How to run No Till in your RSO potting blend

We discuss management options for established crops in your pot, and also why keeping weeds are useful with this advanced biological living soil.
This is our olive tree, with spring onions.
The Fertiliser tree is called -Lucaena
Edible weed is callled - purslane
Fertilisr brew recipe is;
1 scoop kelp powder to 9L watering can, 1 capful chsrlie carp, half a handful of biodynamic compost and 5x capfuls of Wormtec extract.
Mix compost into the 9L of water, agitate vigerously for 10mins and then strain into your watering can. Stop halfway and add in the other ingredients to the brew. Continue filling and discard the residue compost either into the compost pile as a starter, or topdress existing gardens.
