How did the Irish Potato Famine Happen?

How did the Irish Potato Famine Happen?
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#History #Documentary #Ireland

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  • @CatholicWeeb
    @CatholicWeeb Жыл бұрын

    Fun Fact: During the 2020 Pandemic, The Irish were sending donations to the Indian Americans (Choctaw Tribe) who were struggling during the pandemic to thank them for the support they sent to help the Irish ($5,000 in today's money) during the famine.

  • @gamincaimin9954


    Жыл бұрын

    The Irish got their buddies backs!

  • @hexa-gone3


    Жыл бұрын

    Native American*

  • @seankavanagh7625


    Жыл бұрын

    It wasn't actually the Choctaw who we sent the money to. It was the Navajo and Hopi tribes. The Choctaw were the motivation though.

  • @Ceiteach.O.Duibhir


    Жыл бұрын

    It was the turks 🇹🇷 who helped us during the famine or genocide

  • @seankavanagh7625


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Ceiteach.O.Duibhir The Choctaw also helped. The Ottoman Empire had a f*cktonne of money at the time and the Sultan wanted to give us more than Victoria but was told not to. The Choctaw people had literally nothing but scraped up 170 dollars, which was a lot at the time, to send to a people they had never met or probably even heard of before it happened. Dunno how many lives they saved but as a gesture of goodwill from strangers it meant a lot more than the money it was worth.

  • @colinsmith1288
    @colinsmith1288 Жыл бұрын

    We English were never taught about these horrors in history lessons of the suffering by of our neighbour Ireland. The british establishment truly were barbaric.

  • @patienceobongo


    Жыл бұрын

    It was Nassau Senior if you're good at pattern recognition.

  • @markrock442


    Жыл бұрын

    During the famine, about one million people died and a million more emigrated from Ireland causing the island's population to fall by between 20% and 25% >>>>Laws that restricted the rights of Irish Catholics

  • @colinsmith1288


    Жыл бұрын

    @@markrock442 Truly awful behaviour. So many victims,but no justice! Sad,very sad indeed!

  • @nadinenadine9739


    Жыл бұрын

    @@colinsmith1288 ıt GENOCIDE lıke Holocaust! The Brıtısh Empıre kılled 3 mıllıon Bangladesh also by HUNGER!

  • @HellStr82


    Жыл бұрын

    Still is

  • @JabbarTV1
    @JabbarTV1 Жыл бұрын

    The Ottoman Caliph was more concerned about the Irish than the British Queen HAHA

  • @user-op8fg3ny3j


    Жыл бұрын

    He was a very charitable Caliph

  • @chad2522


    Жыл бұрын


  • @somewhere6


    Жыл бұрын

    The English establishment at the time had a very dim view of the Irish. More than a few were happy to see the Irish population severely reduced.

  • @altunaze6127


    Жыл бұрын

    @@chad2522 Sultan and Caliph. Çok Yaşa Devleti Ali Osman!

  • @altunaze6127


    Жыл бұрын

    Modern tarihte İngiltere'nin en büyük baş belası olan IRA'nın kuruluşunda Türklerin de etkisi var. Türklerin İrlandalılarla olan ilişkisi Sultan Abdülmecid zamanına kadar gidiyor. 19. yüzyılın başlarında İrlandalılar İngilizler'e karşı mücadele içindeydi. Katolik İrlandalılar, kabul etmedikleri Anglikan Kilisesi'ne vergi vermeyi hazmedemiyorlardı. İngilizlerden din ve dil ekseninde ayrılıyorlardı. Ancak 1840'lı yıllarda İrlanda büyük bir kıtlık başgösterdi. Yoksulların temel yiyeceği patates üretimi durma noktasına geldi. 800 bin kişi öldü, İrlandalıların hak mücadelesi zayıfladı. İngilizler bu zayıflık durumundan faydalanırken 1847 yılında padişah Abdülmecid'in emriyle üç gemi dolusu patates yardımı İrlanda'ya Kraliçe Victoria'nın tüm engellemelerine rağmen ulaştı. Geminin Dublin Limanı'na yanaşmasını İngilizler engelleyince gemi yüklerini Drogheda Limanı'na boşalttı.

  • @smoothbeak
    @smoothbeak Жыл бұрын

    Wow, I had never heard the Ottoman Empire part to the story, very fascinating.

  • @geovanniali6060


    Жыл бұрын

    Even more fascinating was that during the Trail of Tears the charokee/Navajo nation's sent 167 dollars for the starved Irish(when being displaced from their lands) We Paid this back when COVID struck , donations from Ireland exceeded 2million euro. Tog go bog e cara 🕊️

  • @kirpdeb


    Жыл бұрын

    No wonder I have always liked the Irish more than the English. The English nobility and their elite ruling classes have always arseholes. Just the fact that they tried to prevent other groups from providing assistance to save people dying of starvation because it made England look like the greedy bastards that they were is reason to hate them. The fact that they thought the famine was Devine punishment of the Irish ~ shows how morally twisted they were. They wonder why they are one of the least liked countries in the world? Just look at world history. This was a genocide.

  • @SallySturman


    Жыл бұрын

    @@kirpdeb Queen Elizabeth II is a descendant of Brian Boru the Irish King who invaded, enslaved and colonised Britain long before Ireland, under a Scottish King, was colonised. She is also a descendent of James the Scottish King, not to mention many English have Irish ancestors, so your hatred for the English and love for the Irish is illogical or just tedious racism.

  • @SallySturman


    Жыл бұрын

    @@kirpdeb So you're hating today's English for what the 'English' nobility did. Nice. I don't like you either, whichever rock you crawled out of.

  • @nadinenadine9739


    Жыл бұрын

    @@geovanniali6060 the brıtısh empıre they changed the language of the Irısh also !

  • @abdullahabu6439
    @abdullahabu6439 Жыл бұрын

    Glad you brought justice by mentioning the other nations and how they helped especially the Ottomans.

  • @ciarandempsey2184
    @ciarandempsey2184 Жыл бұрын

    The ottoman crescent moon and star is still on the Drogheda city crest

  • @harryf1ashman


    Жыл бұрын

    The Turks presided over starvation persecution and genocide during the ottoman colonial period. Hardly a history deserving of recognition.

  • @zeamoz


    Жыл бұрын

    the crescent moon on the Drogheda crest predates the famine.

  • @ciarandempsey2184


    Жыл бұрын

    @@harryf1ashman every bit of history is deserving of recognition skipping over the good bits to only recognise the bad or vies versa is historical revisionism which is dangerous

  • @ciarandempsey2184


    Жыл бұрын

    @@zeamoz to when ?

  • @hermanngoulhorn581


    Жыл бұрын

    @@ciarandempsey2184 to the days of king John, brother of king Richard. He presented the charter of drogheda and the crescent was linked to that.

  • @kenster8270
    @kenster8270 Жыл бұрын

    The Irish Holodomor! :'( Interestingly, the Choctaw Nation (which itself had recently been coerced off its ancestral lands in the American South under tremendous hardships, including starvation) even sent aid to Ireland because quite a few Irishmen had been adopted into the tribe by marrying Choctaw women and swearing an oath of allegiance.

  • @af8828


    Жыл бұрын

    The Irish Potato "famine" wasn't a famine - it was a genocide conducted by the english on their imperial subjects (something they did multiple times afterwards i.e., in bengal, and continue to do to this day). The holodomor in contrast was the result of a genuine inability to manage food production for an unprecedented population boom. Following the overwhelming success of the bolshevik revolution, the peasants of the former russian empire were turned from backwater subsistence farmers into industrious citizens. Life expectancy was raised at a rate never before witnessed in human history (nearly doubled) within a couple decades. The ussr didn't have 500 years of slavery and a hemisphere's worth of fertile land like the imperial core. That, in combination with such rapid successful industrialization, was the actual cause of the holodomor.

  • @chad2522


    Жыл бұрын

    @@af8828 How can a mold noone control be a genocide? sure the actions they took is awfull. But the holodomor killed millions. Thats a genocide

  • @BernardCounte


    Жыл бұрын

    The Holodomor was a famine caused by government mismanagement. The Irish famine was caused by disease and impaired by government mismanagement. Millions died because government arbitration failed and stifled the acts of charity by others. Stop sucking off the Soviets so hard. They were inept autocrats just like the imperialists that came before them, except that they didn’t allow any personal or economic freedom under the heels of their boots. Communism was the greatest evil of the 20th century, with Mao and Stalin directly responsible for the deaths of more people than the fascists and colonial powers combined.

  • @ruairi4901


    Жыл бұрын

    *Don't you know you can't mention the Holodomor, that would make the Soviet Union look bad*

  • @sethbartley2212


    Жыл бұрын

    @@af8828 you need to look up the definition of the word holodomor (genocide is literally IN the name)

  • @pendlera2959
    @pendlera2959 Жыл бұрын

    Fun fact: King George III (the "tyrant", according to Americans) actually prevented the famine from starting sooner by limiting the exports of food from Ireland to England. The Irish were on the verge of starvation long before the potato blight because of abusive landlords. A factor this video doesn't touch on is the conflict between Catholics and Protestants in Britain, which is the basis for why the Irish were being abused. Like most monarchies, the British royalty and nobility used religion as justification for their right to rule. For most of Christianity's history, the Pope was considered God's representative, and if a king didn't comply with what the Pope said, the Pope could basically strip that king of his legitimacy. However, when King Henry VIII converted to Protestantism, he basically said that the Pope's authority was invalid and it was the king who was God's representative and had absolute right to rule. However, people who remained Catholic were loyal to the Pope. Thus, they were considered enemies of the state, since if they didn't believe in the legitimacy of the King, how could they be trusted to follow his laws? How could they be trusted not to overthrow the Protestant king and replace him with a Catholic king? This was the basis of the English Civil War and many other religious conflicts in Europe. One of the ways the Protestants managed this issue was to forbid Catholics from participating in politics so they couldn't influence the law. However, since part of the way that people got the right to participate in politics was by owning land or other significant property, they didn't just bar Catholics from holding political office, they also forbad them from owning any amount of property that would grant them any political influence. They also didn't want Catholics to be involved in enforcing the law by becoming lawyers or judges. In short, the Catholics were stripped of any ability to defend themselves from abuse, and Protestants removed all the social safeguards that normally mitigate abuse. The social and economic position Catholics were put in was very similar to the one Black people were put in after the abolishment of slavery in the US. So, of course, there was a LOT of abuse. Ireland didn't convert to Protestantism as easily as England, Scotland, and Wales, in part because the English had been mistreating the Irish before the Protestant Revolution, and the Irish weren't keen on converting to their oppressor's religion. In fact, there was a failed attempt at Irish independence during King Henry VIII's rule. The Irish have basically been fighting to be treated better ever since. Ireland was and is an extremely fertile country. All through the "famine" they were growing PLENTY of food, but all the food was being exported instead of being made available to the Irish people. In 1847, one of the worst years of the "famine", 822,681 gallons of butter were exported to England, along with 9,992 calves, over 4,000 horses and ponies, 336,220 gallons of grain-derived alcohol, and other crops and livestock such as peas, beans, onions, rabbits, salmon, oysters, herring, ham, bacon, lard, honey and even potatoes(!). The reason the potato blight was a problem wasn't because potatoes were the only crop that could grow in Ireland; it was because potatoes were the only crop that produced enough calories to sustain Irish tenant farmers on the tiny bits of land they were permitted to use for themselves. When the potato crops failed, the English and Protestant Irish landlords fought tooth and nail to prevent any of their cash crops from being used to feed the farmers who were growing them. The Irish Potato Famine is a misnomer - it was religiously justified genocide centuries in the making. This is proved by the fact that King George III stepped in and forced landlords to offer other food to the Irish during bad harvests long before the potato blight showed up. (If any of this is wrong, please feel free to correct me. I'm just a history nerd with some Irish ancestry and an interest in 18th century British history.)



    Жыл бұрын

    TBF irish landlords today are also complete twats

  • @PaulEcosse


    Жыл бұрын

    Mad King George, as he was better known to everyone else.

  • @FredFurburguer


    Жыл бұрын

    This is one of the most reasonable comments I've read here. But y'all missing a crucial point. Irish population had increased massively the decades before the famine, sustained mostly by those potatoes. If you average the increase of population and later decrease, situation was normal on a Malthusian way. Could have been prevented if the land was better managed, but it was mainly owned by greedy locals, who have been also forgotten in the fantastic tale that was created to fuel hatred towards the brits and push for Irish nationalism. Not sure if a commie gov would have done better, seen how they managed famines during the XXth century.

  • @novostranger


    Жыл бұрын

    Stalin just got inspired

  • @dudeman0811


    Жыл бұрын

    Ive heard some gruesome tales about the religious battles in ireland. There was a video on youtube detailing how neighbors would just beat the shit out of each other with pitchforks, leave each other to freeze and drown in the mud. I dont remember all the details but it sounded like a bunch of Amish people going completely nuts and butchering each other in the worst ways. I can only imagine what it would look like on film... Ill never forget that video when blacks just say shit like "white people only care about white people" LOL like yeah dude right.

  • @dave3gan
    @dave3gan Жыл бұрын

    Not just about potatoes. When people have to pay most of what they produce as rent to landlords the smallest wobble results in hardships. In the decades that followed this pattern was repeated in other colonies such as India

  • @raysargent4055


    Жыл бұрын

    Irish landlords .

  • @Adaman368


    Жыл бұрын

    @@raysargent4055 By the mid 1800s 97% of all land in Ireland was owned by mainly British landowners. Most Irish people were tenants at will and could be thrown off their tiny plots of land without notice.

  • @raysargent4055


    Жыл бұрын

    Still happens in India nothing to do with colonisation

  • @raysargent4055


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Adaman368 the only Irish landlord that did anything to help was an ulster man.

  • @raysargent4055


    Жыл бұрын

    By Indian land lords.

  • @drpk6514
    @drpk6514 Жыл бұрын

    So Muslims decided to help the Irish Catholics considering it their religious duty. Meanwhile the Christian British considered it God's punishment and not only didn't help but tried to stop the Muslim's help. That says a lot!

  • @Melih_R_Calikoglu


    Жыл бұрын

    Generally Cousins in faith (sects) are the worst enemies a man can ever see.

  • @pecadodeorgullo5963


    Жыл бұрын

    That belief was limited to certain British statesman in influential places like the treasury. I'd suggest reading up on the different administrations during the famine.

  • @drpk6514


    Жыл бұрын

    @@pecadodeorgullo5963 LOL Even the people of Britain didnt do much. And they didnt convince their government to help. Even the audacity of such a statement speaks volumes about their culture and belief.

  • @pecadodeorgullo5963


    Жыл бұрын

    @@drpk6514 you would know this how? Did you study the famine and how it was dealt with by certain individuals? Do you know about the two government administrations during the famine? Do you know what class was affected by the famine? Do you know that both protestants and Catholics left during the famine? Do you know who the likes of Charles Trevelyan or Robert Peel are?

  • @drpk6514


    Жыл бұрын

    @@pecadodeorgullo5963 What a load of nonsense. Do you know the result of famine and the actions of different countries? You take small scales and blow them up while ignoring the real facts and outcomes.

  • @JustinHEMI05
    @JustinHEMI05 Жыл бұрын

    Thank you so much for this video. We've traced our Irish ancestors as to having come to America during the famine. This helped me understand that move much better.

  • @amg863
    @amg863 Жыл бұрын

    The Irish are staunch supporters of the Palestinian cause and they sent them money to rebuild what Israel has destroyed in the last conflict. Their politicians also spoke up for us on many occasions I love the Irish and I'm grateful for their support

  • @aranmcdonagh255


    Жыл бұрын


  • @amg863


    Жыл бұрын

    @Lily Wood thank you. I appreciate you too

  • @buddymacbuddington


    Жыл бұрын

    Your not forgotten in Ireland we see the evil you endure and are we are sickened by it 🇵🇸🤝🇮🇪

  • @irishmike519
    @irishmike519 Жыл бұрын

    I just found out my great grandfather left County Kerry in 1885. This was during a mini famine that started in 1879.

  • @IslandGirlKelly


    Жыл бұрын

    Kerry is absolutely gorgeous, Mike. Hopefully you get to visit and see it for yourself one day. ☘

  • @dedeoglu1923
    @dedeoglu1923 Жыл бұрын

    Hey Knowledgia! Thanks a lot for this very objective and correct explanation of history free from any political influence. The Ottoman Empire indeed tried to help the Irish people. Thank you.

  • @milos.pavlovic


    Жыл бұрын

    On the other side of the world conquered christians suffered under the Ottoman rule. The extra taxes on non-muslim population filled the treasury if the Ottomans.

  • @thanhhoangnguyen4754


    Жыл бұрын

    @@milos.pavlovic So does the Muslim and the Caucasusian, Jews or other minor ethnicity under the Russian Empire even basic equal right they don't have one , compare to the Authoritarian rule by the Tsar. Nice jobs both of you. Multi ethnic Empire a hyperactive of each other mirrors. Busying chasing glory of each other only.

  • @rumipraetorian9716


    Жыл бұрын

    @@milos.pavlovic Someone is butthurt by turks. If they would suffer probably there would be many uprisings, there are few but not many. Muslims were paying heavy taxes as well, there was no discrimination. Ottomans were like angels compared to russian and european atrocities

  • @kasadam85


    Жыл бұрын

    @@milos.pavlovic Extra taxation on Christians is nothing compared to what the British did to the Irish. All people suffer under and against empires but what makes this such a remarkable and beautiful act is how it wasn't done to seek any benefits whatsoever. Completely heartfelt humanitarian help against all odds which is the rising British empire. Not to mention the Ottomans weren't in a good condition themselves…

  • @freebeerfordworkers


    8 ай бұрын

    The story of help from the Ottoman Empire is complete bunk It was invented by Parnell on the fundraising tour of the United States in 1880/81 for good measure he told the Americans that the queen had only donated £5 to famine relief which was the same amount she donated to a dog's home. It's a matter of record that she sponsored two appeals donating £2000 of her own money each time and her husband and family made similar donations. For some incredible reason this £5 lie is still widely believed in Ireland and it must be one of the most successful political lies ever told. Donations came from all over the world but the British people at every level from convicts up to the queen donated more than anyone in addition to which railways on steamship companies carried famine relief supplies free of charge. This is the kind of history that's no good in Ireland because as one of her modern historians wrote, we want the title of MOPE the most depressed people ever.;_ylu=Y29sbwNiZjEEcG9zAzIEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1691464919/RO=10/

  • @feasogachsionnach1872
    @feasogachsionnach1872 Жыл бұрын

    This was not the only famine to occur in this general period, a famine in the 1700s was statistically worse in Ireland but doesn't get covered as much as the so called Great Famine. Along with that, local accounts in my area talked about how frequent Church Bells rang to mark funerals for the dead, those who could afford a funeral that is. "Never heard so many bells in one day all my life" as one account put it. An appalling state of affairs, made worse by the economic monopoly maintained by London across Ireland.

  • @patrickorourke7859


    Жыл бұрын

    Many were buried in mass graves as was the case in the town of Cloone in County Leitrim. Some 12,000 were interred in these mass graves which led to it being pro IRA until today. The Great Famine is one thing but the “go to Hell” attitude of the English was another.

  • @marcos14223


    Жыл бұрын

    in that situation i think i would rob the ports full of ready to export grain... hunger is imo one of the few excuses i would say "ok" for stealing... and if u take food, not a tv...

  • @sandraleiva1633


    Жыл бұрын

    The Irish famine was provoked by the Anglo Protestants to rid the island of the Irish Catholics. Big difference.

  • @Finderskeepers.


    Жыл бұрын

    Except there was no famine in Ireland, it continued to be a net exporter of food during the blight period. Its a good example of spin

  • @Adaman368


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Finderskeepers. And despite a million people dying as a result of starvation- that food was exported by the British administration under armed guard to England and elsewhere. Great bunch of lads.

  • @do61761
    @do61761 Жыл бұрын

    Greetings from Turkey. 26+6=1 🇹🇷🇮🇪

  • @Turkmen_Shah_


    Ай бұрын

    “26+6=1” ne anlamı?

  • @do61761


    Ай бұрын

    @@Turkmen_Shah_ İrlanda cumhuriyetin de 26 il var. Kuzey İrlanda da 6 il var. İkisinin bir gün birleşip tek bir ülke olacağını belirten bir slogan.

  • @Turkmen_Shah_


    Ай бұрын

    @@do61761 Ah tamam anladım. Şu enformasyon için teşekkür ederim.

  • @do61761


    Ай бұрын

    @@Turkmen_Shah_ rica ederim hocam.

  • @anitachopping
    @anitachopping Жыл бұрын

    That was very interesting. I've read the history of the Ottoman empire and I'm amazed at that kind gesture as it was a very cruel regime. Nice to know.

  • @anitachopping


    Жыл бұрын

    Thanks, history is full of man's inhumanity to man it's good to see some decency.

  • @Msaglamm


    Жыл бұрын

    Western propaganda from a westerner. It is normal for someone who read history books written by 'modern' westerners who killed tens of millions of muslims during history.

  • @nadinenadine9739


    Жыл бұрын

    @@anitachopping British empire killed also in Bangladesh 3 - 3,5 million people -> by HUNGER ! It calls VICTORIAN HOLOCAUST 1857 -1947 !

  • @anitachopping


    Жыл бұрын

    Yes if study that Empire it's terrible. So good on him for getting the better of Queen Victoria

  • @keerthi3086


    Жыл бұрын

    Not any less cruel than the European empires. That's why we don't have them anymore.

  • @nbenefiel
    @nbenefiel8 ай бұрын

    Before the starvation 8 million people lived in Ireland. After the famine 3 million were still there. Today there are close to 5 million. It was said in Parliament that the famine would not kill enough Irish to make a difference. Enough food left Ireland every week to feed the country twice over. The Protestant churches opened soup kitchens but demanded that any receiver desert Catholicism and convert yo Protestantism. Most Irish Catholics would rather starve. This was not a famine. It was genocide.

  • @beargillesgaming
    @beargillesgaming Жыл бұрын

    Very unfortunate times but it’s nice to see such hospitality from far away groups/nations. Shows we’re all human in the end.

  • @4houndswhoheal479


    Жыл бұрын

    All except the British. that is.

  • @nicholasdoddrell50
    @nicholasdoddrell50 Жыл бұрын

    Great video! It's worth pointing out though that it wasn't caused by a fungus. Potato blight is an oomycete from the Phytophthora genus (which you do mention - water mould is an alternative name to oomycete). Fungi and oomycetes are often conflated. Due to convergent evolution they look very similar, but oomycetes have large spore filled egg sacks, hence the "oo" part of their name meaning egg. From an evolutionary standpoint, oomycetes are heterokonts, meaning their cells have two different flagella, while fungi are opisthosporidia, which means they have only one flagella (the same as human sperm). This difference means they diverged millions of years ago even though they look very similar!

  • @JoDo777


    Жыл бұрын

    Thanks for sharing that!!

  • @Meeko58


    Жыл бұрын

    Thank you

  • @patriciapalmer4215
    @patriciapalmer4215 Жыл бұрын

    The grief and anger is still palpable in many Irish American hearts. My grandparents, great uncles, aunts, cousins and my parents to name a few.

  • @markws5952


    Жыл бұрын

    Maybe time to move on

  • @patriciapalmer4215


    Жыл бұрын

    @@markws5952Oh hell no, we love histrionics, we're Irish for God's sake !! If we're not fighting, we're makin' love or stealin' horses.

  • @markws5952


    Жыл бұрын

    @@patriciapalmer4215 or blowing up inocent children.

  • @patriciapalmer4215


    Жыл бұрын

    @@markws5952 I beg your pardon ? What are you referring to ? And if you're in the dominant demographic of viewers, that explains your comment.

  • @markws5952


    Жыл бұрын

    @@patriciapalmer4215 being in the dominant demographic changes facts ?

  • @markpower9914
    @markpower9914 Жыл бұрын

    It wasn't a Famine. It was a Massacre Also as an Irishman, I've seen many people today still hold strong grudges against the British for what happened.

  • @lindajames7083


    Жыл бұрын

    Please don’t blame me for history. As long as we hold on to grudges we cannot heal. My ancestors fled to Scotland from Ireland only to be pushed South to Manchester. I was born in England but I have Irish and Scottish blood.

  • @mabeSc


    Жыл бұрын

    Rightfully so.

  • @andrewglynn1982


    Жыл бұрын

    @@lindajames7083 I don't think he means we would hold grudges against individual people for history. I think its more of an emotional "f***in brits" after watching a video like that. Thankfully relations have improved drastically both between our governments and people

  • @ftroop2000


    Жыл бұрын

    That's like me being angry at Italians, Swedes and Danes of today🤷🏻‍♂️

  • @AltaiAustro-Hungarian


    Жыл бұрын

    @@lindajames7083 nah they blame you because they ignorant and everyone need a scapegoat

  • @FenixintheDark
    @FenixintheDark Жыл бұрын

    I am still not comfortable with calling it a "famine". It was *only* a "famine" in as much as the Irish were not allowed to keep any of the crops they grew, *other* than the potato. This was a holocaust. Not a famine.

  • @memyselfandi8544


    Жыл бұрын

    The royals are devil worshippers. Freemasons. Wokeism comes from the royals. Famine is Satan’s agenda. So are our current conflicts and disasters.

  • @markws5952


    Жыл бұрын

    They could of gone fishing.

  • @Adaman368


    Жыл бұрын

    @@markws5952 Well no in a country of 8 million people, many who lived many days walk from the ocean and who were literally starving couldn't have just "gone fishing". Rivers ditto where the fishing rights were owned by mainly British landowners. But yes in those areas where people had access to the sea - they did do somewhat better than those who hadn't such access. Not that the British administration gave a feq eitherway.

  • @markws5952


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Adaman368 should of shown a bit of gumption and caught more fish Stop blaming your woes on the big meany Brits. Do you honestly thing the lower classes in England weren't being fucked over at the same time 🤔

  • @Adaman368


    Жыл бұрын

    @@markws5952 Gumption? 🤣. Twat! The English were suffering were they? Would that because of all the food exported to England during the famine from Ireland. Did the English have a administration orchrastrate a genocide on them after they had been brutally invaded, colonised over a period of some 700 years? Did a million English people die because food which would have fed them was being shipped out of their country? Did they have ra cist cnuts like Charles Trevelyan who said of the famine in Scotland "that the people must not be left starve" but that the Irish should? Btw your rac ist comment just got shaddowbanned ;) Funny that.

  • @dhrubaintisher8169
    @dhrubaintisher8169 Жыл бұрын

    Best video on this topic, hands down.

  • @tella117
    @tella117 Жыл бұрын

    Thank you Turks and the Choctaw nation

  • @johnhanselman6371
    @johnhanselman6371 Жыл бұрын

    The Irish that arrived in the USA made a better life for themselves and others. That tragic event had many blessings.

  • @colinb8103


    Жыл бұрын

    Not for the Choctaws or Navajos

  • @settingsons1979


    Жыл бұрын

    @@colinb8103 nor the nativists / bill the butcher Poole /

  • @kirpdeb


    Жыл бұрын

    And they made the United States a better place. They were the embodiment of the huddled masses, yearning to be free.

  • @markrock442


    Жыл бұрын

    During the famine, about one million people died and a million more emigrated from Ireland causing the island's population to fall by between 20% and 25% >>>>Laws that restricted the rights of Irish Catholics

  • @hermanngoulhorn581


    Жыл бұрын

    @@colinb8103 The choctaw were displaced of their lands and waved off on the trail of tears by 'scots-Irish", hillbillies to you - not Irish .

  • @noeldoyle4501
    @noeldoyle4501 Жыл бұрын

    Why did the Famine kill so many Irish people? Because the occupying English had robbed them of 90% of their farmland and completely prevented them from having an independent source of food.

  • @johnmcdonald1293
    @johnmcdonald1293 Жыл бұрын

    The Turkish are good people I love the way they just push through the bulshit to help a great work to India and the American native population to from Australia THANKS for sharing.

  • @bxe6560


    Жыл бұрын

    Not Turkish but Muslims

  • @HariKrishna-ix2in


    Жыл бұрын

    Turk's also did Armenian genocide, Assyrian & Greek genocide.

  • @kasadam85


    Жыл бұрын

    @@bxe6560 All Muslims were Turks and all Turks were Muslims at those times

  • @kasadam85


    Жыл бұрын

    @@HariKrishna-ix2in Massacres*

  • @turkishnationalist565


    7 ай бұрын

    @@HariKrishna-ix2in Armenians and Greeks were the first to commit massacres. If you make an impact, you will see the reaction.

  • @wcg19891
    @wcg19891 Жыл бұрын

    What he is not covering is that Ireland was full of food during the famine. But owned by the large landlords and exported for profit.

  • @emcc8598


    Жыл бұрын

    Yup by the mid 1800s some 97% of all land in Ireland was owned by British Landowners many who were absente landlords whonlivdd elsewhere.

  • @patienceobongo


    Жыл бұрын

    It was bought by Ephrasi who worked for Rothschild. The food of Europe was being bought up for the 1848 Revolutions

  • @markrock442


    Жыл бұрын

    During the famine, about one million people died and a million more emigrated from Ireland causing the island's population to fall by between 20% and 25% >>>>Laws that restricted the rights of Irish Catholics

  • @pecadodeorgullo5963


    Жыл бұрын

    @@markrock442 yeah, if I remember correctly, a lot of that maize was imported during the Peel administration as a way to keep the food price stable in ireland so the pay from the public works would be enough to keep the irish fed. However, the Russel administration didn't do this which led to inflation of prices and led to the incomes from the public works to below what was needed for survival. This is also why one historian (I forgot his name) said that even if britain banned the irish landlords and big irish farmers from exporting food, the cottier class of irish still would've starved due to them being too poor to afford them. It should also be noted that the famine crippled the landlord class since many were dependent on their tenants to grow their cash crops so when they either left (it was better being landless because you could receive aid) or died, they either went bankrupt or came close to it.

  • @daveroche6522
    @daveroche6522 Жыл бұрын

    I remember reading years ago that there have been 20+ famines in Ireland; the first one being @792A.D., being caused by a) a really dreadful winter & 2) an invasion by the Scots! Just rememberin'.

  • @garyhynes6574


    Жыл бұрын

    Britain had way more famines the 1600s millions from the north of England died fact that is why the Protestant people of the north made their way north to northern Ireland...

  • @rossdunning7018


    Жыл бұрын


  • @sandraleiva1633


    Жыл бұрын

    Yeah potatoes arrived with the Spanish Catholics for the Irish Catholics after 1492. Because potatoes are an American plant.

  • @MiloManning05


    Жыл бұрын

    @@garyhynes6574 nice fairytale

  • @hotmechanic222


    Жыл бұрын

    @@sandraleiva1633 LOL

  • @fatihk1194
    @fatihk1194 Жыл бұрын

    Ottomans show mercy and good intentions while English ignore people dying of famine and say they deserved this. Another reason to be proud of my ancestors🇹🇷😍

  • @3DHDcat


    Жыл бұрын

    Ottomans were and always will be known as barbarians scum and bootlickers for British empire. Those ships that landed were already sent out before the U turn ,Britain was helping Ottomans against Russians in Crimea. Ottomans the sick man of Europe were weak and needed any help they can get

  • @shinola228
    @shinola228 Жыл бұрын

    The Queen found out the Ottomans we're donating 5000 pounds so she asked that they change that to 1000. The ottoman didn't agree. My question is how was this all being communicated given the distance?

  • @alessandrogini5283


    Жыл бұрын

    They are alrealdy telegraph?

  • @sl_721


    Жыл бұрын

    The Ottomites sent three ships of food, water and other supplies to Ireland, but the British intercepted them, with only one making it to Ireland

  • @freebeerfordworkers


    8 ай бұрын

    The story is a £10,000 donation from the sultan is a complete fabrication invented by an Irish doctor in the 1880s but he claimed it was a British ambassador who asked the Sultan to reduce his donation. The Queen actually headed up two appeals making personal donations of £2000 each time and members of her family donated between 500 and £1000 each. Even you admit the queen sent £2000 but Parnell told the Americans that she donated £5 which was the same amount she donated to a dog's home. Incredibly this story is still believed to this day even though Her donations along with every donation to the British Association for the Irish famine are still on record As for the Turkish sending five ships the usual story is they sent 3 but that is a complete lie one of many told by Parnell in its fundraising tour of America in the 1880s. The British government was monitoring his progress and as soon as they heard it lord Randolph Churchill (Yes his father) sent a telegram refuting the story. This has not stopped it being believed to this day. Recent research by the Millmount Museum at Drogheda the port where it was supposed to be delivered have confirmed three ships did come from Turkish occupied territory carrying grain but it was a purely commercial venture. The cargoes were bought by local merchants and put into store to avoid depressing prices . Otherwise the people of Britain at every level from convicts right up to the queen donated more to Irish famine relief than anyone and British rail companies and steamship companies transported famine relief free of charge;_ylu=Y29sbwNiZjEEcG9zAzIEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1691464919/RO=10/

  • @jeffnaslund
    @jeffnaslund Жыл бұрын

    My maternal grandparents came over during that time, from county Cork

  • @willpatchett1419
    @willpatchett1419 Жыл бұрын

    Sharing Irish, English, and Scottish blood it still sickens me what the elites did to the poor. The British parliament and the Queen failed to act sooner, at lest be honest they didn’t really care until the world condemn them. My ancestors found a new home in Australia and how thankful I am of that!

  • @lordjazoijua94


    Жыл бұрын

    All the British are to blame rich and poor.

  • @morganwheeleryear1123


    7 ай бұрын

    @@lordjazoijua94 How are poor Brits to blame? They literally had no say in what went on in Ireland, and were just trying to get by and survive in a growing industrial society. Many lower class Brits were treated like crap by the higher elites. They forced literal children to work in factories and clean chimneys. Are those children also to blame?



    6 ай бұрын

    queen did not failed, she just was omissive and didn't care about poor people

  • @rogermoore27
    @rogermoore27 Жыл бұрын

    I visited Ireland 3 years ago and I felt honoured to be in such an amazing company

  • @diegoborlini6840


    Жыл бұрын

    If you are British you should be ashamed

  • @rogermoore27


    Жыл бұрын

    @@diegoborlini6840 you mean becsuse of how the British treated them in the 19th century?



    Жыл бұрын

    @@rogermoore27 19th?

  • @suleimanhussien1559
    @suleimanhussien1559 Жыл бұрын

    Love Ireland from Palestine ☝🏼🇨🇮🇵🇸

  • @geovanniali6060


    Жыл бұрын

    Ireland stand's with Palestine against rasicm and Apartheid 🇮🇪🇵🇸 TAL We love you too ❤️ Go raibh maith agut cara/ Thank you friend 🍉

  • @buddymacbuddington


    Жыл бұрын


  • @chrishilton3626


    6 ай бұрын

    Screw Palestine long live Israel

  • @snickrologen
    @snickrologen Жыл бұрын

    History Repeats itself now with the Dutch Farmers!

  • @jasoncox7257


    Жыл бұрын

    Being done in by the globalist nutters.

  • @SallySturman


    Жыл бұрын

    @snickrologen - You're not blaming the English for that, I hope?! Farmers everywhere are being targetted and told to reduce their cattle by 30% or something under the banner of the 'climate crisis' because 'cow's fart too much', it's ridiculous, especially during a time when food is already in short supply. The largest fruit and vegetable producer on the Island of Jersey recently closed and they provided food for 80% of the islanders who are now relying on exports from the UK where the department of agriculture/government are already making life extremely difficult for the farmers here. There won't be enough food by a long shot and many people will die around the world and THAT'S how 'much' the governments care about the people. Meanwhile, Kill Bill Gates now owns the most farmland in the USA (known as the breadbasket of the world) so he can grow his Frankenstein GMO foods for his fake meat. No doubt he wants to own the most farmland in Europe too and he'll probably get it when the world's financially crippled farmers have to sell up. The war in Ukraine, a country known as the bread basket of Europe (I'd say Netherlands too), means little food is being grown there now, the huge gas and electricity price increases which obviously affects farmers as well as everyone else, bird flu, the neverending Covid saga with its new variants and the after effects of 'stay home, save granny don't be selfish' locking down the world for the best part of 2 years thinking that won't have a huge detrimental effect, not just economically, but mentally too and the imminent end of Fiat currency ready for the 'Great Reset' which is really a kind of Chinese Credit Score whereby they have full control of what you can and can't spend your hard earned money on and if you say anything the governments don't like, you'll be denied access to what is, or should be, rightfully yours. It's the 'perfect storm' and it's all been planned for a long time. In the words of Klaus Schwab from the World Economic Forum, 'You will own nothing and you will be happy', except people will be far from happy.

  • @snickrologen


    Жыл бұрын

    @@SallySturman I’m assuming that you’ll agree that it’s extremely unfit of those ultra rich people gathering in Davos each year, flying in there in their private jets and then telling us to cut down on emissions, what we’re going to eat and so on! In fact denying us what they demand for themselves!

  • @SallySturman


    Жыл бұрын

    @@snickrologen I agree 100%! Hypocrites.

  • @pebear
    @pebear Жыл бұрын

    1900 my Grandmother (who was a toddler) and her family moved to Hartford, CT. The same time my Father's Grandfather moved here from Romania and Moldavia. So my Jewish Dad Married my Irish mom and I'm here.....

  • @1800mexicano
    @1800mexicano Жыл бұрын

    " do you have a famine, you have a ground everywhere." -Cory Delaminguez, 2022

  • @buddymacbuddington


    Жыл бұрын

    It wasn't a famine it was genocide

  • @Cory_LaRose
    @Cory_LaRose Жыл бұрын

    I'm glad you said indigenous community's. I am descended of those who helped. We still have irish culture and DNA from when they came here to Canada

  • @markws5952


    Жыл бұрын

    Never mind.

  • @joprocter4573


    Жыл бұрын

    Cory only dna will prove

  • @briank10101
    @briank101018 ай бұрын

    It's hard to even imagine the pain and suffering these souls went through.

  • @malcommountie4326
    @malcommountie4326 Жыл бұрын

    There was no scarcity of food in Ireland at the time of the potato blight ,hence no famine . The rich refused to share the abundance of food in Ireland so as to maintain profit levels . Thus over one million endured painful horrible deaths . Over a million emigrated . Murder on the grand scale ,motivated by greed. People are suffering and dying today in the British Isles and around the world because of the blight of unbridled greed .

  • @lerneanlion
    @lerneanlion Жыл бұрын

    I am surprised that the Irish people did not adopt the old Dutch slogan "Rather Turkish than Papist" but with the modification that make it sounds "Rather Turkish than British", and then leave for the Ottoman Empire's territories instead. Just imagine this immigration! Who knows, the Ottoman Empire might benefit from this Irish immigration just like when they welcomed the Jews and Muslims who were kicked out of Spain after the Conquest of Granada and finally catch up with the other Great Powers with the new ideas brought to the Sublime Porte.

  • @elseggs6504


    Жыл бұрын

    They wouldnt benefit from the Irish. At that point they were long past their peak and still trying to get their various peoples to assimilate. The Greeks and Serbs already launched successful uprisings. Chances are the Irish would get mad over shit like higher taxation for Christians and help the Bulgarians or something

  • @lerneanlion


    Жыл бұрын

    @@elseggs6504 Didn't the Tanzimat Reformation abolish that? To be exact, abolishing the jizya decreased the Sublime Porte's revenue if you asked me.

  • @elseggs6504


    Жыл бұрын

    @@lerneanlion after the famine happened. And they simply replaced it with a new tax system whose alternative would be to conscript you. So yeah, the Americas would still be more attractive for a multitude of reasons

  • @lerneanlion


    Жыл бұрын

    @@elseggs6504 And this is why I think the jizya is still the better idea even to this day. If you pay, you don't have to go and fight.

  • @FredFurburguer


    Жыл бұрын

    The ottomans were ruthless, and had been massacring hundreds of thousands of Christians for the same reason the brits had just banned Catholics from public affairs. What a lame statement yours.

  • @billnotice9957
    @billnotice9957 Жыл бұрын

    What is really frightening is American corn that use have 13 different variants now only has 2. If some fungus or bacteria would ever find the right formula to destroy it. We would be in big trouble.

  • @finipops
    @finipops Жыл бұрын

    What's the name of the music at @10:38?

  • @finipops


    Жыл бұрын

    I found the name of the music. It's called "A World Away" and it's by Deskant

  • @catmom1322
    @catmom1322 Жыл бұрын

    The English hated the Irish & the Irish demise was not a concern for them. Even Churchill referred to "the Irish problem."

  • @terrynpiper7667


    Жыл бұрын

    Churchill didn't like the Irish because they were pretending to be neutral in WW2 but still refuelled German U Boats which then sank allied shipping. After the war they blacklisted anyone who had fought for the allies and made it impossible for them to find work. Those people then emigrated which the Irish government thought was great because they already had too many people. All the while bleating on about how they are the victims of oppression. Yewn. Same old. I'm with Churchill.

  • @emcc8598


    Жыл бұрын

    @@terrynpiper7667 No they didn't refuel U boats. Thats NI loyalist bedtime stories. Look it up. Nor did the Irish "pretend to be neutral". Not only did the cooperate with the allies. They Irish provided weather forecast and intelligence which helped the allies win the war. The most famous of which was the advance weather reports with allied the D Day landings to go ahead. Downed and allied personal were released unlike German pow who were interned for the duration of the War. Flight corridors for allied airplanes were also allowed. Amazing you see these type of hairy stories repeated by the same people.

  • @jericho9653


    Жыл бұрын

    @@terrynpiper7667 why in the name of god would they fight for churchill. Did you not just watch this video. Would england fight for a country which 50 yeats before wiped out half of there population?? Are you mad. I dont blame the irish one bit for wanting to be free from britain. They have the south i hope they get the north back too.

  • @melliemel32
    @melliemel32 Жыл бұрын

    Wow! Go Ottoman Empire! That’s horrible that the British tried to stop the help. That is sick! I know along with political and religious differences between them and Britain, no wonder there has been such contentious relations.

  • @jasoncox7257
    @jasoncox7257 Жыл бұрын

    It was much worse than that. The potatoes were failing in England too. So they sent British troops over to steal whatever food was left. There is a chap who has researched where British regiments where at the time, have a guess.

  • @allon33


    Жыл бұрын

    We should all unsub from this fool.

  • @jasoncox7257


    Жыл бұрын

    @@allon33 Not necessarily, it's not very well-known info, even now.

  • @feasogachsionnach1872


    Жыл бұрын

    Yup, if I recall correctly, half the British Army and Navy was stationed in Ireland at that period.

  • @mrtaoroo


    Жыл бұрын

    They escorted the goods all the way out of the country by armed guards.

  • @cudanmang_theog
    @cudanmang_theog Жыл бұрын

    For centuries, indigenous Celtic peoples of Great Britain have been suffering endless racism discrimination from Germanic Anglo Saxon settler colonists

  • @noahtylerpritchett2682


    Жыл бұрын

    Yet most Celts I've met can name that 1 English grandparent or great grandparent by at least 8 generations. So there was also mixing. My own existence is half Celtic half English. Like millions of others. How would you judge us in that demographic who don't neatly fit in your Celt vs Anglo-Saxon dichotomy when some families such as mine with this miscegenation exist. Many Celts adopted English culture. Some English immigrants in a Celtic country Celticizes. Even king Cerdic first king of Wessex was a Briton who betrayed his kin to form the Wessex kingdom.

  • @noahtylerpritchett2682


    Жыл бұрын

    @@SallySturman tell me about it. I'm hated more than you because I'm English and American. Ok you may ask why am I more hated than you? Because I have 3 baggages. The English one The colonist one. Whatever baggage being white American gives you. Oh but my last name is Welsh. Like do people remember the English, or Anglo-Saxon if you prefer, stop oppressing Celtic culture, and infact some Englishman have Celticized revival themselves? Oh but hears the fun part, done Highlanders immerse themselves in Norse culture incase their from a clan that has Viking Norse roots. Many Englishman has Celticized. Many Celts have Anglicized. People who hate English forgot the centuries of mixing individuals go through. Arthurian myths? Literally a Celtic legend popular in England. No one is showing Beowulf into Wales.

  • @noahtylerpritchett2682


    Жыл бұрын

    @@SallySturman wait how are English victims of colonization? Do you mean the Normans? I guess but I mean, I'm part Norman. But also Anglo-Saxon, and Briton. and if you meant the Anglo-Saxons, don't abandon your Germanic heritage for a Celtic one, at least have some ancestral self respect.

  • @noahtylerpritchett2682


    Жыл бұрын

    @@SallySturman if I had to guess, Dononi and Dobunnii are my ancestors. Maybe? Possibly? Whatever Celtic tribe existed in the west Midlands. Well I found in my 1000 people family tree some Breton and Cornish as well.

  • @noahtylerpritchett2682


    Жыл бұрын

    @@SallySturman not victims, perpetrators. We should be proud to descend from these Grrmamic populations that took over the island. We are a Germanic race. Deal with it with pride you little ancestor guilt shithead. Your no kin of mine. Talking about the Germanic invaders like it's a bad thing to feel about. All Britons do is complain about the Teutonic inhabitants of Britain including dumb English individuals who prefer their Celtic over Germanic ancestry. The Normans were actually descendants of Danish not Norwegian Vikings try and actually read medieval sources. Norman didn't signify Norwegian it just means Northman. Plus they mix with Franks who were Germanic anyway albeit with extra Gallic Celtic blood. I don't consider anyone kin or "Angelcynn" if they look at their Germanic ancestry negatively with this leftist "colonization bad" bs. Our ancestors won the island by the strength of God and the punishment of the Britons for their sins (as recorded by Gildas) and our Christianization indigenized us as recorded by Bede as England became Canaan to us and Hengist is our Moses while the Welsh are analogous to as Canaanite heathens punished by God as the tribes of Hebrews (Habiru) swormed into Canaan from Egypt. England lives through the blood of colonization and we shouldn't cry about it.

  • @neeltjebooysen2688
    @neeltjebooysen2688 Жыл бұрын

    Read many stories with this as background. Always wondered what was the cause.

  • @papazataklaattiranimam
    @papazataklaattiranimam Жыл бұрын

    Turco-Celtic friendship lmao😅

  • @comradekenobi6908


    Жыл бұрын

    Funny how a sultan who shared no religion no race with the Irish cared more about them than queen Victoria lol

  • @futboltime12


    Жыл бұрын

    Olum heryerdesin laaan bir araştırma yapıyom seni görünce o yazdığın troll yorumlar geliyor aklıma

  • @TUR7777


    10 ай бұрын

    ​@@futboltime12niye trol oluyor

  • @theawesomeman9821
    @theawesomeman9821 Жыл бұрын

    Now you know why so many Americans are of Irish descent.

  • @EVNotts


    Жыл бұрын

    English as well mate

  • @mrkilo-g8794


    Жыл бұрын

    Yep Irish Americans, I even saw them go to Latin America over this, they told us about the terrible stuff and how bad the UK handled it

  • @OweEyeSea
    @OweEyeSea7 ай бұрын

    There's a reason the English language has the word bastard. It describes how the English elite were to 2/3 of the world population over the years. To let the people working the land you stole from them starve, while there was plenty of food available, is horrific.



    6 ай бұрын

    yeah, english elite over exploited the whole world and committed genocides through the history

  • @alparslankorkmaz2964
    @alparslankorkmaz2964 Жыл бұрын

    Nice video

  • @jonathanvillanueva9206
    @jonathanvillanueva9206 Жыл бұрын

    And now Ireland is a leader in food aid

  • @n00bsalsa42
    @n00bsalsa42 Жыл бұрын

    The blight killed the potatoes the British caused the famine

  • @onurshenol
    @onurshenol Жыл бұрын

    .. and this is why/how the Drogheda port town and their Football Club had a moon and a crescent symbol on their emblem

  • @emirkokturk1599
    @emirkokturk1599 Жыл бұрын

    Hello İrish friend from Ottoman Empire i hope you get the north ireland soon.

  • @SallySturman


    Жыл бұрын

    The Ottoman Empire, like the British Empire, ended long ago. I'm English with Irish grandparents and many English people have Irish ancestry. Perhaps you could also hope that the European colonisers of England leave and we descendants of the ancient Brits get our country and our Brittonic language back.

  • @emirkokturk1599


    Жыл бұрын

    @@SallySturman i just know thst english kings made cruel things to scotland people and ireland people and they have no right to rule north ireland

  • @SallySturman


    Жыл бұрын

    @@emirkokturk1599 The British royal family have Scottish and Germanic blood and there were Scottish Kings and Queens of England as well as English Kings and Queens of England and they were cruel to all of us... English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish.

  • @LFCMattNOI


    Жыл бұрын

    @@SallySturman so when did a million English starve to death then ??

  • @SallySturman


    Жыл бұрын

    @@LFCMattNOI Millions of English people have been murdered one way or another because of the stinking rulers.

  • @gerardstephens58
    @gerardstephens58 Жыл бұрын

    The British upper crust has always inflicted versions and degrees of this on anyone unlucky enough to live under their heel. Just look at how Britain treats its own people in 2022, ffs.

  • @jackbeynon8980
    @jackbeynon8980 Жыл бұрын

    Huh. That's cool, when I liked the video it went from 1k to 1.1k. Also, very informative video, thx!

  • @andreichivu7653
    @andreichivu7653 Жыл бұрын

    Irish genocide began with King Henry II-nd, gone through Cromwell, the "Black and Tans" brutes and accomplished by Queen Victoria the Famine Queen...

  • @Tek.Tabanca.
    @Tek.Tabanca.2 ай бұрын

    Love Irish from Türkiye

  • @thewholls7176
    @thewholls7176 Жыл бұрын

    I read an article that said the population at the time in Ireland was 8 million people and after the famine it was reduced by half to 4,000,000 due to immigration and death and even today in 2022 population has never recovered I’m not sure if it’s true but there’s references for that on Google

  • @alb7568


    Жыл бұрын

    Now they are 7 milion i think

  • @comradekenobi6908


    Жыл бұрын

    @@alb7568 never fully recovered If the famine didn't happen there would be 10+ million by now

  • @joprocter4573


    Жыл бұрын

    The whollis..... Who would want a poor woman to be pregnant full time up to 16 kids.. Terrible

  • @emcc8598


    Жыл бұрын

    @@joprocter4573 Yes the British should not have had all the children during Victorian times. Charles Dickens very vividly describes the awful conditions and large families in Britain and the destitute children roaming the streets. Terrible.

  • @SallySturman


    Жыл бұрын

    @@emcc8598 What is it you want to achieve exactly? Do you want all English people dead?

  • @-----Disciple-----------
    @-----Disciple----------- Жыл бұрын

    My great grand da on my father's side came over at that time. He was Scotch/Irish. I wear the family plaid to this day of our ancestry started in Wales. He married Cherokee as did my grand father. He had photos of him.

  • @opticnerve8927


    Жыл бұрын

    Scotch is a drink buddy not a person

  • @thequietman760


    Жыл бұрын

    He's the enemy

  • @-----Disciple-----------


    Жыл бұрын

    @@thequietman760 whatever the voices tell you there, pilgrim

  • @fyrdman2185


    Жыл бұрын

    By Scotch-Irish you mean he was not really irish but a descendant of colonizers in Ireland. Gotcha

  • @-----Disciple-----------


    Жыл бұрын

    @@fyrdman2185 Celts are Celts. We are all Celts. This separationism isn't mentioned when we get together every year all year long. There are world wide Scottish Festivals (100's) all year long in the US, in Britain, Canada and other countries on the whole. We have websites, where every month there are listings of the festivals, where they are, the cost to get in, historical crowd capacity etc. The Irish do it too but most Celts come to Grandfather Mountain in NC. in about April or May which is one of the largest gatherings in North America. Celts, not segregations, but just us and whoever fancies that. Welsh included and of course, the anglish. So, I am not going to start now. If you want to do some more research, be my guest. I was just commenting on the video. As far as my Great Grand da. He was both tribes, because his mum was Irish and his da was Scottish. That's kind of expected when you move to another land. You end up with some, marrying their women.

  • @rubencanizalez7431
    @rubencanizalez7431 Жыл бұрын

    Very interesting! I visited Ireland and loved the country … very friendly people and love to drink!! My respect to people of ireland!!!

  • @heywoodjablowme8120
    @heywoodjablowme8120 Жыл бұрын

    All I could think about during this video was Sir Steveo saying...Oh Kathleen the famine

  • @ruatarengsicolneyrengsi8924
    @ruatarengsicolneyrengsi8924 Жыл бұрын


  • @papazataklaattiranimam
    @papazataklaattiranimam Жыл бұрын

    Patato > Everything

  • @tldredhistory8391


    Жыл бұрын

    Just shut up 🤫

  • @MrLantean
    @MrLantean Жыл бұрын

    Ireland grew many varieties of potatoes but it is estimated that 2/3 or 3/4 of the potatoes grown was the Irish Lumper. The lumper originated in Scotland and was introduced by returning Irish workers from Scotland during the early 1800s. The lumper was able to thrive on poor quality soil and grew into huge size hence the name lumper. It was originally grown as food for livestock but it prevalence demonstrated the increasing poverty among Irish rural communities. Other varieties were susceptible to the blight but the lumper was the worst hit. Ireland did have other food source like wheat, rye, barley and other grains but they were exported to Britain or its oversea colonies and the Irish got nothing. The Irish were treated as second class citizens in their own country and British policies did very little to aid them or prevent the famine. The famine was avoidable but it was British policies that resulted the famine. Potato blight was the cataclysm rather than the true cause for the famine.

  • @maginot2u


    Жыл бұрын

    Let's call it what it really was... GENOCIDE. The English hated the Irish for many reasons and decided to get rid of the Irish once and for all!!

  • @joprocter4573


    Жыл бұрын

    Mr lantean... What about their roman Catholic Church with purses lined in gold and demands for prayers said paid for..

  • @maginot2u


    Жыл бұрын

    @@joprocter4573 The Roman Catholic Church was no way near as rich as the Church of England whose Popes were the pompous English Monarchs with their gold thread underwear!! The members of this Chuch of England included the Anglican English land owners who starved almost one million Irishmen. Who is the new head of the Church of England? Could it be a life long adulterer who destroyed a beautiful young girl and damaged his family for his own selfish pleasure! Charles III as Head of the Church of England is a twisted, sick joke.

  • @Adaman368


    Жыл бұрын

    @@joprocter4573 The state religion in Ireland at the time was Protestant under the auspicious of the Anglican Church of Ireland. As a result everyone in Ireland regardless of their religion had to pay tithes to the COI. On the other hand the Catholic religion had been prohibited for most of the previous 200 years under the Penal Laws enacted against the native Irish. But yes the clergy of both religions did help and saved many people from death and starvation. But no their were no "gold filled purses" or whatever fcukery you're going on about. Those who were in charge were the British government. And those who they left die as the result of starvation were 'british ' subjects' Imagine that your government, one ic the richest in the world at that time allowing a million of its own citizens to die at the side of the road and elsewhere.

  • @SallySturman


    Жыл бұрын

    @@maginot2u The Irish King, Brian Boru who invaded and colonised Britiain years before the famine is an ancestor of the British royals too.

  • @Charles36.
    @Charles36. Жыл бұрын

    Nice video about Mr.potato

  • @crimony3054
    @crimony3054 Жыл бұрын

    John Lennon famously said, "I'm a musician. You give me a tuber, I'll get you something out of it."

  • @sandraleiva1633
    @sandraleiva1633 Жыл бұрын

    You fail to mention the potatoes are an American plant. 🥔 The Catholic Spanish introduced it for the Catholic Irish. If it wasn't Columbus the Native Americans potatoes wouldn't have fed Europe for all these centuries since 1492.

  • @MeLodiCarAma


    Жыл бұрын

    The British Empire strategic plan to seize the agricultural land of the Irish by bringing parasitic fungus from Central America. Many documentary on this too omitted the history of the Ottoman empire helping by sending food and financial relief to the people of Ireland. And what about the soup council helping the Irish on condition that the Irish converted to Protestant and leave their Catholic belief.

  • @thequietman760


    Жыл бұрын

    Sit down Sandra

  • @sandraleiva1633


    Жыл бұрын

    @@thequietman760 The truth hurts doesn't it? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @thequietman760


    Жыл бұрын

    The spuds caused the blight, the English caused the famine/ attempted genocide. 🖕🏼🤣 There was plenty of food on the island to feed the population 3 times over.

  • @jknm1777


    Жыл бұрын

    This story is not about potato. It's about the death of millions caused by the British government.

  • @terrygelinas4593
    @terrygelinas4593 Жыл бұрын

    It makes sense for the entire island of Ireland to be a separate sovereign country.

  • @comradekenobi6908


    Жыл бұрын

    When I was a kid I wondered why Ireland isn't part of UK fully since they already have N Ireland Now when I grow older I realised why and just wanted a united Ireland



    Жыл бұрын


  • @comradekenobi6908


    Жыл бұрын

    @@RUBBER_BULLET no, Unification of Ireland

  • @CKW10001


    Жыл бұрын

    Don't mind that 🤡 talking about a Irexit, unlike them fool's in England, we don't cut off our nose to spite our face. Thank you. I hope very soon that after 100 odd years Ireland will be finally United.

  • @comradekenobi6908


    Жыл бұрын

    @@CKW10001 I don't like how it's called Irexit. I mean Ireland exit? Ireland exited out of what exactly? Irish unification seems more fitting

  • @gayhendrie84
    @gayhendrie84 Жыл бұрын

    True fact shiploads of food were sent from us but English would not allow them to unload They wanted the Irish to starve

  • @davidcervantes9336
    @davidcervantes93367 ай бұрын

    Wow! I'm impressed that even for the standards of that era the rest of the world was like ''Britain, dude wtf...?''. Clearly this had little to do with food or profit and more with xenophobia and hatred.

  • @Pau-tc9wj
    @Pau-tc9wj Жыл бұрын

    Title is a bit was The Irish FAMINE. all foods went to England and the Irish were just left with rotting potatoes.

  • @derrydoire1864
    @derrydoire1864 Жыл бұрын

    GENOCIDE not FAMINE 🇮🇪🇮🇪☘️☘️

  • @Nastyswimmer
    @Nastyswimmer Жыл бұрын

    2:59 - the "Indian corn" you refer to is maize from America, not corn from India

  • @namenloser7026
    @namenloser7026 Жыл бұрын

    The ottoman helpt them a lot in this crisis although the ottoman had at that time their own crisis haha

  • @geovanniali6060
    @geovanniali6060 Жыл бұрын

    One of many genocides in Ireland and through out the world caused by the British empire. Loud and high we'll raise the cry.

  • @SallySturman


    Жыл бұрын

    Yes, damn the Roman Empire for invading ancient Britain, without which the Germanic invaders and their royals would never have come here.

  • @geovanniali6060


    Жыл бұрын

    @@SallySturman ?

  • @SallySturman


    Жыл бұрын

    @@geovanniali6060 The Germanic invaders of Britain = The British Empire.

  • @emcc8598


    Жыл бұрын

    @Lily Wood eh which black pope is that 🤔

  • @emcc8598


    Жыл бұрын

    @@lilywood6206 Wut? Btw as stated I'm not Catholic!

  • @Evilkid2363
    @Evilkid2363 Жыл бұрын

    For your information? I worked in an Irish Bar, Lanigans before it closed and the owner was Italian and that’s here in New Castle, PA and it’s closed

  • @jamespetrie8488
    @jamespetrie8488 Жыл бұрын

    Manifest destiny was a horrific disaster for the Native Americans too. Maybe you could do a video on that!

  • @jeffroberts1649
    @jeffroberts1649 Жыл бұрын

    your map completely omits the existence of Wales!

  • @troggamer261


    Жыл бұрын

    That's cos whale's live in the ocean 🤣

  • @Frenchylikeshikes
    @Frenchylikeshikes Жыл бұрын

    For some reason, I have a feeling that if that famine had been happening near London, the response would have been quite different.

  • @ivogianfranco1633
    @ivogianfranco1633 Жыл бұрын

    Good video. As some comments already mentioned, this wasn't just about food. It was also about religion and race. The historical Roman Catholic (Irish) vs. Protestant (English) Church conflict is well known. However, the 19th century was primarily about nationalism and the rise of racial theories. It's a well documented fact that there were several English authors who openly claimed in their studies and books that Irish people (= the original Celtic inhabitants of British Isles before the Anglo-Saxon invasion) were racially inferior. There were many caricatures published in English newspapers, depicting Irish people as ugly, degenerated, stupid, lazy and drunk monkeys. It was a method very similar to what German Nazis used in the 20th century: if you dehumanize a certain social or racial group(s), it is easier for the rest of the society to see these "not-anymore-humans" vanish and die...

  • @joprocter4573


    Жыл бұрын

    Ivo disease and famine knows no barriers. Protestants also suffered famine a fact Ireland pretends wasn't possible.. People also forgot it was full UK and Europe famine.. Read and link those books.. It is no different to rulers today and its very true Irish have woven so much propaganda dissecting that to balanced history never happened. You must remember that Irish.. Scots. Welsh. English were all british people of a origin. also they starved but generally their families were limited to 2-4kids equals less mouths to feed.. Also read Scottish history they ATE watery flour porridge.. No one could afford to emigrate if so poor but many emigrated.. Count Europe starvation. Don't permit wallow in victomhood out of proportion.. Famine not good for Europe UK or Ireland then. THEN AS NOW BEST SURVIOURS WERE RICHER. NO ONE WORKS ON CLOSING POVERTY GAP. SEE AFRICA CHILD BIRTHS CONTINUED THROUGHOUT FAMINE. LACKS RESPONSIBILITY..

  • @Adaman368


    Жыл бұрын

    @@joprocter4573 "Ivo disease"? I really don't doubt it. Seems like a serious case of rampant_denial and pro-british origin myth mythology. Hitler tried something similar in Europe afaik.

  • @patienceobongo


    Жыл бұрын

    The main culprit was Nassau Senior.

  • @robert6106


    Жыл бұрын

    The original Celtic inhabitants of British Isles were not the native population on the British isles.

  • @Adaman368


    Жыл бұрын

    @@robert6106 Not talking about the " British isles". The video is specifically about Ireland. The term "celtic" refers to a culture and not a defined group of people. The Irish are described as gaels and not "celts". The gaelic peoples were descendants of the different waves of people to first inhabit Ireland who much later adopted a celtic language and culture. So yes they the gaels are a defacto native population of Ireland.

  • @mp190893
    @mp190893 Жыл бұрын

    I wonder, in any such tragedies, whenever the British are mentioned, unless they are suffering something, they are always piling more misery, and also, not letting others help. Something, NOT to learn from them.

  • @freebeerfordworkers


    8 ай бұрын

    The story is a £10,000 donation from the sultan is a complete fabrication invented by an Irish doctor in the 1880s but he claimed it was a British ambassador who asked the Sultan to reduce his donation. The Queen actually headed up two appeals making personal donations of £2000 each time and members of her family donated between 500 and £1000 each. Even you admit the queen sent £2000 but Parnell told the Americans that she donated £5 which was the same amount she donated to a dog's home. Incredibly this story is still believed to this day even though Her donations along with every donation to the British Association for the Irish famine are still on record As for the Turkish sending five ships the usual story is they sent 3 but that is a complete lie one of many told by Parnell in its fundraising tour of America in the 1880s. The British government was monitoring his progress and as soon as they heard it lord Randolph Churchill (Yes his father) sent a telegram refuting the story. This has not stopped it being believed to this day. Recent research by the Millmount Museum at Drogheda the port where it was supposed to be delivered have confirmed three ships did come from Turkish occupied territory carrying grain but it was a purely commercial venture. The cargoes were bought by local merchants and put into store to avoid depressing prices . Otherwise the people of Britain at every level from convicts right up to the queen donated more to Irish famine relief than anyone and British rail companies and steamship companies transported famine relief free of charge;_ylu=Y29sbwNiZjEEcG9zAzIEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1691464919/RO=10/

  • @SadaqatAli-ei5rd
    @SadaqatAli-ei5rd Жыл бұрын

    Ottomans showed great humanitarian effort at the time when they were also struggling with politics and economy 👏

  • @Grand_turco1453
    @Grand_turco1453 Жыл бұрын

    Ottoman,İreland and potato🇹🇷❤🇮🇪



    Жыл бұрын

    Armenian genocide happened

  • @bolubeyi8959


    Жыл бұрын

    ​@@ZYXPQI Did you want to say armenian rebels killed innocent Turkish people with French support and after that Ottomans gave them justice happened?

  • @kennywong489


    Жыл бұрын

    Ottoman.... Barbary pirates...

  • @Grand_turco1453


    Жыл бұрын

    @@ZYXPQI number of armenians living:900.000 number of deaths :1.000.000-1.500.000



    Жыл бұрын

    @@Grand_turco1453 yay? 🤷‍♂️

  • @nadinenadine9739
    @nadinenadine9739 Жыл бұрын

    The Brıtısh Empıre kılled also ın Bangladesh 3 - 3,5 mıllıon people by HUNGER! 😱😓 VICTORIAN HOLOcAUST 1847 - 1947 ! Unknown British history



    6 ай бұрын

    the british empire killed millions on every continent

  • @oblivionrapture1469
    @oblivionrapture1469 Жыл бұрын

    Crazy that ottomans had to SMUGGLE FOOD IN during a famine….

  • @peterdoyle1591
    @peterdoyle1591 Жыл бұрын

    That was a great video. But you must remember that the penal laws of the 18th century forced the poorest of the poor to depend on the potato. It was the only crop that was quite happy to grow halfway up a mountain. And an acre if tended with care could feed a family for a year. God brought the potato blight. But the English brought the famine. The definition of famine is a general scarcity of food. In Ireland, there was no scarcity of food. But the British laws made the Irish so poor that they could not afford to buy the produce of their own country and so it was exported to better markets.

  • @elizabethdavis1696
    @elizabethdavis1696 Жыл бұрын

    The gravel institute KZread channel also did a good video on this topic if anyone is interested

  • @amyrichard3203
    @amyrichard3203 Жыл бұрын

    Bad Karma has finally caught up with England, it seems.

  • @hazlslinger2338
    @hazlslinger2338 Жыл бұрын

    It forgot to mention that the English Scots and Welsh pour were also starving. The pour relief at the time was administered at the local level, as well as criticizing the Westminster Government, the local Irish overseer's of the pour had the legal responsibility to act and their failures were not even mentioned.. The grain that was exported was Brought and paid for and the owners were often locked in contracts to sell, at an existing price. That they could not get out of even if they wish to.

  • @Adaman368


    Жыл бұрын

    Well frankly no. Whilst the potato crop in England and Scotland did also fail - the system of land tenure there and the fact that the population were generally not reliant on potatoes for a significant part of their diet - meant that poor both Scotland and England were much less impacted. There were repeated calls by many in Ireland and elsewhere to stop the export of food during the famine - as had happened previously when Ireland experienced food shortages in 1782-1783. As a result ports were closed to exporting food, with the intention of keeping locally grown food in Ireland to feed the hungry. Irish food prices promptly dropped. Some exporters did lobby against the export ban, but the British government in the 1780s overrode their protests. Even though the situation was absolutely dire following repeated failure of potato crops beginning in 1845 until 1851 - these repeated calls were ignored and huge volumes of foodstuffs continued to be exported from the country under armed guard "Meanwhile, in Ireland a million people starved to death, as the Irish watched with increasing fury as boatloads of homegrown oats and grain departed on schedule from their shores for shipment to England. Food riots erupted in ports such as Youghal, near Cork, where people tried unsuccessfully to confiscate a boatload of oats. At Dungarvan, in County Waterford, British troops were pelted with stones as they shot into the crowd, killing at least two people and wounding several others. British naval escorts were then provided for the riverboats"

  • @timmiller1954


    Жыл бұрын

    "Poor", not "pour".

  • @readmylisp
    @readmylisp Жыл бұрын

    The potato famine affected the whole of North and Western Europe. Norway for one had exactly the same experience as Ireland , mass starvation and emigration to N. America. Just a bit of context here ,lads.

  • @cascarrabias397
    @cascarrabias397 Жыл бұрын

    I WILL visit Ireland soon, my heart is with you guys.

  • @kubhlaikhan2015
    @kubhlaikhan2015 Жыл бұрын

    It helps to remember that there was no precedent for dealing with natural disasters. There was no social security, no welfare state, no emergency food mountains, no tinned rations and no body of civil servants or national guard to undertake a relief operation. In fact until recent times the very idea of the government intervening in anything beyond raising taxes to support the army and navy would have been derided as tyranny. Government was restricted by constitutional statutes as well as by practicalities, they were basically not entitled to hand out state money to solve social problems and certainly would have been paralysed by legal action had they attempted to force business owners to distribute free food. Without a centralised response, local landlords, agricultural companies and shipping lines took the entirely understandable view that they had to keep trading in order to support their own workers and their families. There was also famine in England by the way, and complaints of hoardes of beggars migrating from town to town in search of relief. The reason Britain subsequently led the world in creating a welfare state is probably because of this historical experience, so it is grossly unfair to recast it as "the callous English tyrannising the poor Irish". That is nationalist spin not historical explanation.

  • @Adaman368


    Жыл бұрын

    Incorrect. There were indeed precedents in dealing with similar disasters. There were repeated calls by many in Ireland and elsewhere to stop the export of food during the famine as had happened previously when Ireland experienced food shortages in 1782-1783. And when as a result ports were closed to exporting food, with the intention of keeping locally grown food in Ireland to feed the hungry. Irish food prices promptly dropped. Some exporters did lobby against the export ban, but the British government in the 1780s overrode their protests. Despite this precedent and even though the situation was absolutely dire following the repeated failure of potato crops from 1845 until 1851 - the repeated calls were ignored and huge volumes of foodstuffs continued to be exported from the country under armed guard Many private individuals and organisations tried to help during the famine providing both money and assistance. Following prime minister Robert Peels somewhat successful efforts to ameliorate the growing disaster in the first year of the famine, the succeeding British government effectively washed their hands of providing financial assistance to those who were starving. Remembering that less than 20 years previously some 20 million had been paid by the British government to compensate wealthy slave owners, and in 1815 some 185 million was spent covering the various costs of the Napolonic War. Noticeably the attitude of the British administration to Ireland stands in stark contrast to that espoused on Scotland. Charles Trevelyan who became Assistant Secretary to the Treasury in London in 1840 and held that office until 1859, was put in overall charge of the administration of Government relief during that period. Speaking of the worsening situation in Scotland, he is on record as saying that the people of Scotland *must not, under any circumstances, be allowed to starve* Not long afterwards he he details how he saw the Famine in Ireland as a “mechanism for reducing surplus population” and that *The judgement of God sent the calamity to teach the Irish a lesson, that calamity must not be too much mitigated* So in effect we have one group of people who were not to be allowed to starve, whilst another could go whistle. So no - there is no widespread "nationalis spin" with regard to the recorded history of the famine in Ireland other than the usual denial and evident British nationalism which appears to rear its uglyhead whenever there is a discussion on the topic of the famine in Ireland where a million people died and a million more were forced to emigrate because they had little choice but to do so.

  • @SeanCStark
    @SeanCStark Жыл бұрын

    Chris Fogarty Irish Author 1845-1850 The Perfect Irish Holocaust😱

  • @nadinenadine9739


    Жыл бұрын

    The Brıtısh Empıre kılled 3 mıllıon Bangladesh also by HUNGER

  • @daveroche6522
    @daveroche6522 Жыл бұрын

    Thankfully some lessons from history are actually learnt - just look at the caring, empathic, sharing government of England at the moment. Oh, wait.......

  • @smoker6683


    Жыл бұрын

    Yeah they’re still just a bunch of sociopaths - An Englishman

  • @MrStoneyburke
    @MrStoneyburke Жыл бұрын

    This was an act of Genocide by deliberate starvation by the English of Irish men women and children.