How This 20Twenty Episode Helped His Mental Health! - Visionathon 2024

Kyle found Vision when DAB came to Brisbane! After tuning in to one of the 20Twenty interviews with Ps Dave Quak, he was moved and impacted by the advice and truths that were shared.
He connected with Ps Dave Quak soon after and Dave has been supporting Kyle's mental health journey ever since. What's even better, is that Kyle was recently baptised, all thanks to the transformative work of God!
Visionathon 2024 - Love In Action! 🧡
Your support can make a difference! Donations to Vision are tax-deductible for Australian taxpayers.
🔎 About Vision:
Vision is a non-profit, non-denominational Christian ministry committed to embedding God's Word in Australia's media. We already reach one million people monthly, and your gift ensures we continue lighting the way.
🙏 Why Donate?
As the world faces unprecedented challenges, Vision stands as a lighthouse in the storm. Secular media often omits God, focusing on fear. Your donation supports positive Christian content, connecting people to Jesus daily.
💡 We're Powered By People:
Vision is 24/7 nationwide, thanks to supporters like you. Your contribution during Visionathon is vital. We operate solely on free-will donations, making your support crucial for our growth.
🚀 Fueling Growth:
Vision needs your support to seize new opportunities, such as expanding on DAB+ digital radio, keeping regional stations on air, and introducing more people to our devotional and the Vision App.
✨ Reaching Out:
Your donation helps us utilize broadcast, print, and digital media to connect people with eternal truths-24/7.
📻 Media Content:
Support today helps produce radio programs, videos, podcasts, and keeps our prayer line open.
📡 New Radio Stations:
We're expanding to rural areas and launching digital radio in major cities. Your gift makes this possible.
📱 Digital Platforms:
With over 86% of Aussies owning smartphones, our app reaches more people easily. Your gift ensures accessibility to live radio, devotions, podcasts, news, articles, videos, and the Bible.
🌐 About Vision Ministry:
Founded on Habakkuk 2:2, Vision pioneers envisioned reaching every corner of Australia. Today, Vision reaches millions through Christian radio, devotionals, books, podcasts, and digital platforms.
🔍 Impactful Numbers:
10M+ People reached by Vision Christian Radio
8M+ Daily devotionals distributed since 1994
600,000+ Books, DVDs & more distributed
470,000+ Podcasts downloaded per quarter
265,000+ Online Listeners per quarter
124,000+ Social Media Followers
63,000+ Monthly Active Website Users
25,000+ Monthly Active App Users
24,000+ Prayer Requests Every Year
Join Visionathon 2024! Be part of something bigger, making God's Word accessible to all.
Donate now or call 1800 316 316. Let's put love into action!
