I did what had to be done |Countryhumans|

Countries used:
USA/United States of America/America 🇺🇸
Vietnam 🇻🇳

Пікірлер: 36

  • @MinhVu-210
    @MinhVu-210 Жыл бұрын

    Bro...Vietnam usually a female in vietnamese's countryhuman fandom.But...This is a wonderful video,GOOD JOB

  • @quynhanhcao9629


    Жыл бұрын

    Bro, tôi thấy toàn vietnam giới tính nam, mấy ai làm nữ đâu

  • @Reizo_Kiyoshi


    Жыл бұрын

    Ýe, Vietnam trg AU của toi cũng là nam :)))

  • @MinhVu-210


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Reizo_Kiyoshi không,ý me nói tìm mấy cái hình Vietnam Countryhuman thì có nhiều hình nữ hơn vì đồ kiểu áo dài nữ và hoa sen gắn liền với nữ hơn nam nên hiện tại me thấy có nhiều hình nữ hơn,nếu như có nói gì sai làm các bạn không hài lòng thì thành thật xin lỗi ạ

  • @ThisIsJosephArt


    Жыл бұрын

    @@MinhVu-210 thường trong Gacha Vietnam là nam nhiều hơn :D???

  • @loser-alert
    @loser-alert Жыл бұрын

    Say it Vietnam, America needs to hear it 😮‍💨

  • @xRose710
    @xRose710 Жыл бұрын

    Wow, in a nutshell

  • @woffer3
    @woffer3 Жыл бұрын

    He lost the viet-ame war, and the fact that he cant put a gun law is just shocking

  • @itzmeolivia


    Жыл бұрын

    Some would say that the American Government decided to “pull out” because they felt that Vietnamese was just not it. But they still lost lives for unnecessary reasons, I’m surprise how “far” the Americans have came to end up like this.

  • @Kai-07Lka


    Жыл бұрын

    ​​​@@itzmeolivia From the bit I know of the Vietnam war, what I do know is the main reason America pulled out was because of how unpopular the war was(similar to Afghanistan most recently). One of the major bombs on peoples opinion was the Kent state shooting.(Protesting students against the Vietnam war shot by the military due to a insanely terrible amount of miscommunication) Not to mention, like Afghanistan, Vietnam was a major money waster. Which again pisses Americans off. I think it's important to know that Americans when war goes on too long they get angry, especially when it's an overseas war that is about politics (Communism vs capitalism). Basically, whoever said they would pull out of the Vietnam war would win the elections . It, like most things in America, became a political tool. I personally think this type of war, is largely stupid for America, we get way too involved in foreign affairs that aren't our business. I don't support nor agree with anything that happened in the war. I think like most wars it was extremely destructive and didn't need to be.The US military did some extremely f-d up things, it was a insane issue that like most things is extremely layered and has a ton of different sides and motivations. I personally think the US should stay out of wars unless we are attacked. One thing I just remembered, Vietnam was costing thousands of American soldiers lives, for something that didn't effect them. This only added to the anger. Anyway that's what I know about the Vietnam war, I apologize for how long this is, I just felt the need to write it for some reason. Also I don't know a lot about the Vietnam war, this is just from what I have read, learned in History and spoken with my family about. So if I made a mistake or got something wrong please let me know.

  • @Kai-07Lka


    Жыл бұрын

    The whole thing with gun laws here are very complicated. There are already restrictions in place(varying per state). The reason there isn't an all out ban, is because the ability to own a Fire arm(gun) is directly stated in the Constitution, 2nd Amendment; A well regulated military being necessary for the security of a free state; the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. This was written because one of the first things the British did was try to disarm the colonists. They believed disarmament was the first step to tyranny. And it often is. The Constitution is the foundation for nearly every aspect of the USA. The first 10 amendments of the constitution are what is called the bill of rights. These declare what are the freedoms people are given just from being a human. And they cannot just be violated or the US would likely cease to exist as we know it. Our federal government can not have the ability to take away elements of the bill of rights. If the take away the 2nd who's to say they'll stop. A federal government(especially US's) is an example of give an inch they'll take a mile. Most federal government are like that.

  • @itzmeolivia


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Kai-07Lka In a nutshell, war is incredibly stupid that humans invented just to look intelligent or make themselves “look right”. It’s just stupid.

  • @GeoedQueen


    Жыл бұрын

    I as a American have rights to bear arms to defend my freedom. The government can’t take away our right. Along with that a handful of us live in rural areas where it take emergency services 20-30 minutes to get to us. So my firearm is the only thing defending me.

  • @Angelina_Is_Cringe
    @Angelina_Is_Cringe Жыл бұрын

    Oooooo!! amazing character designs!

  • @cheese5423
    @cheese5423 Жыл бұрын

    Wow 🥰 It's true and cool 🤩

  • @Abigail_willson
    @Abigail_willson Жыл бұрын

    Người dân chết giữa đường trước,chất độc màu da cam Kể cả họ còn đang bế đứa con mình trên tay” Mĩ bạn không có thể trả lại sự sống cho anh của tôi không ?

  • @bertta_
    @bertta_ Жыл бұрын

    Usa you really thought huh-

  • @britishinanutshell
    @britishinanutshell Жыл бұрын

    The fact that Americans r like "oh we are stronger blablabla" Yea strong.. you lost to the Vietnamese (no offence).

  • @CrowsMurderCo.
    @CrowsMurderCo. Жыл бұрын

    Yummy angst

  • @thisrandomperson1472
    @thisrandomperson1472 Жыл бұрын

    But no one cares sadly since it's old history in the Baby Boomer Generation

  • @the_vietnamese_tree


    Жыл бұрын

    "no one care"? Maybe you just not into history

  • @thisrandomperson1472


    Жыл бұрын

    @@the_vietnamese_tree I listen to Sabaton so if I'm not into history, I'm listening to the wrong band

  • @thisrandomperson1472


    Жыл бұрын

    @@the_vietnamese_tree And I forgot to add in the last message but I do and when I say no one cares, a majority of people forget what happened in the past

  • @the_vietnamese_tree


    Жыл бұрын

    @@thisrandomperson1472 Seen like they don't pay attention in history class or forget get some part or They just stoopid

  • @Abigail_willson
    @Abigail_willson Жыл бұрын

    Bạn không thể nào mà nói người Nga vì đem thiệt hại cho ukraina

  • @kyo-to16


    Жыл бұрын

    Достаточно посмотреть что сейчас с Мариуполем, он становится просто конфеткой. Почему Украина не восстанавливает города которые под её контролем?

  • @mioshia


    Жыл бұрын

    ​@@kyo-to16 Потому что они слишком заняты борьбой с русскими и помогают пострадавшим?

  • @kyo-to16


    Жыл бұрын

    @@mioshia хаха где вы видели хоть одну гуманитарную помощь со стороны Украины? Их 1-2 и всё? Россия в это время постоянно присылает гуманитарную помощь пострадавшим жителям. Где же ваши злые русские которые устроили геноцид украинцев? А? А ой а их нет! Вы их с ВСУ и перепутали! Они не восстанавливают город чтобы поддерживать картину трагедии! А нелепые законы у них есть время придумывать а на собственную страну нет? Время всегда найдется. А вот нежелание и их замыслы мешают. Почему пострадавшие украинцы бегут в Россию? Почему не бегут на запад Украины? Почему украинцы приехавшие в Польшу опять едут в Россию? Она же такая плохая, так почему?

  • @user-pz2gq7xc7w


    Жыл бұрын

    @@kyo-to16 Просто короткий вопрос: вы понимаете все, что говорите? Вы действительно осознаете свою абсурдность?

  • @kyo-to16


    Жыл бұрын

    @@user-pz2gq7xc7w я себя полностью понимаю. Абсурдность видете только вы. У людей разные взгляды. Что в моих словах не так, укажите и объясните почему, подтвердите после свои слова оф документами или неопровержимой доказательствами.