How to Draw Fire - A Tutorial on How to Draw Flames

If you have been looking for a tutorial on how to draw fire, you have most certainly come to the right place! Fires and their flames are dynamic, which can make drawing fire tricky, but we will help simplify exactly how to draw flames in this fantastic tutorial. Read on as we break down, step by step, everything you need to know about flame drawing. Without any more waiting, let us get right into our step-by-step guide! Remember to have fun as you let your creative juices flow!
You can find the full tutorial on how to draw a flame / fire here:
Frequently Asked Questions
Will This Guide Teach Me How to Draw Fire?
Most definitely! This step-by-step tutorial is intended to teach you everything you need to know to help you sketch fire, both in a realistic way, or if preferred, in a cartoon style.
How Do I Draw Fire Realistically?
Fire can be a rather complicated thing to draw, so we have included how to make your cartoon fire into a more realistic one in the last step of our easy tutorial. Our steps are super simple and easy to follow.
How Long Will It Take to Draw Fire?
Even if this is your first time drawing a fire, it should not take you too long to understand and get into the rhythm. This tutorial is very easy to understand and quite short, too.
