"We are all Armenians" the crowd shouts--Armenians, Greeks and Turks gather to confess their Armenian origin at the site of the shooting of an Armenian. HRANT DINK, an ARMENIAN, CHRISTIAN JOURNALIST, is SHOT BY unrepentant MUSLIM TURK GUILTY OF ARMENIAN GENOCIDE
Add another Armenian to the millions killed by Muslim Turks who originated from the Mongolian steppes but stole Armenians from day one: also DEVSHIRME, JANISSARY and HAREM abduction systems.
See to read about the early Saljuq Turkish stealing of thousands of Armenians, as slaves, harem girls!

Пікірлер: 115

  • @aporia82
    @aporia8217 жыл бұрын

    lopurpot,it is very encouraging to see people who suports peace like you,,we will bring peace to this country and to this world..we have to..

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    hi turk - i am irish-italian - but i do have turkish and armenian friends who are both sensitive to the issue at hand - i am learning turkish since i plan on visiting Istanbul within a year - I hope to visit my friends there - i know a musical group that plays middle eastern music and the musicians are turkish, aremenian, palestinian and kurd - this is an actual group!!! maybe one day you and i can see them together!

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    aporia - your sentiment is wonderful to hear - this event angered and saddened me (and many), and it is refreshing to hear your perspective and hope (unlike mehmet's!). I do appreciate all that you have said about this.

  • @buraktatar
    @buraktatar16 жыл бұрын

    gurur verici bir tablo..

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    mehmet - i never thought there would ever be a writer as eloquent and beautiful as Shakespeare, but you have assumed the vast space he left, and we all stand humbly in the intellectual shadow you have cast over the rest of us paltry humans - your teachers must be proud of you!

  • @aporia82
    @aporia8217 жыл бұрын

    blueinfinite we are on the same side :).but believe me after hrant dink's funeral gave me hope about humanity. my friends, since the 12 september 1980 military coup d'etat this country was under a control of very brianless turkish nationalism,but on funeral 200.000 people including turks,kurds,greeks shouted as "we are all armenians".it was a strong moment for hope.

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    your welcome turk - i think deep down you are undoubtedly a very nice person - i spend a lot of time with animals (ihave two cats and a dog) and they teach me how strong it is to love - imagine, animals teaching humans! - there is a sensitivity to life that comes in how I relate to them, and the more I love animals, interestingly, the more I love human beings. Some people find that planting flowers teaches sensitivity to any life form - we are all brothers and sisters!!!

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    aporia and tammaj - nice words - so many hateful people will not see this, but you need to say what you say anyway. The coward who prayed in a Mosque and then shot an innocent man will be forgotten - Hrant Dink will never be forgotten.

  • @aporia82
    @aporia8217 жыл бұрын

    armenians and turks,,we have to talk with each other much and much more..communication will bring peace and love back to us!!

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    wall - i have many friends who are turkish and armenian - the situation right now is not good with dink's death, but i hope, really, that the more enlightened and honest people will eventually be able to talk about the deepest issues. hatred and violence simply goes nowhere but down - dink was a great man, and i think he would want people to educate themselves and try to get along - it is difficult but one must try

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    hi sweetch - Nasilsin? A few weeks after 9-11 I attended a lecture given by a Muslim scholar at a local college. He said, "Terrorism has no religion," and he included people who would use the name of a religion to commit violence whether Christian, Islam, Judaism, Hindu, etc. It was a powerful talk. It was a rainy day today in NYC.

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    sweetcherry - when you are older, maybe you can be among the people who can help the healing that is necessary - i think you have the right spirit deep inside of you, but these things are difficult. honesty and love take far more courage and creativity than any hatred - and these take more time and are painful though ultimately the best path to take

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    sweetcherry - salaam alaykum - i hope you are doing okay - haven't forgotten you - be well - (I am not muslim, but i love your religion's greeting, "Peace be with you.")

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    iyiyim sweet ve wallcan - i am learning turkish very, very slowly - i only know small phrases - i do like turkish food and order it from a turkish place in new york city that delivers - there are lots of turkish things here, restaurants and cultural events - did i mention that i went to a concert last week with turks, armenians, kurds, and a palestinian in the band? it was beautiful!! cok guzel - tamam, iyi aksemlar

  • @Atalay
    @Atalay17 жыл бұрын

    Im from Turkey and very sorry about Hrant Dink's death. You can supports his ideas or not but as HUMANS who live in a democratic country should condemn that event.

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    jackal - is this a comment or is it a command that you give when you are conducting an aerobics class?

  • @Sarabieskiya
    @Sarabieskiya17 жыл бұрын

    PAREV...We miss our Armenian comrade too much... but i promise as a Turkish comunist,as his comrade... we ll work for peace, equality of all publics also for Armenians in Turkey and we ll never forget him... We have a STRONG struggle tradition against Fascism. NO PASARAN...I apoligize from all Armenians for the things had happened in the history... Sirov

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    wallcan - i attended a tribute to hrant dink here in the U.S., and there were armenians and turks there. they were younger people. it may take a younger generation in Turkey to grow and come into political and social power to confront the issues - they must be addressed, and dink's death brings these to the fore - at some point it will take intelligent people on both sides to ask the right questions and courageous people to answer them

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    sweetcherry - i did not realize you were so young. my apologies. yesterday i saw a musical group with turks and armenians together playing music as one. they are all friends and musicians. they sang a song for hrant dink - it was not political, but it was very human!

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    sweetcherry - the extent to which you hate a person or a group is the extent to which you take away the power to love. The greater you love others extinguishes hate. It's a choice all of us must make. I hope you understand this.

  • @diamonia
    @diamonia17 жыл бұрын

    SONG OF THE TURK he was my brother five years older than i he was my brother twenty-three years old the day he died.freedom writer they cursed my brother to his face go home outsider this town's gonna be your buryin' place he was singin' on his knees an angry mob trailed along they shot my brother dead because he hated what was wrong.he was my brother tears can't bring him back to me he was my brother and he died so his brothers could be free..

  • @aporia82
    @aporia8217 жыл бұрын

    tammajamma hrant dink died for people like you and me.and for the millions of people which demands for peace in turkey. believe me the majorty of the people who shouted as "we are all armeniens" on the funeral were turks. we still remember how it was to live together with armenians and greeks on the same land. and i'm also very sad that armenians diffused to world scale.armenians and greeks had to be here, together with us and with peace..

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    point well taken - my pessimistic side sometimes takes over - i often feel like johnathan swift who did not believe humans are creatures of reason, but rather creatures who carry its potential but rarely use it. believe me, i hope our better side "wins" and that I am wrong

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    okay, wallcan - "Merhaba - Selam, Nasilsiniz?? Ben, Iyiyim." (I don't know much Turkish, but is this okay?)

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    wallcan - eventually both groups will have to look at what actually happened. the tribute for dink that i attended in new york city had both turks and armenians - the turks here in NYC for the most part acknowledge that a genocide occurred and want to make things right. As i said, it seems it will take a younger generation of turks and armenians to one day confront history. i have friends on both sides, and they both would like old wounds to be healed

  • @diamonia
    @diamonia17 жыл бұрын

    he was my brother twenty-three years old the day he died freedom writer they cursed my brother to his face go home outsider this town's gonna be your buryin' place he was singin' on his knees an angry mob trailed along they shot my brother dead because he hated what was wrong he was my brother tears can't bring him back to me he was my brother and he died so his brothers could be free he died so his brothers could be free

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    turk199, Did your mother teach you such high human values or your father? They must be proud of you. Wow! How wonderful it is to laugh at the death of innocent people. What an incredible and laudable human being you are.

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    hi sweetcherry - yes, i am american, and with all that i said about horrible things happening, i am all too aware of this country's immoral war in iraq. That is another horror, and i have been to anti-war demonstrations. meanwhile i try to do happy things here in New York City - museums, concerts, the park, rollerblading, running, etc.

  • @TheHiryder
    @TheHiryder12 жыл бұрын

    Turkey never had an Identity and never will have one.

  • @wallcanow
    @wallcanow17 жыл бұрын

    I dont think armenians are doing a hell of a job by bringing up something that happened almost 100 years ago in a country(Ottoman Empire) that was fighting agaist 10 different countries at the time. Not only did they betray the nation union but also helped the enemy during WW1. What happened to Hrant was sure extremely tragic but whatever supposely happened in 1915 doesnt deserve to be called a genocide.

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    hi sweet - i went to a turkish restaurant the other evening (new york city) and I ordered part of my dinner in turkish - not all of it - the waitress was smiling, so i must have had quite an accent, but she understood me at least! how are you? - nasilsin?

  • @aguven6
    @aguven617 жыл бұрын

    Remember There is a Guy who had been killed by a young man. Victim was a Turkish Citizen and just killed by the thoughts like spoken here. We have to start each other. Armanians stop hating Turks. Turks help them to win their internal war and help them to clear their poisonous blood just like Hrant said. We had lived together for a long time and will live together...

  • @Bozgurd
    @Bozgurd17 жыл бұрын

    Turkiyenin problemi Ana Yasadadir!!Her Turkiyeli Turk deyil..Her Azerbeycanli turk diyil..Ichimizde dusmanlar var qardaslarim!!Biz onlari seche bilmeliyik!!Yasasin dunya TURKCULUYU!!

  • @Anushikaxchik
    @Anushikaxchik17 жыл бұрын

    yes and I dont think that the whole people are like that but if Turkey's government wanted they can find all those fascists and make them not do the things they're doing. So really the government wants them to be there. And who knows maybe they give them nice life in jail too?

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    hi turk, and thank you, though i don't deserve such compliments, i just like to read a lot. no, i don't know the games you mention. i'm a total klutz with computers, so i am not familiar with the games, but next time i go to circuit city, i'll check them out. i'll even try one out there. thanks.

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    turk - thank you - let us be friends, then - i am glad to hear that you like cats - they are wonderful animals - i recently took one of mine to Florida with me to visit my mom - he flies in the plane with me just under my seat - anyway, i hope you are doing well and that you have a nice summer.

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    if such things are never acknowledge, then it remains a wound that never heals. please remember my friends are both turks and armenians. it is the intellectual ones who have read, studied, examined on both sides and who are not trying to "defend" or "offend" a side, but just looking at evidence, and these want to go above feelings of nationalism to feelings of their common humanity to heal a century old act

  • @aporia82
    @aporia8217 жыл бұрын

    leventist61,,ya sev ya terket bir amerikan sloganidir biliyor musun bunu??kendi milliyetciligin icin kullandigin slogan amerikaya aittir.

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    wallcan, since i am neither armenian nor turkish, i cannot understand the issue from either side like a turk or an armenian would. as an outsider, i would only say that perhaps the issue should be examined outside of "religion" as it is often expressed today, through violence. The ideal of any religion - including Islam and Christianity - is love. This seems to be lacking between groups of differing beliefs today. (I am running out of space - let me continue in a separate note).

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    well, i have canceled my trip to Istanbul - this has all been toxic - I'll go when the situation is straightened out -

  • @ArmoPhil
    @ArmoPhil17 жыл бұрын

    Fascism on both sides have to end. Hating, Killing, Insulting is gonna bring what in your life? Stop the hate, bring peace.

  • @aporia82
    @aporia8217 жыл бұрын

    van is armenian...van is kurdish..van is turkish...van is WORLD my friends..just world..

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    babek - i don't know if anyone has told you recently, but armenians living in Turkey are Turkish citizens - I'm not sure how you define "Turks," but it seems like you would define it until you have about three people living in the country. Lighten up!!!

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    sweetch - i didn't really answer your question - my mom is italian, my father was irish - so there you go! gule gule for now.

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    sweet cherry - you are also one sick puppy like the guy above

  • @aporia82
    @aporia8217 жыл бұрын

    tammajamma diaspora armenians must believe that there are so many turks which are feeling bad because the armenians left the country on 1915. we lived together for thousands of can be sure that similarities between you and me is much more closer than the similarities between you and an american..

  • @azmhyr
    @azmhyr17 жыл бұрын

    Well, there have been debates on that... We are not all armenians. We have citizens of armenian origin. I personally am a Turk and not an Armenian.I dont know who said that or why they said that, but still, that doesnt change the fact of us being turks. W/e, cya.

  • @aporia82
    @aporia8217 жыл бұрын

    armenian diaspora is making propaganda..but we, the people of turkey, weare really crying for him. by the way nobody shouted to confess their armenian origin..we shouted for brotherhood.

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    i'm fine turk - i just finished a very good book by a turkish woman - it is called "The Bastard of Istanbul" by Elif Shifak - I recommend it highly - it brings out many of the issues in a very balanced way using the background of family ties to balance all the thoughts and emotions, both pro and con - check it out - hope you get your computer fixed soon

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    gfb - i am very curious - did your mother teach you to talk like that or your father? what a reflection on your parents and your family - if that's the best you can do, then i suggest you go to mosque and learn what the Quran says about tolerance and love - or are you not a Muslim?

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    Also, I don't understand how you don't consider Dink's killer a coward. In my value system, a person who uses a weapon to kill in cold blood an unarmed man is a coward. What kind of values do you carry, Turk? I really don't think you, in your deepest heart, are that hateful...

  • @aporia82
    @aporia8217 жыл бұрын

    my friends,,why every conversation between turks and armenians has to include 1915?? why can't we talk anything else? is this the only issue we can talk after thousands of years of living together???

  • @Deliorhann
    @Deliorhann17 жыл бұрын

    Hrant Dink..he was Our people.he was not diaspora's or armenia's person..he was a Turkiye lover..he was not good with Armenian diaspora..They said that to Hrant Dink "you are a Turk"

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    tammaj - i was saying something nice to you - I am Italian, and I have Armenian and Turkish friends. I don't like the nationalists, who are fascists, but my friends are liberal and kind, and they love Dink, as i do. I don't understand your reaction to me.

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    (@sweetcherry) your english is just fine. i wish i could write german or turkish. the people you talk about who are against turks or islam are not good or educated. but there are many people who are respectful, and these are the people who are valuable and are worth knowing.

  • @aporia82
    @aporia8217 жыл бұрын is the situation of muslims in usa or europe after 9/11?? how is guantanamo?? are you supporting the muslim rights on your country?? many turks are supporting armenian rights in turkey..but i cannot see anything on the usa about muslims..

  • @krkrtl11
    @krkrtl1117 жыл бұрын

    Hrant Dink was not the voice of Turkey. He did not represent Turkey or diversity, he represented the tolerance given to traitor within a nations borders created by people who wants destruction of Turkey,1000 more Dinks can grow but there fates shall remain the same.

  • @armartak
    @armartak17 жыл бұрын

    the reason of murder was his liberty to speak the reality, about armenian genocide and the tukish government didnt do nothing to protect his life

  • @burraakk
    @burraakk17 жыл бұрын

    who said that there isnt any ultra nationalist in Turkey? what i said is diffrent.. i say armenians spend a special effort to grow their people with hated and avenge...

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    wallcan, as i said, i am neither turk nor armenian - the issue as i understand it and have read about it has to do with the killing especially of women and children who as turkish citizens were under the protection of turkey. it wasn't soldiers against soldiers. legally, in the U.S. at least, there is no statute of limitations against such acts. if this happened in reverse - your great grandparents were killed in this way, i think you would ask for acknowledgment, no?

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    gfb, as i said below, i am not armenian or turkish, but i have friends on both sides. many armenians are turkish citizens, as Dink was a citizen of Turkey like you. Here in the U.S. a person has the right to say things against government policy. Even in Turkey, Turks like Orhan Pamuk and Elif Shafak talk about the genocide. Should they not have this right to speak freely and at least look at the situation without such hatred as you have?

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    turk199 - Dink was a Turkish citizen - he should have the right to disagree with government policy - we are allowed to disagree in the United States, why not in Turkey? This is why your country cannot get in to the European Union (one reason at least). I wish you and I could talk in person, and face to face I would be able to explain things that are difficult here. At some point I would like to touch a more human side of you, not vicious or hateful, but kind.

  • @pilisopa
    @pilisopa17 жыл бұрын

    You would do well to remove your Turkophobic messages in your description. That is not what Hrant Dink stood for and you dishonor him by your messages of hatred.

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    andranick - donkeys are very nice and kind animals - don't insult the donkeys by comparing the killer to a donkey. the killer is less than a worm - that is a better comparison - i am glad that orhan pamuk has moved away from istanbul

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    kakvo - as crude as your comment is, ogun does deserve prison for the rest of his life ... he is truly a coward for killing an unarmed man in cold blood .

  • @aporia82
    @aporia8217 жыл бұрын

    tammajamma,,,after the 1915 incidents,,there were still armenian "ministers" on union and progress goverments..and there were still so many armenian deputies on ottoman assembly since the history..those political and govermental events doesn't really mean anything....

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    hey turk - well, i'll have to try these out, i suppose. as i said, i'm sort of clumsy with these things, but i'll definitely let you know how well i do.

    @ZAGORCIKO17 жыл бұрын

    kendine güzel nickname seçmişsin tam karakterini yansıtıyo

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    armo - you are right -

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    mcakirtr - you are one sick puppy!!

  • @wallcanow
    @wallcanow17 жыл бұрын

    There you go :))

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    guven, i accept your criticism of U.S., we have our problems as Turkey has its problems. I do think Turkey's response to Orhan Pamuk and Elif Shifak is wrong - they should never have been taken to court - and yes, people can get in trouble here for violating certain perspectives. I am willing to acknowledge what is wrong in this country, but you - and others - need to acknowledge some of the problems that exist in Turkey also.

  • @aragee
    @aragee17 жыл бұрын

    Your online confession of felony has been reported to the Islington police. Good luck!

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    gfb, I love Turkey too, but I think it would be better if the government allowed more free speech. That is what makes a country great. I notice you are very young. I think you would do better to cultivate a more open heart rather than an angry, potentially violent one (like the 17 year old killer of Dink). Dink's assassin was not a Muslim. The Quran does not accept cold blooded killing.

  • @aporia82
    @aporia8217 жыл бұрын

    blueinfinite your 19th century social darwinism oriented and fatalistical words seems useless to me..this is a matter of choice, not a problem of human nature..this is a problem of human mind, and human minds could easly be reshaped.

  • @mujdesal
    @mujdesal17 жыл бұрын

    We are all Armenians!!! bye bye HRANT DINK...

  • @gozde345
    @gozde34517 жыл бұрын

    We are very sorry because of his dead. But do you know how many journalist murdered in this country. Contrary to Dink's Murder,their killer are still wanted, unknown.Did any non-turkish care about their dead? If there will be a memorial day, it should be for all murdered Turkish journalists.

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    how r u doing turk? Hope all is well with you.

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    turk - may i suggest that you see a nice romantic comedy. here's one - Bridget Jones' Diary. it is lovely and funny, and it is about love - i think you need a change of viewing and reading material to something soft and gentle. it will do wonders for you. hatred and anger is so heavy, such a weight to carry.

  • @nudder62
    @nudder6217 жыл бұрын

    VAN is ARMENIAN. GENOCIDE is illegal.

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    hi fun - listen, take your medication, drink plenty of fluids, get lots of rest, and ease up on the hatred - it's just not good for your health to hate so much - what is it that you love? That is an important question to answer -

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    wallcan - delaware? not far away. sweet lives in germany, so hooking up is unlikely for the three ... You will have to come to the City at some point - I will make sure you become a liberal Democrat with a little bit of time in this multi-cultural paradise we have here!! :) And you will find that you love everyone everywhere. How 'bout that. gule gule for now.

  • @Monastikfurkan
    @Monastikfurkan17 жыл бұрын

    Yes noone deserved to be killed.. murdering is not solituon.. but how else a traiotor punished to be explained our sensitiveness? if stay wise of beheaded otherwise..

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    ok, turk, let's say there was violence on both sides, at what point will the hatred and violence stop? Hrant Dink did nothing to deserve to be shot three times without a chance to defend himself. He was a father with children trying to begin a dialogue without being censored, much less killed. Dink was beloved by many Turks, don't forget this point. In this country (the U.S.) he was very respected. Why don't you speak against the coward that killed him?

  • @mersorider818
    @mersorider81817 жыл бұрын

    also remember that u guys were the once that criated a ting calld despora armenians so deal wit it now if ur country is educating u fals info dont mean its always goin to be that wayi dont blame turks living today for there grate fathers actions but i do blame them for ignorens and miss education

  • @wallcanow
    @wallcanow17 жыл бұрын

    Yeah right..Greeting of the arab world not the turks'

  • @wallcanow
    @wallcanow17 жыл бұрын

    I know he was a great guy all i was saying was that turks are not really that religios. ;)

  • @blueinfinite5940
    @blueinfinite594017 жыл бұрын

    turk - you and guven are ... i don't even know how to address such bitterness and hatred - all i can say is i truly, truly feel deep pity for the two of you - maybe you both need a girlfriend or a hobby -

  • @Tommywhinechester
    @Tommywhinechester17 жыл бұрын


  • @aporia82
    @aporia8217 жыл бұрын

    tammajamma we know the problems of democracy and freedom in turkey..but you are still supporting the usa.. and i really cannot believe it.vietnam, iraq, cia coup d'etats in latin america and in middle east, etc. etc. there might be some freedom for WASPs inside america, but outside america thousands died because of american policies.i think you should leave the anglo-saxon citizenship lies behind...

  • @wallcanow
    @wallcanow17 жыл бұрын

    No they sooo are not :D

  • @wallcanow
    @wallcanow17 жыл бұрын

    Kurds? DAMN! The evil dark race agaist the glory caucasian turks....jk ;). i live in Delaware and have no turkish friends at all :( but its all good tho. you sweet and i should party sometime :))

  • @VANArmenya
    @VANArmenya17 жыл бұрын

    Toun kou kazani, vayreniyi, shouni tsaki, dajigi lezvov gu kres, paids tun, vayreni'yi tsak, kides te toun 85% hay es? Anka shad hayuhi yev hay manoog koghtsak vor tser Mongol ayrun@ makretsik. Tser AYPUPENnal HAY@ (hagop Dilachar@) hnarets. Kideyir, shuni tsak?
