How Does the POKEMON GOVERNMENT Work? (ft. BirdKeeperToby)


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Hey Pokémon fans, AlmightyArceus here with my good friend BirdKeeperToby to talk with you about a theory I've held for years now. With more and more knowledge being exposed about the Pokemon world every game, I thought it time to ask the question: How does the Pokemon Government work? It's quite a fascinating question, actually!
I put my degree in Political Science to work talking about the inner workings of the Pokemon Government, debunking common theories and exposing just how the government operates in the Pokemon World.
This is part of a series of collaborations I did with @BirdKeeperToby. I hope you enjoy watching them as much as we enjoyed making them! :)

Пікірлер: 139

  • @AlmightyArceus
    @AlmightyArceus5 жыл бұрын

    I love all of these political theory comments! It's so cool to talk about the politics of Pokémon! Give me your thoughts in the comments below! :D

  • @spritelady4669


    5 жыл бұрын

    AlmightyArceus World building is one of my favorite things ever; so I find any videos like this are fascinating. 😊👍

  • @Lorekeeper_GGuy


    5 жыл бұрын

    My theory for both videos on why (in Toby's video) you can only buy items related travelling and catching Pokemon and (in your video) why we pretty much never see stuff regarding politics in the games is because, in-game, you're a kid, 10 at minimum and 14 at maximum. I doubt you've met many ten-to-14-year-olds that care about politics. And when kids are in stores, they generally don't care to look at stuff asides from things they are interested. For example, why would they buy shampoo bottles or wrapping paper when they can buy candy and toys. Tl;dr The reason you don't see more than Pokemon-related stuff in Pokemarts and don't hear about politics and the government most of the time is because the player character, in-game, because of their age, simply doesn't care enough to pay attention to that stuff. Edit: Also, no homeless people? There are plenty of people that are just standing around, outside all day, with no apparent homes, especially in regards to older games. Edit 2: A lot of that stuff in regards to technology are obtained, not because it's constantly given out for free, but because you either won it, got it as a gift, obtained it prior to the game, or did something for the person giving it out. The Pokegear is a gift from your mother, the Pokenav is obtained by recovering the Devon goods, the Poketch is won in a contest (or something like that), the C-Gear is a gift for helping Fennel obtain Dream Mist (in BW) or a gift from Bianca (in B2W2), and the Holocaster and PokeNav plus are owned prior to the beginning of the game.

  • @theberrby6836


    5 жыл бұрын

    Hey. This is an amazing theory and thought process of it ya got here!

  • @slevinchannel7589


    2 жыл бұрын

    MORE! More about Poke-Goverments! And what about theoretical military strength? What Region is the Strongest??

  • @loturzelrestaurant


    2 жыл бұрын

    Great Topic/s, that need more Coverage. The War-Preparation aint something i sub to, but ok. I bet the Gym-Leaders are not the Goverment, but I'm not so sure about the Champion; at least he probably has a lot of Influence. I mean, if that guy says 'Vote for that one guy over there, people!", people will do it. The International Goverment that is just hidden because of Game-Mechanics is surely the Thing. And a thing to further discuss, as this has not been covered enough, i say!! No Human-Food-Stores is surely also a Mechanic, but a lot is left to discuss. I personally would find it interesting to calculate by different means who's the strongest Region and who stacks up how.

  • @Valtharr
    @Valtharr5 жыл бұрын

    In regards to Pokémon world sociology, I've been thinking (and I admit, I got that in part from a Tumblr post I saw ages ago and remembered recently)...the fact that most characters in the games are really friendly, and generous, and caring etc could be explained with "well, it's a kids game", but if you think about it, there's a Watsonian interpretation there, namely that the people are so nice because the existence of Pokémon, and the way they "work" has kind of forced society to become this way. the rule is kind of "survival of the nicest." because the thing is, no matter how strong you are physically, or how big your guns are, or won't have a chance if your opponent has control over creatures that can cause natural disasters, influence your thoughts, or you in half with their bare hands. and it's been established in the games and other forms of Pokémon media that Pokémon become stronger if they share a strong bond with their trainer, and also that Pokémon totally can disobey their trainers, or even refuse to enter their Pokéballs. so, the more you care about your Pokémon, the nicer you are to it, the stronger you are, and the easier you can defend yourself. which in turn means that, if there is a conflict, the side who is more empathetic and caring will win, generally speaking. and since, presumably, humans and Pokémon have lived side-by-side for millions of years, of course that would result in a society where the people are just...nice. it also explains why children can easily take down major crime syndicates, since, sure, that Team Rocket Grunt may be twice as large as the 11 year old kid that just stomped his Zubat...but that 11 year old kid also has bodyguards that can spit fire, summon lightning storms, cause earthquakes, and *eat your dreams!*

  • @slevinchannel7589


    2 жыл бұрын

    Great Topic/s, that need more Coverage. The War-Preparation aint something i sub to, but ok. I bet the Gym-Leaders are not the Goverment, but I'm not so sure about the Champion; at least he probably has a lot of Influence. I mean, if that guy says 'Vote for that one guy over there, people!", people will do it. The International Goverment that is just hidden because of Game-Mechanics is surely the Thing. And a thing to further discuss, as this has not been covered enough, i say!! No Human-Food-Stores is surely also a Mechanic, but a lot is left to discuss. I personally would find it interesting to calculate by different means who's the strongest Region and who stacks up how.

  • @llewtree3013


    2 жыл бұрын

    I’ve also been thinking about survival of the nicest in Pokémon and it’s connection to the mysterious “magic” in Pokémon known as aura, one of the main abilities of aura is making a connection with another and feeling or sensing their emotions for yourself, and it’s interesting to know what stuff in the Pokémon world uses aura like mega evolution uses aura and requires a strong emotional bond with trainer and Pokémon, Z moves too require aura the bond between trainer and Pokémon, I also theorise that the capture stylers used by Pokémon rangers, devices capable of creating a link between ranger and Pokémon through friendship and creating a bond by showing a Pokémon the contents of a rangers heart also uses aura as it also pulls from this idea of bonds and of friendship power, now interestingly capture stylers can also channel the abilities of Pokémon in your party using them like wands or summoning Pokémon with ranger signs but that last bits less important, what is important is that when bonded with a Pokémon your capture styler can become empowered by Pokémon types and use those abilities, similar to how Z moves empower the abilities of Pokémon through their types, seeing that connection with aura and Pokémon type abilities …it makes me wonder if all Pokémon’s supernatural abilities come from this aura and that it’s not just humans who get by on survival of the nicest but that this weird innate force of bonds ….or friendship magic if you will is something all inhabitants of this world have lived with and evolved alongside … kind of an open ended idea no real conclusion here xD

  • @spritelady4669
    @spritelady46695 жыл бұрын

    "No one in the Pokémon world is homeless." Emma and many members of Team Skull say hi. The theory for Pokémon being a Utopian society still doesn't make much sense given that we have canon examples in game of people falling on hard times being unable to get out of their rut. A notable example of this would be Kagetora. If the name doesn't ring any bells, he's the guy who gives you the special Eevee z-crystal in the Royal Avenues' Thrifty Megamart. He mentions to the player that since he's gotten married and has a child to support; he can no longer train and battle Pokémon as he once did in his youth. And due to having no formal career degree because he's a Pokémon trainer; he has to barely make end's meet as a cashier in a grocery store chain. Kiawae, the fire trial captain is another good example. He has a sidequest in the SUMO that involves him being fired by the manager of the Thrifty Megamart. He's close to becoming an adult; meaning that his time as a Trial Captain is coming to a close. This is brought up as he dreams of becoming a professional dancer; and given that it's an art degree AND he's broke he has zero clue how to get the money to pay for it. So all is not well in Pokémon. If this were a socialist world; the divide between who has money and whatnot wouldn't be so vast. Also during the start of Sun & Moon; Rotom cracks a joke about the government buildings in Hau'oli City. So they do have a mayor of some sort. And due to the existence of passports and registration the Sun or Moon with their mother; it is very possible that other countries still do exist.

  • @AlmightyArceus


    5 жыл бұрын

    This hints at the fact that even though the Pokemon world is *trying* to emulate a utopia, it's not exactly succeeding. This is the image it wants to present across the Pokemon World, especially if we consider that the Pokemon War may have been what brought this international government into being in the first place. There's a LOT of hidden darkness in Pokemon that in Gen 7 is starting to get exposed. The International Police are shady af, people begin talking about hard times, etc. Although the Pokemon World definitely professes itself to be a utopia, the reality lying just below the surface might expose something else. (As for Team Skull, I think of that more as kids running away from home rather than them explicitly being homeless. Guzma's parents, for example, still have his room put all together).

  • @spritelady4669


    5 жыл бұрын

    AlmightyArceus Oh wow that was a quick reply! Hey there! Thanks through getting through my wall of text! 😅 And you are right; they are indeed trying; gotta give the Pokémon world powers props for that at least. Heck, you could probably say this is a sneaky way for Game Freak to make a sort of critique about the world and our own society as a whole. Either that or it's purposely kept out due to our player character being a kid or teenager. You probably don't care so much about government issues when you're a 12 year old running around with your elite squad of multicolored pocket monsters. As for Team Skull; there is a grunt in Konikoni City who Mallow takes in to her family's restaurant to get her back on her feet. When you talk to her she mentions "not having anywhere else to go" and being very ecstatic about being given a second chance at life. So Team Skull consists of many basic runaways like Guzma and Plumeria; there are also other young stereotypical ""gangsta"" versions of the Kagetora are mixed in as well. I think that it ties back to how Pokémon was really deconstructing many of its own tropes in Sun & Moon. The games touch on many issues that we as players often wondered about like PC Pokémon storage being ethical, what happens to people in this universe who are unsuccessful or never attempted Pokémon training, whether Pokémon want or don't want to evolve or mega evolve, etc. On a final note though; I would be very curious to see your take and Toby's on how the heck the Pokémon Ranger regions and Orre work. On one hand you have three places filled to the brim with a variety of species that trainers can't catch as there are no trainers. And Orre being the exact opposite; a region that is obsessed with Pokémon battles and strategy for them; but so barren in life wildlife that it actually has to *import* Pokémon from other regions. Thanks for the response though! Was a pretty darn good read. ((Now if you excuse me I gotta go check out part 2 with a certain bird keeper's channel...))

  • @AlmightyArceus


    5 жыл бұрын

    One of the reasons I love Gen 7 so much is because of how much care they put into sidequests. There's so much lore building that happens within these sidequests and from these NPCs that will be extremely interesting to see where they go with that in Gen 8. It seems like they're gearing up for a much bigger Pokemon game than we've ever had before. And I wanna do some videos on the other areas of the Pokemon Universe, including Orre/Ranger, and even PMD! So stay tuned for those :) Love interacting with viewers in the comments; thanks for all your thoughtfulness! :D

  • @spritelady4669


    5 жыл бұрын

    AlmightyArceus The sidequests in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon ultimately save it from being a more bare-bones version of a deluxe Pokémon game like predecessors in older generations like Emerald or Platinum. And considering the lore behind Alola and how its unique culture is expanded upon; Gamefreak created a really interesting and believable world to get lost in and ponder about. I mean Gamefreak made me care about a regular old bland NPC, Meredith, the actress with her Oricorio. I'm actually hope we see her again in future games; and if a game can get me to enjoy something as simple as that... well they're doing something right!! But my hands down favorite new lore we have found in Gen 7 is the Seafolk Village! As the game basically tells you outright that there's a nomadic civilization of seafaring people; which might explain why most Pokémon regions are always close to a coastline or the ocean. They have a large population of people out and about the oceans; so if they need assistance or a need to trade goods they can dock their ship and have at it. It would also explain all of the unusual Pokedex entries about sailors and boats. They're probably warnings or old wives' tales passed from generation to generation in these mobile communities. And HECK YES! I may be incredibly bias, but Orre is my favorite region. It was very small in scope despite being Pokémon's first console RPG, but the world shown was super fascinating despite the lack of information. As a kid all the way up until now I've always been theorizing about it and whatnot. There's a random train in the desert a underground mining city full of crime that's underneath another mining industry city full of crime... and the entire conspiracy with Cipher basically running the entire region until the protagonists of the respective GameCube games ruin their day. SO YEAH I'm EXCITED for whatever you got about that! Wooo! And no problem! This is some fascinating stuff you got here! I'm kind of reminded of the first video series I've found from you about the Looker Paradox and Ultra Wormhole breakdown. Can't wait to see what else you have; and I hope in return you'll allow me the opportunity to leave my own two cents on this intriguing new series you're setting up as of now.

  • @Noseihtam266
    @Noseihtam2665 жыл бұрын

    I always thought that the Pokemon Centers and the PokéMart were part of the same company and that the healing done in Pokemon Centers is so cheap for them to provide it could be easily subsidized by sales from the PokéMart, I also thought that maybe the products sold in PokéMarts are so inexpensive to make at the quantities they're produced at (supplying the entire world with a basically infinite supply), that they can make large profit margins from them even at their relatively cheap pricing for consumers

  • @AlmightyArceus


    5 жыл бұрын

    Interesting theory! Never though of the two as linked via profits, though that would mean that there's one super-company running all the centers and the Marts! Based on the way they're portrayed in the anime, I do think Pokemon Centers are more akin to public utilities, providing free healing and even housing for travelers. PokeMarts are kinda like the Walmarts of the Pokemon world, as they have goods they sell at low prices that they bought wholesale from places like Silph Co and the Pokeball Factory in Kalos. I see PokeMarts being in Pokemon Centers being like when public buildings (ie train stations, courthouses, etc) have commercial outlets in them.

  • @kirarakidohara1423


    5 жыл бұрын

    But, the anime displays Pokemon Center employees as working at the Mart. At least, in the SM anime.

  • @Noseihtam266


    5 жыл бұрын

    @@kirarakidohara1423 that kinda helps strengthen the idea that they're just one company (although I was solely thinking about the games when I was coming up with the idea)

  • @kirarakidohara1423


    5 жыл бұрын

    @Mathieson I always forget you have to tag the person you're replying to on KZread. I was responding to @AlmightyArceus, since he was mentioning the anime

  • @loturzelrestaurant


    2 жыл бұрын

    Great Topic/s, that need more Coverage. The War-Preparation aint something i sub to, but ok. I bet the Gym-Leaders are not the Goverment, but I'm not so sure about the Champion; at least he probably has a lot of Influence. I mean, if that guy says 'Vote for that one guy over there, people!", people will do it. The International Goverment that is just hidden because of Game-Mechanics is surely the Thing. And a thing to further discuss, as this has not been covered enough, i say!! No Human-Food-Stores is surely also a Mechanic, but a lot is left to discuss. I personally would find it interesting to calculate by different means who's the strongest Region and who stacks up how.

  • @BirdKeeperToby
    @BirdKeeperToby5 жыл бұрын

    Thanks for having me over, same again later this week!!!!

  • @AlmightyArceus


    5 жыл бұрын

    Happy to have you over on the channel man, and glad to visit yours as well :D Such a fun time!

  • @SessionSakic


    5 жыл бұрын

    Hey what is your Take on the Pokemon Ranger influence on the world, during the Ranger game you got to witness a structured authority being run.

  • @slevinchannel7589


    2 жыл бұрын

    MORE! More about Poke-Goverments! And what about theoretical military strength? What Region is the Strongest??

  • @loturzelrestaurant


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@AlmightyArceus Will there be no more Content about the Goverments of Pokemon? And i literally saw no one talking about their actual Strength and Relationships: Could the Peace ever Crumble? IF it crumbles for whatever reason, who will Win? Which Nation/Region is the Strongest and who stacks up how? ?

  • @loturzelrestaurant


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@AlmightyArceus Will there be no more Content about the Goverments of Pokemon? And i literally saw no one talking about their actual Strength and Relationships: Could the Peace ever Crumble? IF it crumbles for whatever reason, who will Win? Which Nation/Region is the Strongest and who stacks up how? ?

  • @boredfangerrude
    @boredfangerrude5 жыл бұрын

    I should point out that not everyone has free access to all technology. MOST trainers do not have a Pokedex or a PokeNav.

  • @AlmightyArceus


    5 жыл бұрын

    But they do have access to the PC systems, teleportation, Holocasters, Xtransceivers, etc. And presumably, those trainer specific resources could be available in the future to the public, or if they choose to start a Pokemon journey.

  • @boredfangerrude


    5 жыл бұрын

    You are right that everyone has access to a PC system but not so sure about teleportation. It seems to be pretty limited. We've only seen them used in some companies, by evil teams and gyms. I can't say anything about Holocasters or XTransceivers because I never really got into the games with them to really notice whether everyone had one or not.

  • @Valtharr


    5 жыл бұрын

    it's very clearly established that at least a huge part of Kalos' population owns Holocasters, or else it wouldn't have made much sense for Lysandre to announce his plans through that medium

  • @kirarakidohara1423


    5 жыл бұрын

    Holocasters are made by Lysandre Labs. It's established that they are sol, not free. The Poketch is also a product that is sold in Sinnoh, you just enter a contest to receive a free one. You are reaching a bit with the technology provided for all angle... PC's are free and healing at Pokemon Centers is free. A lot of the technology is established to cost money, but you luck out and get it as a gift or prize.

  • @Axioanarchist
    @Axioanarchist5 жыл бұрын

    Team Flare were Randian/objectivist oligarchs. They say a lot about purity and beauty, but their actions and a lot of their dialogue defines such things in terms of monetary value and wealth. The fact that even entering Team Flare requires a massive sum of money is a clear start. They wanted to "purify" the world from the poor and those who rely on the government and societal system for survival and comfort rather than had the wealth and power personally to seize it.

  • @AlmightyArceus


    5 жыл бұрын

    LMAO Lysandre as a Libertarian makes so much sense.

  • @Axioanarchist


    5 жыл бұрын

    @@AlmightyArceus also don't forget, Team Flare had a HUGE amount of influence in Kalos. They had a team member in the E4, and nobody of any influence or importance makes any effort to oppose them, despite them *announcing their entire plan over a REGION-WIDE SKYPE-LIKE SERVICE.* The ONLY real exception seems to be Korrina. The local professor is closely tied to the Team's leader as is the Champion, and neither is particularly apologetic about it. Sycamore gives a halfassed "dunno Maybe he needed help" comment but only after Flare is defeated, saying nothing at all negative about the Team or its leader previously. And while Diantha seems disinterested in the idea of immortality or never aging, she seems to have no qualms with continuing professional relations with Lysandre OR Malva.

  • @AlmightyArceus


    5 жыл бұрын

    Really makes you wonder what the heck is going on in Kalos! Would have been nice to have a follow-up game...maybe someday...

  • @kierengert6177


    5 жыл бұрын

    I also see some parallels with Malthusianism, particularly when Lysandre speaks of how resources are wasted to nurture the "ugliness" in the world. Malthusianism being the concern about overpoulation and the resulting resource scarcity it brings and ultimately, the advocacy for population controls through increasing the mortality rate and reducing the fertility rate. I think Lysandre is a much better villain than a lot of people make him out to be because honestly, there are plenty of people in reality who think the way he does. For many its targeted too, be it racial, socioeconomic, disability, etc. Perhaps he got a little more unhinged when he got his hands on that superweapon, but I chalk that up to him actually having a superweapon in his hands, that kind of power can send even a sane person over the edge if they aren't ready for the responsibility.

  • @slevinchannel7589


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@kierengert6177 Great Topic/s, that need more Coverage. The War-Preparation aint something i sub to, but ok. I bet the Gym-Leaders are not the Goverment, but I'm not so sure about the Champion; at least he probably has a lot of Influence. I mean, if that guy says 'Vote for that one guy over there, people!", people will do it. The International Goverment that is just hidden because of Game-Mechanics is surely the Thing. And a thing to further discuss, as this has not been covered enough, i say!! No Human-Food-Stores is surely also a Mechanic, but a lot is left to discuss.

  • @cullenhutchison6528
    @cullenhutchison65285 жыл бұрын

    I think that the Pokémon League is a private sector organization that works closely with the government.

  • @loturzelrestaurant


    2 жыл бұрын

    Great Topic/s, that need more Coverage. The War-Preparation aint something i sub to, but ok. I bet the Gym-Leaders are not the Goverment, but I'm not so sure about the Champion; at least he probably has a lot of Influence. I mean, if that guy says 'Vote for that one guy over there, people!", people will do it. The International Goverment that is just hidden because of Game-Mechanics is surely the Thing. And a thing to further discuss, as this has not been covered enough, i say!! No Human-Food-Stores is surely also a Mechanic, but a lot is left to discuss.

  • @shytendeakatamanoir9740
    @shytendeakatamanoir97405 жыл бұрын

    Fantina comes more likely from Unova. In Japanese she speaks with an English accent. I'd even go as far as to say she may be from Nimbasa who holds the Pokémon Musical (a downgraded version of Super Contest.)

  • @AlmightyArceus


    5 жыл бұрын

    Oooh, I like that! Thanks for the clarification there; didn't know that localization detail!

  • @slevinchannel7589


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@AlmightyArceus MORE! More about Poke-Goverments! And what about theoretical military strength? What Region is the Strongest??

  • @snivys
    @snivys5 жыл бұрын

    what do you mean i thought gumshoos ruled it all

  • @ArceusDX
    @ArceusDX5 жыл бұрын

    11:30, Emma and the gang she was associated with were homeless for years until the Looker case, also everyone in Team Skull is homeless.

  • @slevinchannel7589


    2 жыл бұрын

    MORE! More about Poke-Goverments! And what about theoretical military strength? What Region is the Strongest??

  • @andresmarrero8666
    @andresmarrero86665 жыл бұрын

    I don't think that it is such a mono government. It just wouldn't work due to human nature and such, its part of the reason why the constitution is written in such a way in terms of checks and balances in order to strengthen itself and adapt. It seems more to me that it is a shared culture. Humanity has been living alongside these magical creatures who are just as smart as us and capable of destroying the world or at the very least cause vast amounts of destruction and/or destroyed the human race. So in order to survive the human race came up with three means to live. One is technical advancement. The existence of pokemon like ratacate forces the development of such technology at quite an early stage of human development. You won't be building any kind of structure to live in with those things around. The second means is magic, enlightenment, the metaphysical, alchemical knowledge and understanding of the supernatural, the growth of us as people. Essentially everyone becoming wizards, and this one is kinda self explanatory. The third means and most important to this video is to befriend them. To form a symbiotic relationship, one not based on biology but based on cultural bond. Because humanity is not winning a war against pokemon, so it is best to befriend them. To become so close culturally that no one wants to do such a foolish thing, and it is that culture, that unanimous culture across the pokemon world that developed for many different reasons and entirely independent of each other, that united the world. It is something that they all have in common, that they care for their pokemon and can't live without them. Now I do think that the league and gym leaders and such are heavily tied into the political structure of things. But I don't think it is a mono government, we have seen separate economies with people earning, selling, rising and falling, but the commonality is those three means and I believe that is what connected the world. Not one government, just a shared underlying culture. Like how humans no matter when or where they are from are still human. We learn, we grow, we become better versions of ourselves, but we are still human with a lot to learn.

  • @Latalie


    4 жыл бұрын

    Wow this actually makes a lot of sense👌. Perhaps the international police then is a task force supported by all governments to make sure the peace between people and Pokémon are protected. That’s why their only seen when this balance could be disturbed.

  • @shytendeakatamanoir9740
    @shytendeakatamanoir97405 жыл бұрын

    Pokémon Centers also have the PCs. A tremendous amount of storage for free for everyone to use (I guess each trainer have a password or something. Maybe your ID Card allow you to connect to your own PC account.) Now I don't know how it works exactly, but that doesn't change the point.

  • @loturzelrestaurant


    2 жыл бұрын

    Will there be no more Content about the Goverments of Pokemon? And i literally saw no one talking about their actual Strength and Relationships: Could the Peace ever Crumble? IF it crumbles for whatever reason, who will Win? Which Nation/Region is the Strongest and who stacks up how? ?

  • @aaronolson6736
    @aaronolson67365 жыл бұрын

    I never realized that Alola has no proper evil team. Skull were paid by Aether to act tough and when we fight Aether, we are the ones breaking in to a highly advanced laboratory. Lusamine either just wants to leave the world (and her children) behind thanks to losing her husband and Nihilego's neurotoxin or take care of something more powerful than deity of the region without help from other regions.

  • @loturzelrestaurant


    2 жыл бұрын

    Great Topic/s, that need more Coverage. The War-Preparation aint something i sub to, but ok. I bet the Gym-Leaders are not the Goverment, but I'm not so sure about the Champion; at least he probably has a lot of Influence. I mean, if that guy says 'Vote for that one guy over there, people!", people will do it. The International Goverment that is just hidden because of Game-Mechanics is surely the Thing. And a thing to further discuss, as this has not been covered enough, i say!! No Human-Food-Stores is surely also a Mechanic, but a lot is left to discuss. I personally would find it interesting to calculate by different means who's the strongest Region and who stacks up how.

  • @slevinchannel7589
    @slevinchannel75892 жыл бұрын

    MORE! More about Poke-Goverments! And what about theoretical military strength? What Region is the Strongest??

  • @Valtharr
    @Valtharr5 жыл бұрын

    Regarding th Nurse Joy thing: That's just technical limitations. They're never actually called "Nurse Joy" in the games, even the card game calls them "Pokémon Center Lady", and the Pokémon Origins Special, intended to be an anime closer to the actual world of the games, shows that the different Pokémon Center Ladies are actually different people with different character designs.

  • @AlmightyArceus


    5 жыл бұрын

    idk i like the clone idea ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • @Heylow1


    5 жыл бұрын

    I don't, buy the clone theory. I believe, in the anime and in the games, the nurse Joy's and officer Jenny's actually are different individuals, just as they are presented in the anime. I believe that in their families (we have seen a married nurse Joy with 2 daughters) they have a dominant gene, that was probably engineered by either a human or more likely by a Pokémon, seeing as we have seen older nurse Joy's, assuming human genome editing is a recent invention. Having this gene results in their identical looks and through the magic of Pokémon, they have a heightened desire to take care or protect Pokémon, leading them to become nurses or police officers. This is not set in stone though, as we have seen Pokémon League investigator Joy and Archaeologist Joy. I hope we'll get a movie in the future explaining this, showing us the original nurse Joy and officer Jenny, from long ago saving a mythical Pokémon, which then rewards them by "blessing" their offspring to have their moral values and (by some accident of this move/blessing) their appearance. The mythical Pokémon theory also supports why there would be other characters, who also seem to have this "blessing", though not as numerous (Porter and Don George). It would also support, why the the nurse Joy's and Jenny's would want to continue to have their offspring have their last name and not the husband's, though the Pokémon world's culture of last names is not exactly touched on that much, so there's no reason to assume they have a similar culture as the majority of our world, where a child only has the last name of one parent, depending on the parent's gender

  • @user-nf9xc7ww7m


    4 жыл бұрын

    @@AlmightyArceus gynoids - they all look alike because they come from the same assembly line.

  • @loturzelrestaurant


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@AlmightyArceus Great Topic/s, that need more Coverage. The War-Preparation aint something i sub to, but ok. I bet the Gym-Leaders are not the Goverment, but I'm not so sure about the Champion; at least he probably has a lot of Influence. I mean, if that guy says 'Vote for that one guy over there, people!", people will do it. The International Goverment that is just hidden because of Game-Mechanics is surely the Thing. And a thing to further discuss, as this has not been covered enough, i say!! No Human-Food-Stores is surely also a Mechanic, but a lot is left to discuss. I personally would find it interesting to calculate by different means who's the strongest Region and who stacks up how.

  • @foxowl23
    @foxowl235 жыл бұрын

    Such an underrated channel! Great job friend!!

  • @Pokestir
    @Pokestir5 жыл бұрын

    I love these types of videos from you!

  • @NoForksGiven
    @NoForksGivenАй бұрын

    The teleporting pads are most likely being powered by the psychic trainers and/or their pokemon. As for the ones in the Team's magic. i aint gotta explain shit

  • @thatssoderek2188
    @thatssoderek21885 жыл бұрын

    Umm you guys should all read Brave New World written by Aldous Huxley from the 1930s. Its full of new world orders and questionable ethics.

  • @AlmightyArceus


    5 жыл бұрын

    *cringes* *thinks of the childhood "rituals" in Brave New World* *downs another Soma*

  • @NuzLok
    @NuzLok5 жыл бұрын

    Oh my gosh I have always wondered this!

  • @Kall_Mii_Kemo
    @Kall_Mii_Kemo5 жыл бұрын

    And Meowth is where funds come from

  • @vaporterra
    @vaporterra5 жыл бұрын

    Great idea and collab!

  • @morrigankasa570
    @morrigankasa5703 жыл бұрын

    What if there are homeless population in the Pokemon world but they either get eaten/killed by wild pokemon and the ones that don't, join the crime syndicates starting as grunts.

  • @aaronolson6736
    @aaronolson67365 жыл бұрын

    12:58 Best part of the theory.

  • @loturzelrestaurant


    2 жыл бұрын

    Will there be no more Content about the Goverments of Pokemon? And i literally saw no one talking about their actual Strength and Relationships: Could the Peace ever Crumble? IF it crumbles for whatever reason, who will Win? Which Nation/Region is the Strongest and who stacks up how? ?

  • @jollyrogers408
    @jollyrogers4085 жыл бұрын

    Joy wasn't cloned like those pokemon or Amber from the Mewtwo movie. Nurse Joy was cloned by trading and then turning off before the trade was completed.

  • @slevinchannel7589
    @slevinchannel75892 жыл бұрын

    Great Topic/s, that need more Coverage. The War-Preparation aint something i sub to, but ok. I bet the Gym-Leaders are not the Goverment, but I'm not so sure about the Champion; at least he probably has a lot of Influence. I mean, if that guy says 'Vote for that one guy over there, people!", people will do it. The International Goverment that is just hidden because of Game-Mechanics is surely the Thing. And a thing to further discuss, as this has not been covered enough, i say!! No Human-Food-Stores is surely also a Mechanic, but a lot is left to discuss. I personally would find it interesting to calculate by different means who's the strongest Region and who stacks up how.

  • @theberrby6836
    @theberrby68365 жыл бұрын

    (1:32) Not on topic but... The mayor is So shiny. He is Politician-shiny!

  • @artificialascension
    @artificialascension5 жыл бұрын

    There are Nurse Joy kids in the anime and that episode also states that joy is their last name.

  • @cullenhutchison6528
    @cullenhutchison65285 жыл бұрын

    I think the Pokémon Centers are probably government-run, but it's possible that they are run by a worldwide NGO.

  • @AidanRatnage
    @AidanRatnage5 жыл бұрын

    I always thought that pokédexes were only given to Pokémon Professors (specifically those named after trees).

  • @mirthfulArtist
    @mirthfulArtist5 жыл бұрын

    I always thought the currency was called "pen". What do you guys call it?

  • @attiplayz


    4 жыл бұрын


  • @JoeSnoe126
    @JoeSnoe1264 жыл бұрын

    So is Galar in a different nation since it has a different Natl dex and diff money?

  • @nickbeach7340
    @nickbeach73405 жыл бұрын

    There are no countries in the Pokemon world only regions. World Government and local only

  • @jgr7487
    @jgr74875 жыл бұрын

    but where do the Evil Teams fit in this Conspiracy???

  • @Andyhoffman98
    @Andyhoffman984 жыл бұрын

    Where’d you get the shirt.

  • @SuperJJx
    @SuperJJx5 жыл бұрын

    But if the war happened 20-30 yrs ago why are there hoards of fatherless 10-12 year-olds? Where did they come from?

  • @AlmightyArceus


    5 жыл бұрын

    As weird as it is, people have kids as young as 18-20, so the War based on those ages probably happened closer to 30 years ago!

  • @JeremyWS
    @JeremyWS5 жыл бұрын

    I think the Pokémon Professors run the government.

  • @JOLE-ex3oj
    @JOLE-ex3oj5 жыл бұрын

    What about Pokemon colleseum an Xd and the ranger games. Why aren’t those region in the Pokemon nation?

  • @stever1705
    @stever17055 жыл бұрын

    Um, Lysandre's thesis was that resouces are becoming scarcer, so to make them plentiful again, we need to reduce the population.

  • @NA-yx4wc
    @NA-yx4wc5 жыл бұрын

    If it’s let by an INTERNATIONAL GOVERNMENT, why is the Pokédex will all known Pokémon called......the NATIONAL dex? Not INTERNational, National... Have we perhaps only seen one “country” it might explain why so many things are similar between regions, why regions are small, and why everyone speaks the same language. I should make a video on this

  • @AlmightyArceus


    5 жыл бұрын

    Could be! I personally think it's called the National Dex because there's one united nation with various regions.

  • @DevalMehtaAstrokidintraining
    @DevalMehtaAstrokidintraining5 жыл бұрын

    I'd hesitate to call the Pokemon world socialist, honestly. A purely socialist society would see the means of production being brought into public ownership entirely, meaning that all utilities would be publicly owned, which is not the case as there are clearly still people who hold most of the stake in different companies, like Devon or Silph. A socialist society (depending on how far left it is) could still leave room for a hierarchy that includes presidents of companies, but not owners, as all companies would be owned (not just funded) by the public. Instead, it would be more accurate to call the international Pokemon government a social democracy, as they exhibit a mixed economy in which many necessary industries are owned publicly, but there are industries in which companies are privately owned.

  • @AlmightyArceus


    5 жыл бұрын

    I'd agree with you here; social democracy probably works better in terms of technical terminology, since there are a multitude of private companies that exist in the Pokemon world. Simplified it a bit here, but I also wanted to speak to the social attitude of the Pokemon world. Even though these companies exist, most communities in the games share local resources, and most municipal governments seem to provide for their residents.

  • @DevalMehtaAstrokidintraining


    5 жыл бұрын

    I think it would be fair to say that the Pokemon world is influenced by socialism and socialist ideas, sure. There's definitely a nice degree of devolution that allows municipal governments to act pretty freely and provide what the people they govern need, as you imply, and a broader sense of community/societal interest over sole individual interest, which is what socialist political philosophies broadly preach. Thanks for responding (and so quickly at that), btw! Genuinely the first time a KZreadr with more than 1k subscribers has responded to one of my comments and that just made my day!

  • @JoblessMusic
    @JoblessMusic5 жыл бұрын

    I will be mighty sad if I find out you were not dressed as Shaggy for Halloween. XD

  • @cullenhutchison6528
    @cullenhutchison65285 жыл бұрын

    16:36 You're wrong. In X&Y, we learn that the Kalos region was at war with some other region.

  • @AlmightyArceus


    5 жыл бұрын

    whoa i've actually never heard that lore before; at what point in the game is that established? If you're speaking of the war 3000 years ago, well, that was 3000 years ago, and doesn't have much of a bearing on the current Pokemon government. Az seemingly was the ruler of Kalos at the time.

  • @cullenhutchison6528


    5 жыл бұрын

    AlmightyArceus While it's true that the current government and that of thousands of years ago may be very different, you are still technically incorrect, as wars between regions did happen. Maybe, if there is a single government for all regions, we will see some reference to a civil war in a future pokemon game?

  • @AlmightyArceus


    5 жыл бұрын

    Cullen Hutchison quite the nitpick there considering we talked about the Pokemon War as well. We’re not saying conflicts in the Pokemon world haven’t happened before; we’re saying in the current state of world affairs, there are no regions or nations going to war against others, and it seems like we’re in a post-War world

  • @AlmightyArceus


    5 жыл бұрын

    It would be cool to see a civil war though! Wonder if Pokemon would ever get that gritty

  • @erimgard3128


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@cullenhutchison6528 BRUH did you just really try to nitpick that a government 3000 years ago doesn't fit what he's saying about current governments. Come on.

  • @slevinchannel7589
    @slevinchannel75892 жыл бұрын

    One must understand what is Game-Mechanic and what not. The Pokecenters are surely FREE Healthcare, but no, the Trainers aint Soldiers.

  • @JT5555
    @JT55555 жыл бұрын

    *I WANT TO LIVE IN THE POKEMON WORLD. TAKE ME,WORMHOLE.* Also To Add To The Nurse Joy Theory: I Do Believe That The Nurse Joys (As Well As The Officer Jennies) Are All Clones (Since Not Even Mass Incest Would Cause Them To All Look The Same,Nor Is It Logical That Both The Joys AND Jennies Have The Same Thing Going On With Their Families) But I Don't Think They Are Enslaved,But Rather Are Simply Cloned Then Made To Believe (Ether By Being Programmed To Or Simply Being Told At A Young Age) That They Are Simply All Part Of Some Weird Family Dynamic And Family Culture Of Them All Being Named Joy/Jenny And Growing Up To Become Pokemon Nurses/Cops And Because It's What They Have Always Known And Is So Embedded In Their Family History And Culture That They Don't Question It And Have No Idea Where The Baby Nurse Joys/Officer Jennies Really Come From (Perhaps With The Use Of Psychic Pokemon Twisting Their Minds Into Believing They Have Had Babies With Whoever They Have Chosen To Be With And Thinking They Gave Birth,When In Reality The Baby Was Simply Another Clone. And The Reason For All This? The Same Reason The Pokemart Always Has Things Like Pokeballs: Supply And Demand. In Order To Assure That The Pokemon Centers And Police Forces Of The World Are Never Short On People To Work For Them,It Was Decided That They Would Produce Clones The Same Way They Produce Pokeballs So That There Is ALWAYS A Nurse Joy To Heal Your Weapi-I Mean...Pokemon And Always Enough Officers To Take Out Any Criminal Masterminds That Might Pop Up. The Pokemon Runs Things Like Pokemon Centers (To Keep Pokemon In Fighting Shape) And The Police (To Keep Order),So It Makes Sense For Them To Never Want To Risk Running Low On Staff By Making Sure There Are ALWAYS Plenty Of People At The Ready To Do Those Jobs.

  • @pokefandylan2117
    @pokefandylan21175 жыл бұрын

    But in the anime, the healing process isn't instant...

  • @AlmightyArceus


    5 жыл бұрын

    But it's still free and very high tech!

  • @Heylow1


    5 жыл бұрын

    If you imagine them as different dimensions, just like some of the games are, then technology could have advanced at different rates. I imagine in the games, the Pokémon centers use one of these two technologies: 1. Pokémon inside their Pokéballs, are stored as infinity energy and in this state their physical bodies are not affected by whatever ails them (at least in recent games/dimensions, as the older ones had that poisoned thing), so the Pokémon center's healing devices have not only the ability to mimic the heal moves used by Pokémon, but also let's the Pokémon inside their Pokéballs be effected by the healing move 2. The ideal Pokémon infinity energy signatures are stored and can applied to a Pokémon inside of it's Pokéball, without affecting their consciousness, sort of like a save file of the ideal body. This theory though would suggest that the Pokémon center's healing devices can rejuvenate Pokémon (turning a 20 year old one into one with a 10 year olds body) and maybe reset/elevate it's level to the ideal stored version's settings

  • @pokefandylan2117


    5 жыл бұрын

    Heylow Bond ah, right, I forgot about the parallel universe thingy for a bit

  • @orm11videos26
    @orm11videos264 жыл бұрын

    No, the leader are ordained by the local god in alola, the tapu

  • @slevinchannel7589


    2 жыл бұрын

    MORE! More about Poke-Goverments! And what about theoretical military strength? What Region is the Strongest??

  • @TomAmit42
    @TomAmit425 жыл бұрын

    WHY assume the regions are equivalent to states INSTEAD of assuming they are REGIONS WITHIN A SINGLE STATE ?? Like the Kanto and Kansai REGIONS of Japan! That would easily explain why you can travel freely between regions, and why every region has the same currency.

  • @AlmightyArceus


    5 жыл бұрын

    Tom Amit I do assume they are regions within a single state. A United, international state. It’s the lingo

  • @TomAmit42


    5 жыл бұрын

    I understood that, and my point still stands - why assume that it's some kind united international state (like the USA or the EU) instead assuming it's a normal simple single state? Every regular state is divided into municipal "regions" (sometimes called "counties"), so why not assume the "regions" in Pokémon are regular regions in a regular state? Well acually I'd be willing to compromise on a US\EU type situation, but if I understood correctly you're suggesting a world-wide international union, and that seems really un-justified to me.

  • @erimgard3128


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@TomAmit42 I mean "International police" so...

  • @TomAmit42


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@erimgard3128 Well then the phrase "National Pokedex" implies that every region that is associated with that Pokedex is part of the same nation. Also, just because there is an "International police", that doesn't mean that everytime you encounter them you're in a different state ation - if you encounter Inter-Pol agents in two different cities of one region would you say that each city is a different nation? obviously not, so two different regions can still belong to the same nation.

  • @Anti-HyperLink
    @Anti-HyperLink5 жыл бұрын

    It doesn't get dark though.

  • @AlmightyArceus


    5 жыл бұрын

    Anti-HyperLink thanks for watching the whole video! Have a great day :)

  • @jeffreydodson2653
    @jeffreydodson26535 жыл бұрын

    Or he's the doctor

  • @7bitranger833
    @7bitranger8335 жыл бұрын

    What if the Government isn't run by Humans though? Or atleast not directly. I mean the Kahuna have been chosen by legendary pokemon, the Kapu. The World was designed by Arceus who created Azelf, Uxie and Mesprit to make the Humans who they are right now. Some Cities or even Regions seem to be directly influenced under the 'light' of a Legendary Pokemon, be it Johto with their Praise upon Ho-oh and Lugia, Unova with Reshiram and Zekrom, Kyurem being the destroyed shell of their former Power. They all praise the Pokemon as they are the reason the Pokemon World came to be, and take Real Life as an example and the Idea comes pretty close that the Humans are in some shape or form controlled by those Pokemon being their 'Gods'. But ofcourse there is no Lack of Freewill or else Arceus never could have had a reason to cleanse the world of Humans ( if someone remembers the movies), but he also took care of Giratina who could have had a different way to rule (possibly close to G-Cis). To sum it up: The Government may not be made by Humans but by Pokemon simply because of their Godly presence.

  • @TheMcT96
    @TheMcT965 жыл бұрын

    Upvote for CCCP's anthem :D

  • @sh4d0wfl4re
    @sh4d0wfl4re5 жыл бұрын

    Don't they have the type of socialism that occurs when corporate shares are evenly owned by all members of the population? Where the corporation profits when the people profit? I have always suspected that the big businesses in pokemon are government projects. Heck poke balls and other items are priced such that the pokeyen flow is close to even, no profit mongering exists in pokemarts. Giovanni's team rocket and their game centers are the exception to this general rule of barring profit exploitation.

  • @user-nf9xc7ww7m
    @user-nf9xc7ww7m4 жыл бұрын

    Having free or discount rate pokemon centers are not de facto govts or govt sponsored per se. They could be run like the international red cross and associated national (ahem regional) red crosses on donations from corporations and individuals. Heck, the officer Jenny clones could be a nonprofit Useful INTERPOL that actuall hires officers...or st least pays to have them cloned...running off donations as above.

  • @AlmightyArceus


    4 жыл бұрын

    True, though if we’re comparing them to those global nonprofits, most of them don’t have the administrative capacity or resources to serve the entire world; they usually intervene in moments of crisis. For such an evenly funded and administrated organization, and with healthcare being provided free of charge, I could see this being a system of socialized medicine.

  • @user-nf9xc7ww7m


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@AlmightyArceus Been a while. Was rewatching after having watched videos about the ancient greeks and their leagues (confederations). That got me thinking. What if either nations were abolished/dissolved in favour of regions/city-states after the war, or never existed in the first place, continuing the Greek city-state phase all the way into modern times? The league would be a loose confederation for policing and medical care. Cities/regions would maintain most autonomy, with cities doing the heavy lifting (utilities, streets, etc) and regions focusing more on cultural preservation (language, customs, etc). As far as taxes go, the medical and even the policing (state/international owned enterprises) can raise money through fees automatically deducted from id cards, much as the automated amazonGo stores do. Further, regions and the cities could do the same with their area of responsibility. Perhaps the VAT is included on the price tag such as required in the EU?

  • @moustachepig43
    @moustachepig435 жыл бұрын

    You’re talking about the games right, because in the X and Y manga, Emma was homeless

  • @AlmightyArceus


    5 жыл бұрын

    Primarily the games' lore yes, with a lil bit of anime being seasoned in there.

  • @Valtharr


    5 жыл бұрын

    she was homeless in the games, too

  • @moustachepig43


    5 жыл бұрын

    Really?, I just read the Manga and it is usually darker than the games and anime so I thought that it might be a Manga only thing

  • @sentrytortellini4184
    @sentrytortellini41845 жыл бұрын

    why do you pronounce 'unova' as "oonohva", it's 'you-no-vuh' not uwunova

  • @x_shadowslayer_x
    @x_shadowslayer_x5 жыл бұрын

    I feel the most governmentally logical Pokemon Region (that I’m aware of) is the Ransei Region from Pokemon Conquest. I know this sounds stupid, but hear me out. Despite the messed up spaghetti that is the timeline, we have an established economy(gold), jobs such as warrior and warlords, and it’s safe to assume it follows the traditional Japanese government.

  • @Anti-HyperLink
    @Anti-HyperLink5 жыл бұрын

    Okay, you were talking about Jenny and Joy, and I've just turned on minecraft to continue building kanto, and do you know what's written in yellow on the title screen? "Nurse Joy!" Big brother is watching. Illuminati confirmed 👁

  • @loturzelrestaurant


    2 жыл бұрын

    Great Topic/s, that need more Coverage. The War-Preparation aint something i sub to, but ok. I bet the Gym-Leaders are not the Goverment, but I'm not so sure about the Champion; at least he probably has a lot of Influence. I mean, if that guy says 'Vote for that one guy over there, people!", people will do it. The International Goverment that is just hidden because of Game-Mechanics is surely the Thing. And a thing to further discuss, as this has not been covered enough, i say!!

  • @eizzah8323
    @eizzah83235 жыл бұрын

    Socialism isn't to be confused with comunism xD

  • @AlmightyArceus


    5 жыл бұрын

    True that! Just memeing :D

  • @andresmarrero8666


    5 жыл бұрын

    Comunism is the extreme. It works in paper but not in practice.

  • @loturzelrestaurant
    @loturzelrestaurant2 жыл бұрын

    Great Topic/s, that need more Coverage. The War-Preparation aint something i sub to, but ok. I bet the Gym-Leaders are not the Goverment, but I'm not so sure about the Champion; at least he probably has a lot of Influence. I mean, if that guy says 'Vote for that one guy over there, people!", people will do it. The International Goverment that is just hidden because of Game-Mechanics is surely the Thing. And a thing to further discuss, as this has not been covered enough, i say!! No Human-Food-Stores is surely also a Mechanic, but a lot is left to discuss. I personally would find it interesting to calculate by different means who's the strongest Region and who stacks up how.
