How To Make Fish Oil For Trapping.

In this video I will show you a VERY easy & cheap way to make the LOUDEST & CLEANEST smelling fish oil for attracting predators. You have so many more choices of fish when you make your own. Ingredients & amounts of each are listed below in both standard & metric...
16-32 ounces (454-907g) fish of your choice. I try to stay around 26-28 ounces or 766 grams. Just don't forget that it should be cooked, seasoning free & packaged in oil or salt cured. You can use raw fish but it will go rancid much quicker. I personally think that salt cured fish has the loudest aroma. Use your imagination, the options are VAST...:-)
8 ounces (227g) salt. The salt is a VERY important part of this. It not only keeps the fish preserved but it also draws out the natural oils of the fish into the oil. Very important ingredient.
1 gallon (3.7L) oil of your choice....Vegetable, Corn, Peanut, Sunflower, Canola, Etc, etc, etc....
Using 64 ounces of mineral Oil in place of the other oil will enhance the shelf life a bit, if you already have it, try it. Just trying to offer an option that won"t do anything to the aroma. Mineral oil is completely liquid, odorless & very thin. With proper storage it has an indefnite shelf life as well.
Hope this helped....:-)
