How to Brainstorm and Write a Fabulous First Chapter

A great first chapter is essential! Those first pages are how someone decides whether to read your book or put it down. The beginning scene sets up your character and their world in an interesting way. Pick an intriguing setting and get us right into the action. We also need to get to know the personality of the main character - show their thoughts and opinions. Yes, you can start with a prologue, but make sure you actually need that prologue. Sometimes, a prologue can be a boring way to start a book. It's more common for fantasy books, but many fantasy books are entirely skipping the prologue in favor of jumping right into the action.
This is the Busy Writer's Workshop for busy teens and adults.
Big ANNOUNCEMENT...Penguin is publishing my writer's guide, The Busy Writer's Guide to Finishing a Book in 100 Days.
This channel has videos for all ages. This video is part of the Busy Writer Workshop Series, designed for busy teens and adults who are trying to write a book. Fast tips because you don't have time to mess around.
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