How to Make Feta Cheese in a Roaster Oven

This is a quick video showing how I make Feta cheese in a roaster oven. The instruction for the first Feta cheese I made came in a Ricki's Basic Cheese Making Kit my daughter gave me for Christmas. If you are new to cheese making, using a kit is a great way to learn the basics of cheese making.
When I was introduced to using a roaster oven to make squeaky cheese, I decided to try a batch of Feta using the roaster oven. Of course, if you don't have a roaster oven, you can use a double boiler, or a stainless steel pot in a sink of hot water.
The lipase is optional, but I find it gives the feta a great flavor boost when using cows milk. With fresh spinach and strawberries in the garden, this is a perfect time to try a batch of feta and make a delicious salad! Be sure and save the whey to make ricotta cheese.
Check out for more tips on making feta.
Rickis Basic Cheese Making Kit-
This is a great introduction to cheese making.
Buttermilk culture-
I mix up a quart and use this for my starter, saving two tablespoons from the original quart to start another quart. Keep the extra packets in the freezer.
I like the flavor mild lipase adds to my feta. I use this type:
Liquid rennet
Liquid rennet is so easy to use. This is my favorite -
Calcuim chloride -
Calcuim chloride is used in the brine. I don't need to use calcium chloride with my Dexter milk to get a firm curd, but if your curd is week calcium chloride can help.
