Hypnotherapy - A Journey of Remarkable Change in a 6-Year-Old's Behavior


Hypnotherapy Success: Breaking the Cycle of Childhood Pooping Issues.
You will find this amusing with unique techniques, such as a brilliant child bouncing off the walls and running out of the room. I have him hypnotizing me as I am giving him suggestions. View Intro and Session 1 by clicking the photo. Some areas are sped up in Keystone Cop fashion to save time. Learn and enjoy!
This video starts with a review of all 4-hypnosis sessions and a video of the first session highlights. The client is a 6-year-old male who was brought by his parents for hypnosis pooping his pants. Initially, he would refuse to use the bathroom during the urge, holding it until he lost control and pooped his pants or holding it to the point of constipation. Remarkably, there was a noticeable change in his behavior, even within the short span between the first and second sessions (only one day apart).
This video reviews the first session, edited to show the highlights. The second session will be posted soon. During the second session, the parents stated he hadn't experienced any accidents for two days, which was a considerable relief for his parents.
Throughout his disruptive moments, I continued to engage with him in a conversational manner akin to hypnosis, not the typical relaxation talk. This approach seemed to yield positive results, although I must note that I didn't have the camera on to capture the session for reference.
Follow up appointment were scheduled to discuss child's progress.
One crucial aspect of this journey that I emphasized to the parents, which can be challenging, is the need to ignore the problem. They have done an excellent job of not giving attention to the issue. When a problem goes unnoticed and unacknowledged, it loses its significance in the child's mind.
In conclusion, we will compile all the information from these sessions into a comprehensive report, highlighting the key developments and insights. While we won't include every detail, we'll ensure that the essential aspects are presented clearly and organized.

