HSE Shift Handover

Shift Handover: A training programme for Nurses and Health Care Assistants, developed by Midlands Regional Hospital, Tullamore and Nursing and Midwifery Planning and Development, Tullamore. Please use the Resource Manual and Facilitator Training Guide and the Participants Workbook when using this video, available at www.hse.ie/shifthandover. Click "Show More" to see the full table of contents and direct links to each section.
Part 1: Introduction • HSE Shift Handover
Part 2: Existing Practice • HSE Shift Handover
Part 3 (a): Best Practice • HSE Shift Handover
Part 3 (b): HCA Handover • HSE Shift Handover
Part 3 (c): Meet and Greet • HSE Shift Handover
Part 4 (a): Implementing Change: ISBAR • HSE Shift Handover
Part 4 (b): Implementing Change: Supporting Resources • HSE Shift Handover
Part 4 (c): Implementing Change: Best Practice Concepts • HSE Shift Handover
Part 5: Consolidating Change • HSE Shift Handover
Part 6: Conclusion • HSE Shift Handover
