebe, priznati, da smo grešniki. Brez tega spoznanja in tega notranjega priznanja, da smo grešniki, ne moremo napredovati. Drugi korak je molitev k Bogu, da nam s svojo močjo pomaga spoznati skrivnost Jezusa, ki je ogenj, ki ga je prinesel na zemljo . To bo lepa navada , če bomo lahko rekli vsak dan v vsakem trenutku: Gospod, pomagaj mi, da Te spoznam in, da se spoznam. Tako se napreduje! - je zaključil Sveti oče. / prevedla iz hr. jezika/ Pope: admit that we are sinners is the first step to meet Jesus Christ The second step is thinking, prayer, with which we ask to meet Jesus Who is for you Jesus Christ? Was asked this morning by Pope Francis during the mass at the home of saint mare in the Vatican. If anyone asks us :" who is Jesus Christ," we will say as we have learned that he is the Savior of the world, the son of Heavenly Father, and that all of what we are saying in faith. However, it is difficult to answer the question of "who is Jesus Christ for me" - said the Pope and noticed - it is a question that makes us a little confused to answer, we have to enter our heart, that is, start from experience. Because, st. Pavel felt a disturbance in himself because he has to pass on to others how Jesus Christ met through experience when he fell off his horse and the Lord spoke to him in his heart-he reminded the holy father and continued-he didn't meet Christ with studying theology even though he later went to watch How Jesus is revealed in letters. What Pavel heard, he wants us to hear the Christians too. To the question we could put to Pavel, " who is for you Christ?", would answer based on his experience: " the one who loved me and who surrendered for menel " - said Pope Francis and added - well He's United with Christ who paid for him. Pavel wants Christians, in this case Christians in son, experience the same experience, so that everyone can say, "he loved me and gave himself up for me", but it has to be said on the basis of his own experience. First reading in today's service, namely, a passage from the letter of st Paul Ephesians (EF 3,14 to 21), in which the apostle says, " that after faith in your hearts, Christ is settled and you will be able, rooted and hardened in love, with All the holy people understand what it is to be širokost and dolgost and visočina and globočina and to meet all the knowledge of the awakening of Christ's love, that you will meet all the fullness of God "- Which was stated by the Pope and pointed out - to get to the experience of Jesus as Paul has helped us often repeat the words of faith, but a better way is to recognise sinners; this is the first step. In fact, when Paul said that Jesus surrendered for him, he wanted to say that he paid for him, and he was telling about it in his letters - said holy father and warned, - he described himself as a sinner, Who chased Christians, and it comes from being chosen for love, but as a sinner. The first step to meet Christ to enter this secret is to meet your own sins. Then, in the sacrament of reconciliation, we tell our sins, one thing is to say sins, and the second is to recognize for a sinner by nature and capable of doing anything and recognize his impurity - said Pope Francis and warnings - saint Paul had this experience of his own misery Which has to be bought for which someone has to pay the right to say "I am the son of God". which we all are, but to speak and hear this, it was necessary for Christ's sacrifice. So it is necessary to acknowledge the sinner, to be ashamed of himself. The second step is kontemplacija (thinking), prayer in which we want to meet Jesus - said the Pope and added, - there is a beautiful prayer of the saint: Lord to meet you and to sponam! It's a prayer to meet Jesus and ourselves. It's about redemption. We must not be happy with a few tiny words about Jesus, because the meeting of Jesus is an adventure, but serious, not a children's adventure, because the love of Jesus is unlimited. Pavel said, " the one who with power in our work can do much more than to pray or imagine." he has the power to do it, - he said holy father and warned - but we have to ask him. Sir, let us meet you; that when we talk about you, we will not speak like parrots, but to say what we have experienced. As Paul said, "he loved me and surrendered for me", we must pray that we can say this, with conviction - said Pope Francis and stressed - that is our strength and testimony. There are many Christians who are strong in words and often we are like this. It's not holiness. It is holiness, to be a Christian who does what Jesus taught and sow into our heart. In the end, the pope repeated two steps needed to meet Jesus Christ. The first step is to meet yourself, to admit that we are sinners. Without this knowledge and this internal recognition that we are sinners, we cannot advance. The second step is prayer to God to help us to meet the secret of Jesus, which is the fire he brought to earth. It will be a beautiful habit if we can say every day at every moment: Sir, help me meet you and to meet you. That's how it's going! - the holy father finished.

  • @Kavve123


    5 жыл бұрын

    Varför kommenterar du 100 gånger på samma videoklipp? dessutom inte ens på svenska.. Riktigt dryg
