I Don't... Just WOW! Marisa vs Flandre, Touhou 3D Reaction!

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Пікірлер: 47

  • @azurill_sun
    @azurill_sun Жыл бұрын

    "How does one attempt to dodge all of this" as someone that attempted Flandre the other day and died six spells in, you just do

  • @chainsofscarlet9054


    Жыл бұрын

    Keep trying and you'll eventually get it... It worked for me.

  • @Regolant1


    Жыл бұрын

    My exact reaction lmfao

  • @user-hu6nr6ic2o
    @user-hu6nr6ic2o Жыл бұрын

    4:28 The creators of Undertale are fans of the Touhou Project.

  • @yogsothoth915
    @yogsothoth915 Жыл бұрын

    Flandre is the only extra stage I've actually beaten, so im going to indirectly brag by labeling all the Spellcards......unfortunately my OCD will probably make this list overly thorough..... I guess I'll summarize the story afterwards as well. 1:05 1st nonSpell 1:25 Spellcard, Taboo: Cranberry Trap (This one is annoying) 2:05 2nd nonSpell 2:10 Spellcard, Taboo: Lävatein (A fire sword used by Loki from Norse myth, its also said to be a wand) 2:45 [a nice little reference] Marisa uses Masterspark, it hits but Flandre is immune to bombs/Spellcards so she turns into a swarm of bats and reappears at ..... 2:55 Then that same moment hits her 3rd nonSpell 3:00 Spellcard, Taboo: Four of a Kind 3:24 [another nice reference] Flandre's clones, unlike her, are not immune to bombs/Spellcards, so Marisa players in particular like to bomb them. 4:00 Spellcard, Taboo: Kagome, Kagome (A vaguely creepy old Japanese game that children play) 4:33 Spellcard, Taboo: Maze of Love (btw, This maze, spins, reverses directions, and has a ring of spreadshots slowly catching up around the circle chasing Marisa through the maze, which is a hell to dodge, sure. But what's really amazing is that Minus-T actually animated ALL of that stuff in a way it can actually be comprehended from a 3d perspective) 4:55 Flandre reverses directions on Maze Of Love 5:10 Marisa gives chase, shooting some magic missiles and illusion lasers, 5:15 Flandre tries to shoot back with her 6th NonSpell 5:30 Spellcard, Forbidden Barrage: Starbow Break 6:05 cool explosion 7:05 looks like here Marisa switches from "playing" with Flandre because Flandre didn't give her a choice, to actually, genuinely playing with the dangerous adorable, unstable, destructo child. 7:20 Spellcard, Forbidden Barrage: Catadioptric (A word meaning something about light refraction and reflection ) 7:45 Final NonSpell 7:50 Spellcard, Forbidden Barrage: The Clock that Ticks Away The Past 8:17 Flandre vanishes the Spellcard, Secret Barrage: "And Then There Will Be None?" Begins its first phase (This is both a reference to the Agatha Christie Mystery and a rather disturbing childhood poem about about 10 little soldiers boys, ) 8:45 "And Then There Will Be None?" Begins its last phase 9:10 "And Then There Will Be None?" Ends, Flandre reappears. 9:15 Flandre tries to begin her final Spellcard but Marisa hits a Masterspark first. (This is another reference] Before Flandre's final attack is actually the only time she can be hit by a bomb/Spellcard) 9:35 after recovering from Marisa's attack Flandre Begins her final Spellcard, Q.E.D: Ripples of 495 Years. 10:15 Marisa finishes off Flandre's final spell Guess I can explain the story now. (](]I'll start with the basics the most important explanation for all these fights [)[) Probably the most important concept in Touhou from these games is called "the Spellcard rules" As weird as it might seem the bullet hell in Touhou is mostly canonical in game. In Touhou there is a set of rules for fighting each other and settling disputes because everyone is so freaking powerful. The rules basically mean you cannot attack each other directly, (As an example, for Flandre directly attacking with her power would literally just be Flandre looking at Marisa and making her explode into atoms) So for that reason instead they engage in Spellcard Battles , where they are required to make patterns called Spellcards that are both intricate patterns and "technically" not entirely unavoidable. That's because if they were unavoidable that would just be the same as a shootout and end with mutually assured destruction. They are still firing live rounds though. Spellcard battles is how people ultimately decide everything in Touhou, because even if a character is planning to destroy the world they Still need to fight following the Spellcard Rules because otherwise everyone would start using their crazy powers on each other directly and they'd never get to finish their evil plans anyway. It reminded me of Yu-Gi-Oh the first time it was described to me actually. Everyone plays this one dangerous game both for fun and to determine most everything and all usually end up on more or less friendly terms after the duel. As to how this battle started in particular (](] Here's where this particular story starts[)[) Flandre is Remilia's (the bat girl from the first video) little sister Flandre has been more or less kept in the basement for 495 years, the reason is Flandre has the power to destroy absolutely anything, and thats made worse by the fact that she's kinda crazy and unstable. [She can technically get out but is kept in check by a Magician(Patchouli) and clever use of the rule "vampires cannot cross running water" ] Anyway, Flandre overhears her Sister fighting Reimu upstairs and gets jealous and irritated, so she starts to go crazy to get people to come to her. So the aforementioned Magician(Patchouli) starts to make it rain to stop Flandre Unfortunately the Magician(Patchouli) accidentally traps Remilia outside since shes also a Vampire. So Remilia sends Marisa and Reimu to check on Flandre When Marisa gets there Flandre asks Marisa to play Danmaku/ Bullet hell Marisa more or less says no pointing out it sounds incredibly dangerous, Flandre starts shooting anyway and the fight starts. Ph, i should also be mentioned that the coin Flandre flips in the beginning is a reference to Marisa's in game dialog with Flandre. The coin portion of their chat basically goes like this : Flandre: "will you play with me?" Marisa: "how much you paying.?" Flandre: "one coin" Marisa: "One coin..?? You can't buy a life with that." "Flandre: "i mean to say, that here, you'll get no continues." Fight begins Unlike Marisa, who literally meant, "I'm not risking my life playing with you and your insanely dangerous crazy destruction powers unless you offer something more than a single coin" Flandre meant that as an extra stage boss, and unlike regular Bullet Hell games at arcades, where you can put a coin in to get new lives and Continue playing, on an extra stage you'll need to start over from the very beginning. (Which is why I've seen this dialog quite a lot) In short, it's just a double pun saying "no Marisa, your exactly right, you cannot buy a life for a single coin.," It undoubtedly sounded cooler in Japanese. [My god, I can't believe I spent half an hour on this. Oh well, it's the only extra stage I beat so I might as well milk it while i can]

  • @Igor_pustoy
    @Igor_pustoy Жыл бұрын

    Welcome to Touhou project bro. Now we have a black and white thief witch and crazy little vampires who destroys anything. Sit down and feel at home.

  • @JoeJoe-23
    @JoeJoe-23 Жыл бұрын

    An answer for 2 main questions you had: 1: why did they save her/why are they fighting again Its more of a duel in touhou than like a fight to the death. So the mentality isnt kill, its more of establishing superiority. So when someone actually might die accidentally, an attempt to save them is a good idea. 2. Is this what actually happens in the game? The game is 2d. All the patterns you see are a 3d representation of what happens in game. So yes this is what happens in the game but in 3d instead of 2d... Except the falling down a chasm part xD

  • @NHussNJ
    @NHussNJ Жыл бұрын

    3:55 She just destroyed the projectiles/bombs/whatever those were. All named characters in Touhou have some sort of defining 'ability' which can range from "Able to announce that spring has arrived" to "controlling insects" to "Complete Immortality." Flandre's is the ability to "Destroy Anything" which she does by identifying the target, magically moving its weak point into her hand, and then crushing it. Fortunately, these abilities don't really get used directly in the games themselves beyond influencing the way the person's spells look and move. And just for reference, Marisa's ability is "Able to use magic"... which doesn't sound particularly impressive since just about everyone else can already do so, until you realize that she is/was a normal human who just studied and trained to develop that herself rather than being born with it.

  • @ninjapuppy1257
    @ninjapuppy1257 Жыл бұрын

    all of these are 3d representations of 2d patterns but they are incredibly accurate to what the original spell looks like. it is so dang impressive.

  • @XenoflareBahamut
    @XenoflareBahamut Жыл бұрын

    it's really impressive on how MinusT just keeps on improving his works video by video

  • @tsumikiayato1560
    @tsumikiayato1560 Жыл бұрын

    Oh you’re going on a ride! Every video is drastically higher-quality than the next and crazier than the next. MinusT is one of the highest peaks of our whole fandom

  • @nathanieljohnson5430
    @nathanieljohnson5430 Жыл бұрын

    One of the most impressive things to me about MInusT's stuff in my opinion is how he blends the in-game attacks with the craziness that'd happen in an actual environment. Like, almost every attack both sides use are either in the fight in the 6th game or from the fighting games. For example, Marisa and Flandre when they both clash and went through the wall used a fighting game attack, or when they just shoot at each other inbetween huge attacks, those are also from either those games or when they're playable characters.

  • @asrieldreemurr007
    @asrieldreemurr0072 ай бұрын

    "You're gonna need like, undertale level reflexes for this game" *you're gonna need a LOT more than that. for even EASY mode.*

    @AHOGE-TAN Жыл бұрын

    Hope you keep watching these. The next one is probably the best one despite the age of it.

  • @ice-ybear8yearsago970
    @ice-ybear8yearsago970 Жыл бұрын

    OMG I LOVE YOUR REACTIONS! I HOPE THIS SERIES CONTINUES! You earn my sub! 💙 omg omg can't wait for more :']

  • @dragonjaj
    @dragonjaj Жыл бұрын

    The two are best friends this is a play date and yes the games are that crazy

  • @SuperChrim
    @SuperChrim Жыл бұрын

    Omg I love your enthusiasm! Love to see how far you go. Maybe one day you could try a game.

  • @chainsofscarlet9054
    @chainsofscarlet9054 Жыл бұрын

    An answer to "how does one dodge all of this" That particular spell card's name is maze of love, and there are 3 methods that you can use to clear it. 1. Go about it normally and navigate through the maze firing at her whenever the opportunity arises until the spell pops. 2. Cheese it by slipping through the gaps in the bullets. This may be a chees method but it is still not easy as there's only just barely enough room for your hitbox to slide in between and if you move too far too little you will die. (This is the method I used) 3. When in doubt bomb it. this method is not advised as extra-stage bosses are immune to bombs while using their spell cards. If you use a bomb the boss will become invulnerable to damage while your bombs damaging effect is active.

  • @StarlightFromAbyss
    @StarlightFromAbyss Жыл бұрын

    2 vids in and you're already at a loss for words. XD The gist of it is that Flandre is just playing around, but since she's so powerful it is Extra Stage Difficulty. Whole encounter is just a battle game for fun.

  • @chainsofscarlet9054
    @chainsofscarlet9054 Жыл бұрын

    Welcome to the world of the optional extra stages in Touhou, and yes everything that you saw Flandre do are things that you have to dodge in the game. These fights are supposed to be tests of skill and not supposed to be lethal. It's a game called a Danmaku battle, or spell card battles, that are used to settle disputes in Gensokyo. Reimu's the one that created the game. Also, Flandre's unique ability is her ability to destroy anything. In her own words "everything has eyes and she draws those eyes to her and she crushes them in her hand and they go boom" Only she can see these eyes, and everything that she used her ability on has hot survived. Also make sure you put Touhou and reaction in your tags so it's easier to find these videos. we are always looking.

  • 5 ай бұрын

    4:59 In my case, I didn't. It's the only Flan's spell I couldn't even attempt to dodge and just bomb spamming out of it

  • @francis_p
    @francis_p Жыл бұрын

    And that does it for Touhou 6 : EoSD ! Hopefully you're enjoying diving into this franchise. EoSD is by far the most well known game, and everything about it is iconic. The characters, the soundtrack, the story, the gameplay... of course, the fan-made content too. The music used is a remix of "U.N. Owen was Her ?" which is Flandre's boss theme and one of Touhou's most recognizable ost. It makes for a holy trinity with Bad Apple and Night of nights, but both of these are actually fan-made and not official ZUN-made. How about listening to the EoSD soundtrack someday ? You won't regret it. The next video is Reimu vs Yuyuko. You've just seen Yuyuko teased at the end of the video, she's the stage 6 boss from Touhou 7 : Perfect Cherry Blossom. More on that next time.

  • @kalimatronix
    @kalimatronix Жыл бұрын

    6:55 Basically, because it all is just good sports and fun.

  • @hazerddex
    @hazerddex Жыл бұрын

    "i'm sorry what." is an apt reaction when you read what flandre power is. (can destroy anything and everything.) also the person at the end was a ghost.

  • @dileblade7659
    @dileblade7659 Жыл бұрын

    This is Flandre scarlet, extra stage boss of touhou 6 and remillia's little sister. Her theme UN owen was her has been touhou's most popular, most well known, and most played everywhere song. This year Flandre became touhou's most popular character. Usually its reimu. Also the attacks are danmaku. part of spell cards which is non lethal except for a couple instances. In spell card duels, no one dies, unless you want reimu or a youkai sage (strong af character) paying you a visit. These are basically games used to resolve issues or just for fun and training. Depends on context As for Flandre her ability is to destroy anything and everything, yes it's as busted as you think. She literally destroyed an incoming meteor miles away from her while having tea with remillia and boasted that it was nothing major or hard

  • @noranekonyaa5801
    @noranekonyaa5801 Жыл бұрын

    Funny you mention undertale skills, because in the past the Undertale and Touhou fandoms fought over which game was harder for a while. as with all online fandom fights it just fizzled out one day.

  • @azurill_sun


    Жыл бұрын

    I feel like both have different circumstances that contribute to that. By density, Touhou seems to have denser patterns but are generally slower. Undertale makes up for it in speed and restrictive space

  • @nathanieljohnson5430


    Жыл бұрын

    Honestly, anyone who says Undertale is harder needs to play UFO first then come back to me and tell me that again.

  • @azurill_sun


    Жыл бұрын

    @@nathanieljohnson5430 my man why are you using UFO. SA and LoLK are right there

  • @nathanieljohnson5430


    Жыл бұрын

    @@azurill_sun Well, I DO want them to at least clear the game on Easy. I doubt they'd beat stage 4 on those two.

  • @stephaniejohnson5361


    10 ай бұрын

    @@azurill_sun Touhou is harder come on. Its not even close

  • @TerminianHero
    @TerminianHero Жыл бұрын

    "Does this all actually happen in the game or are they just over exaggerating it!?" If you want to know, watch MegamanOmega. He's done playthroughs of every official Touhou game (excluding the first one and the most recent ones) as well as MANY fanmade bullet-hell Touhou games. (Fanmade Touhou games come in many genres.) You could also look up challenge runs where people play through the games on the hardest difficulty without getting hit or using any bombs/spell cards.

  • @TerminianHero


    Жыл бұрын

    Leaving this in a seperate comment just incase this gets marked as spam for having a link. Here's MegamanOmega's playthrough of the 6th game, Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. The battle from the last video you watched is from the final stage, and the battle from this video is from the extra stage. kzread.info/head/PLegvVwmfKri_Zdz7YtGkdX0_iq4Uj2ZCJ

  • @hoppefrosk
    @hoppefrosk Жыл бұрын

    Fights in the Touhou series follow the "Spell Card Rules", which states a couple conditions. First, using the full extent of one's abilities is not allowed, and attacks must be possible to dodge. Second, all battles are non-lethal. Third, attacks are to be given names, and meaning, which in turn becomes the power of that attack. Combatants are not allowed to repeat attacks to rely on stamina, and must declare the number of attacks beforehand. In essence, it's a battle of "beauty", both in terms of the attacks themselves, and that the participants refrain from using dirty tricks like attacks that can't be dodged, even of those would obviously be more effective. The reason for this is that Gensokyo, the setting of the series, exists in a razor-thin balancing act. Youkai and gods rely on the fear and faith of humans respectively to exist, and so youkai *MUST* terrorize humans on occasion to stay alive, but at the same time, the human population is what is keeping them alive. So, these rules were designed to allow youkai to cause incidents, and then also allow humans to resolve those incidents in turn.

  • @slycershad
    @slycershad Жыл бұрын

    Alot of people already answer you questions. So this will be a summary: Marisa and Flandre is the canon extra stage fight of EOSD(Embodiment of Scarlet Devil) or Touhou 6. The purpose of battling within the series is more about the Beauty of bullets or Danmaku(Dawn ma ku) duels which is primarily played by women...in canon men can't actually play danmaku. The point is whoever gets hits by what is essentially a nonlethal ball or in Marisa's case stars that taste like candy. If they get hit enough they "Lose" the battle. No one ever dies and it's a unspoken rule to never kill.

  • @alizvondhordez4314


    Жыл бұрын

    No one die that false mokou dead many times

  • @slycershad


    Жыл бұрын

    @@alizvondhordez4314 The immortals are the exception not the rule.

  • @alizvondhordez4314


    Жыл бұрын

    @@slycershad no fairy ded and other

  • @slycershad


    Жыл бұрын

    @@alizvondhordez4314 Same as the immortals.

  • @user-xw9wm7gz1d
    @user-xw9wm7gz1d Жыл бұрын


  • @grefuya7640
    @grefuya7640 Жыл бұрын

    Nice :D

  • @user-bz2ml6tc1j
    @user-bz2ml6tc1j Жыл бұрын


  • @SirChanXD
    @SirChanXD Жыл бұрын

    Who said that a fight has to end with death?

  • @hurkyl1560
    @hurkyl1560 Жыл бұрын

    Flandre, the vampire, is basically the psychopathic sister they keep locked in the basement (for centuries!) because she's too powerful to let roam free (it's more of the "too innocent to understand what she's doing" than the "malevolent" sort). She was roused by the fighting from the previous video and found a way to distract the household so she could come out and play. I don't recall exactly how the dialog goes, but I think she's basically just excited to get a chance to play, and on Marisa's route, the witch is happy to humor her. That's why, when the tower was crumbling, they worked together so they could both escape safely; there wasn't any bad blood between them. That scene doesn't happen in game, but it's a nice diversion to showcase that this really is just an innocent sort of battle. IIRC, it was a good experience for her. After having a chance to play with Marisa and Reimu, Flandre mellowed out somewhat, and the household was able to let her out of the basement and allow her to roam freely throughout the mansion.
