How to desensitize a Donkey who is scared of your touch / scared at feed time / scared in a barn

This is Ivan, he has been with us for a week, and somewhere along his life he has become VERY uncomfortable with anyone or anything being too close to him or touching him when he is eating.
He initially couldn't even take a treat from us without flinching and balling up if we even touched his whiskers. Someone worked very hard to make him this uncomfortable.
Ivan is on senior grain to get his weight back in order after being in an auction then kill pen. This technique can work however no matter how you feed your donkey, provided you can give them a treat like grain that they are willing to put up with you making them uncomfortable in order for them to eat. Ideally look for a grain that is lowest in sugars, you can even use soaked beet pulp.
In this video you will see that he is so nervous he flinches at the lightest touch. If that's your animal, you're in the right place!
We let them enjoy a few meals uninterrupted over a few days, this helps them realize how good the feed is. Then we begin placing ourself in the situation. First step is just to be inside the barn, stay away but talk and make your presence known... they will watch you. Keep moving closer each meal. After a few days/meal times.. begin where this video starts.
Place their bowl on the ground but this time don't leave. They will position themselves away from you. You will look forward, and do a few very slow side steps to close the gap to an arms reach, 1 step at a time with your hand at your side. Once you're close enough to touch, slowly reach out, not while stepping!! You'll gentle contact them every time the come in closer.
If you have a nervous animal always approach facing forward, not toward them, ie looking in the same direction their face is pointing. Never reach and step at the same time. This helps calm them and not feel attacked.
Watch how in the video I stay still and his moving closer to eat allows me to touch. Always keep your feet near the bowl.. which also should keep you away from their rear end/ kicking distance!
This will be one of many baby steps but it will help the animal not only feel better with people being close but other animals which is crucial to a calm herd. The goal is never to make them feel challenged or threatened when eating.
After this video, I moved closed and used the foundation we built here to begin some treat and halter trianing. If you watch the other videos about treat trianing / halter training a VERY scared Donkey, you'll see the progression and comfort level increase on this day!
It's all a slow process with a Donkey, but once they learn or even unlearn a bad habit, they will always be easier moving forward with everything else!
