How to: Rapid Ultrasound for Shock and Hypotension - Zedu POCUS Coaching Corner - 4 February 2021

How to: The RUSH protocol - Rapid Ultrasound for Shock and Hypotension
History and context of RUSH
01:42 - types of shock | hypovolaemic, distributive, cardiogenic, obstructive
03:30 - The Weingart RUSH and HIMAP
05:08 - The Perera RUSH and Pump, Tank, Pipes
07:30 - eFAST emerges
How to image - the pump
09:27 - Pump - how to image the heart with #POCUS and what you'll see | pathology; measurement - EPSS & TAPSE; approach to systematic imaging and top tips
10:31 - Pump - SC4
13:00 - Pump - PLAX including EPSS
15:47 - Pump - AP4, RV size and TAPSE
How to image - the tank
19:00 - Tank - how to image the abdomen (incorporating the eFAST exam) and what you'll see | approach to systematic imaging (with inspiration from the Karate Kid) and top tips for female and male pelvic examination
19:27 - Tank - IVC
22:26 - Tank - RUQ
25:48 - Tank - LUQ
29:50 - Tank - Lung
27:25 - Tank - Female pelvic imaging top tips
29:14 - Tank - Male pelvic imaging top tips
29:50 - Tank - Lung
How to image - the pipes
33:58 - Pipes - how to image the pipes and what you'll see | approach to systematic imaging and top tips
34:12 - Pipes - Aorta
40:30 - Pipes - DVT
Questions and discussion
44:30 - Q&A, tips and tricks
Be sure to tune in the first Thursday of each month, 7:30pm AEST for our #coachingcorner​ - brought to you in association with our friends at Philips Ultrasound.
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