How to build a Festival, Rock or Concert Stage. Stage Construction for big Boys

In this short animation we give you an insight on how a Festival Stage is build. It shows all the phases, of course, with some artistic freedom. This format is used on various Festivals like Rock am Ring, Pukkelpop, Rock Im Park, SummerBreeze and many many more.
This setup weighs about 90 Tons, Stage Deck and Layher not included. The whole stage is setup using a large telescopic crane. A 5m Steel Truss Tower section comes in at 400kg to put it in perspective.
System used, Stageco staging

Пікірлер: 2

  • @MichielGeyskens
    @MichielGeyskens3 ай бұрын

    which software did you use?

  • @444Engineering


    3 ай бұрын

    All models and animations are created with Solidworks.