How to Live a Meaningful Life_P4_Equalizing Self with Others_The Bodhisattva's Way of Life

In this excerpt, Gen Rigpa introduces the practice of Equalizing Self with Others. To create lasting meaning in our lives, we need to abandon our default mode of self obsession, incorrectly believing that we're the most important person on the planet. We realize that all people deserve our respect, love and compassion; that everyone else is just like us. Each person wants happiness and freedom from suffering, in this way, we are all equal. This recognition is the beginning of our journey to real happiness, to becoming a Bodhisattva, a friend to the world; someone who works to improve their character and actions for the benefit of other people; someone who wants to achieve the great mind of Bodhichitta, the wish to become enlightened to liberate all other beings from the cycle of suffering.

