How to drive market success in a plant-based economy: Italy, Spain & France | Full Webinar

Following the successful release of the pan-European report by ProVeg International, in collaboration with the University of Copenhagen and Ghent University as part of the Smart Protein project, we are excited to announce a series of online webinars. These sessions focus on regional analyses, offering a deep dive into the most significant consumer trends and business strategies for succeeding in the plant-based sector within each specific region.
These discussions highlight vital consumer insights and effective practices for thriving in the dynamic plant-based sector. Expect to gain crucial country-specific insights and to engage with a panel of experts-from researchers and successful brands to policymakers and NGOs-who have achieved success in their respective areas.
This webinar focuses on Italy, Spain and France, and features insights from Stephen Tierney, Sales Rep for Foodservice at Planted, Marc Coloma, CEO at Heura Foods, and Keyvan Mostafavi, Campaigns and Advocacy Officer at Assiettes Végétales.
Want to learn more about the project? Head to the Smart Protein website here:

