How To Run A Great Team Meeting - Use Everyone's Time More Effectively

In “How To Run A Great Team Meeting” I take you through 9 tips on how to running effective meetings, saving time, and even more importantly, creating better more useful and valuable output from those meeting.
We have all been in meetings that wasted our time and didn’t seem to achieve anything. The average person attends 10 meetings or more per week and spends 31 hours in unproductive meetings per month.
How to run a meeting effectively can be learnt quickly and put into action quickly too. Try these tips on a small informal meeting and build from there to gain confidence and practice.
How to run a team meeting starts with having an agenda which is clear and circulated in advance so attendees can start thinking how they are going to contribute.
When thinking about how to run an effective team meeting, get the team involved, particularly with setting the behaviour rules for everyone to stick to. This step helps engage peer pressure. I run through some of the popular rules I have come across.
Plan who will facilitate the meeting, informally or formally. This really helps in how to run a meeting, particularly if there are a lot of attendees or everyone is very opinionated.
Next when planning how to run a team meeting effectively, is think about what the meeting is going to be for. What is the output you are seeking or is the meeting an information sharing meeting?
If you are looking for a meeting with discussion, debate and decision making, then keep the number of attendees to a smaller number.
I also cover how to run a meeting with minutes, which is very helpful if keeping as many people fully engaged in the meeting.
Practice running effective productive team meetings! It does not take long and your team and career will thank you for it!
00:00 Intro
01:17 Prepare a specific meeting agenda
02:13 Get the attendees to agree the meeting rules
03:26 One person in charge of facilitating the meeting
04:30 Keep the meeting focused on discussion, collaboration, problem solving and decision making.
05:26 Keep to a small number of attendees
05:58 Be open and be honest
06:51 Ask for feedback on the meeting
07:13 Capture minutes of the meeting
07:50 Follow up on action items
08:06 In Summary
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