How to make art using what you find

Here we go! Another found item, recycle bin treasure project. Always look for the possibilities of what generally are considered junk. This piece uses items that a bouquet came wrapped in, which my daughter was going to toss out! As soon as I saw them I grabbed them, decorated a bit of the orange and got creating. I like to have backgrounds that are ready to go, a stash is important.
Supplies I used:
Bouquet wrapping material (stenciled)
Scrap of gift tissue
Book pages (stamped)
Scraps of text
Sheet music page (see my “make art with a found item” video for more info)
Glue stick
Matte gel medium
#artinspiration #creatingart #creativeinspiration #creativejourney #creativeoutlet #creativity #getcreative #mixedmedia #mixedmediatutorial #mixedmediatechniques
