How Did I Get Taitung So WRONG?

Taitung and the east coast of Taiwan are some of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. I decided to check it out for myself but oh man did I get it all wrong. I was initially hesitant to release this video and I kept coming back to it, trying to improve it. I'd really appreciate your feedback in the comments below. Also sorry for the lack of videos lately, I'll be back to my normal schedule!
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Пікірлер: 281

  • @yuanyuanintaiwan
    @yuanyuanintaiwan4 жыл бұрын

    haha we're all waiting for the firmware update of the g7x, it should be within 2 weeks 😊 i stayed in Taitung once, i enjoyed the night market, but if I have to go again, i would definitely have a scooter and go a bit out of the city and see Dulan and other coast POIs!

  • @frnk57


    4 жыл бұрын

    元元 ^ ^ 萬歲

  • @ambertu6610


    4 жыл бұрын


  • @erinzheng5779


    4 жыл бұрын


  • @lovecamera8
    @lovecamera84 жыл бұрын

    影片中的麵店在台東地檢署對面,台東人比較喜歡吃他們家的滷味,通常去那家買都要排隊。 另外身為台東人推薦一些吃喝住的地方!! 交通方面的話~從北部來建議坐火車"直達車的普悠瑪號"來台東,時間大約4-5小時, 到市區後可能需要租車,因為台東大眾交通工具比較沒有那麼普遍. 從屏東方向來的話可以開車或是火車,兩種都有不同感受,開車的話雖然比較累,但是因為這幾年南迴有拓寬, 開車的視野跟以前是完全不同的,沿途風景美到可以把我這老台東人驚呆,快到金崙那段拓寬路真的感覺很像開在天上(天氣好時往右看真的全是一片藍)!!! 多良車站開車有經過的話可以去看看,真的很漂亮,沿路的海岸線很多可以拍照的好地方~ 住的地方推薦台東市區正氣路(台東人稱水果街)的桂田酒店,會推薦這裡有幾點原因: 1.有腳踏車能借,旁邊就是家樂福! 2.每星期的四、五、六晚上,一出飯店門口就是台東觀光夜市,走出飯店就可以逛夜市! 3.這間酒店剛開沒多久,裡面設施蠻多的,有酒吧,有泳池,有自助餐和港式茶點,也有小孩子能玩的地方! 4.飯店附近用走路的話也蠻多地方可以逛的,晚上的話除了夜市外,建議到誠品書局那附近看看(從飯店步行5-10分鐘,出飯店大門右轉,看到第一個路口博愛路左轉直走,過警察局的十字路口就是),那區是以前的台東舊火車站,現在的話晚上會掛滿燈籠蠻有氣氛的,有時候會有街頭藝人在那做表演,也有外國人常去的酒吧或是小吃,星巴克和摩思漢堡也開在那區,另外旁邊就是鯉魚山 也可去走走,秀泰影城也在附近~ 需要便宜一點的住宿可以搜尋路得行旅 國際青年旅館,這裡的價位從850-2200不等(比較適合單人或雙人旅遊)。 @市區內能逛的地方除了晚上的舊火車站外,下午也可以逛逛舊火車站的林蔭步道. @台東的媽祖廟建議一定要去,這是台東最大的廟,在台東市區最熱鬧的中華路上,身為在地人表示非常靈驗 !! @台東森林公園,這裡也可以去看看,適合親子騎腳踏車一起逛逛,外面可以租腳踏車,裡面非常大,腳踏車道連接琵琶湖和台東海濱公園,推薦!! @台東海濱公園,這裡也是很多觀光客會去的地方,最出名的是一家黃記蔥油餅,台東人的排隊美食! 假如有租車的話,想看海可以由台東市區往"台11線(往花蓮)"的方向走,途中會經過: 1.富岡漁港(吃海鮮). 2.小野柳風景區.(小時候常在這裡抓寄居蟹)! 3.加路蘭風景區. 4.白沙灣(美麗灣).推薦! 5.海景咖啡(小魚兒的家),在這裡喝咖啡除了看海景,他有個地方可以往海邊走,隔壁就是白沙灣,坐在這裡可以享受台東的悠閒,大推! 6.水往上流. 7.都蘭糖廠(有些有錢人都住這附近...都是好幾台千萬跑車那種...).都蘭山上有間月光小棧咖啡館,建築物是以前的電影"月光下我記得"的電影場景,劇組走之後建築物沒有拆掉而變成咖啡館,可在這裡俯瞰都蘭村和海景,可以問一下當地人怎麼走! 8.東河肉包(有兩間不過味道都差不多,兄弟開的).台東衝浪聖地! 9.台東秘境.都歷沙灘(這裡只有老台東人比較知道.可以在都歷問一下當地居民.建議早上8點半後和中午2點半以前過去.剛好是退潮時間) 10.三仙台.(有一座連接小島的大橋). 10.八仙洞. 想往山裡走的話可以由台東市區往"台9線(往花蓮)"的方向走,途中會經過: 1.初鹿(這裡有初鹿牧場建議可以去走走,不過要收門票台幣50-180元的樣子). 2.鹿野高台(每年7-8月會有熱氣球嘉年華,台東飛行傘的地方). 3.關山.(關山便當) 4.池上(伯朗大道+金城武樹),最出名的就是池上米和池上便當,景點的話還有大坡池也可以去看一看. @太麻里金針山,金針花季每年7-9月! 另外看夜景的話有星星部落和寒舍(都是喝茶看夜景),不過可能要有人帶才會走~ 知本溫泉的話也推薦,也可以去看看知本森林遊樂區! 吃的東西推薦幾樣小吃,假設住在桂田酒店的話,推薦這幾樣老台東人常吃的,有些走路不遠: 1.大同路>藍蜻蜓炸雞,台東人的回憶(走路約10-15分) 2.大同路>榕樹下米苔目,藍蜻蜓炸雞旁邊而已(走路約10-15分) 3.正氣路>老東芳青草茶.早點大王.北港小吃部.寶桑湯圓.阿水伯魯肉飯.四方鵝肉.阿鋐炸雞.林家臭豆腐(往中華路方向走約10-15分,一路走下去會遇到這些店) 4.正氣路>7里香滷味.津芳冰城.神農青草茶(往商校方向走路約5分鐘.一樣都在一條路上) 5.傳廣路>卑南豬血湯.蕃薯伯地瓜.(伴手禮,在地人也常買來送朋友).天隆中藥行(裡面賣的梅子橄欖超推薦,送禮自用兩相宜,重點是非常便宜)! 6.博愛路>陳記麻糬(伴手禮,在地人也常買來送朋友)! 7.新生路或中華路>河南味牛肉麵 8.光明路>東鼎牛肉麵 9.四維路>下午1:30以後可以試試蕭家肉圓,下午3點以後可以試試路旁的"關東煮",台東人的專屬下午小吃 10.更生路>鴻臚烤鴨便當(早上9點前打電話訂購不然就買不到了,非常難買),東池便當(推薦炸雞腿便當(超大雞腿),目前台東個人還沒吃過比這家好吃的,雖然都是東池但是只推這家)

  • @33Jenesis


    4 жыл бұрын


  • @baddy148


    4 жыл бұрын

    外國人看不懂中文阿XD (指留言區的

  • @jessicachao6720


    4 жыл бұрын


  • @ellanyen7137


    4 жыл бұрын


  • @annetsai3657


    4 жыл бұрын

    感謝推薦 ❤️

  • @WesDaviestravel
    @WesDaviestravel4 жыл бұрын

    I love traveling alone, but it's also nice to have some good friends around. PS I think I'm still hungover from that night when we closed down the Lighthouse.

  • @lifeintaiwan
    @lifeintaiwan4 жыл бұрын

    Nice video... honest as usual and entertaining

  • @donkeydoki
    @donkeydoki4 жыл бұрын

    看Prozzie的影片會的感觸 台灣人應該很喜歡看外國人怎麼愛台灣的影片,我自己也喜歡,但是看多了有時都會懷疑是否自己的國家有這麼好? Prozzie很真實的把一些他見到的面相都呈現出來,或是把他自己想法不過度修飾地表示出來,相較於其他呈現美好一面的youtuber(當然這些也不是錯),是Prozzie令我印象深刻的。 面對批評與讚美的時候,人們有兩種情緒,承認與否定;各國在面對這些批評與讚美的時候的的反應,也可以呈現出各國觀眾的差異性。 台灣當然也會有不合我意就把你當異端糾眾群起討伐的情況(尤其是涉及政治時),也有人會看到後有所反思為什麼我們給人這樣的不好的印象的。希望前面的情況如果發生的時候別傷害到國外朋友對這片土地的熱愛。 === 回到影片本身,台東相較於西部因為交通的因素,外來衝擊少比較封閉local,各方面的競爭都較小,旅遊方面外來客平時需求少,造成平常空房率高,只有過年期間有供不應求的情況,非連假時通常沒有飽和,比較新的民宿或飯店都是10多年前大陸客較多的時候新興而投資的,相較品質較OK但是價位也相對高。 沒一年到頭都有穩定客源的情況下,舊市區的老旅館因為競爭力弱,在沒有投資翻修前通常平時是走低價來維持。近年有些投資重新翻修提升設備,但不乏還是有老旅館像是鬼屋的(我以前朋友過年臨時來,因為找不到比較OK的,也是住了可怕的鬼屋)。 品質可以從一些訂房網站上的價位跟評價上來先過濾 :),尤其是連假時,別讓太老舊的住宿體驗打壞大家的玩興,建議還是要先預訂。火車機票等也是都很難買,沒法像在西部交通多選擇性,地方較不方便時自己安排行程與住宿交通就得多花心思多做準備嘍。 (沒翻英文,因為不只給Prozzie看也是給其他有緣來台東玩的朋友的建議)

  • @linglin9972
    @linglin99724 жыл бұрын

    台東就是一個非常容易讓人家靜下心 ,來放慢腳步和 放空的地方😁 如果要看當地的原住民文化的話 ,花蓮應該 是比較符合你的想法的喲😀

  • @_mark1
    @_mark14 жыл бұрын

    I'm doing a tour around TW right now, much thanks to your videos. It's been amazing so far. Travelling alone and enjoying it. Currently in Kaohsiung eating food that is way to spicy for me. Keep up the good work with the videos, don't be so hard on yourself.

  • @lazarusledd91
    @lazarusledd914 жыл бұрын

    glad to see you're improving!

  • @Pixiedust8399
    @Pixiedust83994 жыл бұрын

    Taitung looks absolutely beautiful, it's going to be added to my bucket list.

  • @TrailWalker03
    @TrailWalker034 жыл бұрын

    Good to see you back online. I did that drive a couple years ago and totally agree with your view it is stunning!

  • @margaret7330
    @margaret73304 жыл бұрын

    great vid advice to think about when travelling was honest took it on board really get a lot out of your road trip vids, thanks enjoyed this

  • @sesom07
    @sesom074 жыл бұрын

    Stop apologizing ( I know you are form Canada :) ). Simply explain what the video is... your not preplanned visit to Taitung and your impressions during it. It's perfectly fine. As long as you are honest about it there is no problem at all. It's youtube and a channel which is a lot about personality not a professional made travel guide.

  • @stevenotto1456
    @stevenotto14564 жыл бұрын

    You actually released a video!!! And you took the time for subtitles! Very impressed with the quality of this one!

  • @calhoun1968
    @calhoun19684 жыл бұрын

    Nice and quiet, my kind of place!!!

  • @BradGryphonn
    @BradGryphonn4 жыл бұрын

    Yep, I like to do what you do if I'm not travelling for a reason. Rock into town and suss it all out. Cheers bloke.

  • @reallydeej
    @reallydeej4 жыл бұрын

    I like to wing it. Everyone I've ever travelled with likes to plan as much as they can & also see as many sights as they possibly can. I like my holidays to be, well... a holiday.

  • @arty2k
    @arty2k4 жыл бұрын

    Planning is overrated. The journey is often the best part of a trip.

  • @user-he6gc6vr8c
    @user-he6gc6vr8c4 жыл бұрын


  • @dharmsbaker177
    @dharmsbaker1774 жыл бұрын

    We took the train from Kaohsiung to Taitung in August. Took two and half hours, great views, but many tunnels. Stayed at Taitung Hoya hotel, very modern, around $75 us a night with mainly Chinese breakfast, chose it as near the beach, but agree area around there not developed and not inviting. There is a local bus service that runs both clockwise and anti clockwise on circular type route that includes bus and train stations. I caught it from the bus station platform 8 and only when on it was I able to see the other bus stop locations. Loved eating at the small cafes with there cooking stations virtualy on the street in the heat and cafe itself inside in airconditioned rooms.

  • @et385
    @et3854 жыл бұрын

    恭禧發現台灣的另一面, 台灣東西部是完全不一樣的2個世界

  • @davisthedavis
    @davisthedavis4 жыл бұрын

    Great video! don't sweat the small stuff

  • @nalin2306
    @nalin23064 жыл бұрын


  • @s95616733
    @s956167334 жыл бұрын


  • @mistakes4all
    @mistakes4all4 жыл бұрын

    Always plan some spots as must sees, but not every hour of the day. Will be in Taiwan for two weeks with 4 friends at the end of next month and we are excited!

  • @user-xm6tr2su2i
    @user-xm6tr2su2i4 жыл бұрын

    終於有中文字幕太棒了👍 台東好山好水。適合白天活動,但夜晚真的是無聊,我們都是一群人一起去玩,所以晚上就在民宿裡玩遊戲,或玩牌。

  • @user-rf1px6xb9l


    4 жыл бұрын


    @JRJKUO4 жыл бұрын

    The best part of this film is your confession. I hope to see your new film about Tatung soon.

  • @MrJonLott
    @MrJonLott4 жыл бұрын

    As far as I'm concerned, it's good to visit a new place with loose plans in mind, and a fair amount of research done beforehand. But you'll definitely miss out if you close yourself off from impulse visits, and changes of plans, and the general whimsy of the road. Keep an open mind, and no expectations, and you'll probably be delightfully surprised.

  • @himayz13
    @himayz134 жыл бұрын

    Definitely check out Hualian, too. Spectacular even more!

  • @tonylu3265
    @tonylu32654 жыл бұрын

    I had several memorable experiences at the Hot Air Ballon Festival at Luye (鹿野). The ballon rides are really fun and offers breathtaking view to the whole Huadong Valley. The symphony night is also very surprising. Taitung is also the home to a lot of tea products. It’s really nice to visit tea farms and try their freshly made tea.

  • @lifeyang2
    @lifeyang24 жыл бұрын

    I saw Warriors Of The Rainbow, and I thought it was an amazing movie. It was also educational. I learned so much about some of Taiwan's history.

  • @Agnesmami
    @Agnesmami4 жыл бұрын

    身為一個台東人覺得大家要得到一個符合都市人期待的有趣且舒適的旅程真的需要諮詢在地人,另外新民宿新飯店非常多。 台東的原住民族數是最多元的,但人口數沒有比花蓮多,要到部落交朋友歡迎撩在地人大家會幫助你。 把心靜下來,脫去城市帶給你的氣味,你才能更快的融入後山,6月底最好的時節,豐收和熱氣球及繡球花盛開,朋友們一起喝酒。 話說海濱公園的咖啡廳和餐廳在前面的區域,不在鳥巢那裡,沿著步道走就會看到,但你往森林公園走當然什麼都沒有。

  • @philippegosselin7756
    @philippegosselin77564 жыл бұрын

    Looking at the road to Taitung, I find it looks a bit like some of the coastal roads in Hawaii (Oahu). As for planning trips, I'm more the kind to plan some stuff but not to care as much if things change... unless it's something I really wanted to see

  • @user-hi5eq1mf9r
    @user-hi5eq1mf9r4 жыл бұрын

    Love your new video !!

  • @user-hi5eq1mf9r


    4 жыл бұрын

    And you did a great job for the video!

  • @lifeintaiwan


    4 жыл бұрын

    VIVII444 agree!

  • @teng4549
    @teng45494 жыл бұрын

    關於台東,推薦兩個私人景點 金田一溫泉 和 東鳩窯 「金田一溫泉」在金山,通往台東的一個小鎮,有個人式湯屋可以休息一下,然後在「講蜜蜜特色餐廳」吃飯,享受一個人的海岸。 「東鳩窯」是一個材燒手工藝的地方,可以自己做自己想做的東西,蠻好玩的,可以去體驗看看。

  • @elliotmotola5348
    @elliotmotola53484 жыл бұрын

    Another great video 👌

  • @tzulinlin6456
    @tzulinlin64564 жыл бұрын

    Taitung is actually my favorite place among all the cities in Taiwan as a Taiwanese, but it really depends on your traveling preference, personally I love to get away from the hectic city and enjoy the relaxing vibes and beautiful scenery in the east part of Taiwan. Hope you will enjoy Taitung more next time!

  • @MikeWaterford
    @MikeWaterford4 жыл бұрын

    Very honest video Prozzie, Going to a place like Taitung you have to plan. Luckily for me my wife planned our last trip there and it was fantastic. Go back and definitely check out the East Rift Valley which isn't technically Taitung but a scooter ride over the mountains. Thanks for sharing

  • @fraktaalimuoto
    @fraktaalimuoto4 жыл бұрын

    So far my explorations in Taiwan have been very unplanned. Just going somewhere and seeing what is there. What sometimes "surprises" me is how used to I am to the convenience of Taipei. Leaving Greater Taipei displays quite a contrast.

  • @Blaze6432
    @Blaze64322 жыл бұрын

    I always plan, not to the hour, but I will at least find a handful of things in the day. I typically travel alone just because it's easier to plan solo.

  • @djmaciiii
    @djmaciiii4 жыл бұрын

    You should go visit the islands. Try Orchid island, I think you would like the atmosphere.

  • @steveh4114
    @steveh41144 жыл бұрын

    2016 took East side train from Taipei to Kaohsiung. Probably went into the mountains north of Taitung. Beautiful, fun, relaxing trip ! I mostly travel alone, sometimes with a companion. I like an outline of things to do that can change. I probably secure a hotel then go from there. Taxi/ buses is usually fine unless I meet someone who will take me on a scooter. New interest in "Craft Beer" in Taiwan, coming Oct 21, I'll have to check it out in Taipei, Taichung and Kaohsiung and parts in between :-)

  • @GilBatesLovesyou
    @GilBatesLovesyou4 жыл бұрын

    I think I'm half and half. My general planning abroad for tourism is basically pick two things for the day in advance. Then the rest of the day is as the wind takes me, so to speak, but I try to make a plan for two things each day, some kind of monument, museum, etc. Obviously it can vary depending on the time the things take, one day might be one thing, next day might be 3, but in general two things per day you preplan. I think doing that gives you the best of both worlds, of a free feeling travel experience but not wandering aimlessly.

  • @Game7Mode
    @Game7Mode4 жыл бұрын

    I'm a travelling alone guy because I like to do a lot of museums, art galleries and stuff like that and I don't like being rushed when I'm trying to enjoy historical or art stuff but usually by nighttime I feel like socializing so I'll go out start with a beer and end up meeting people.

  • @IpwnNublets
    @IpwnNublets4 жыл бұрын

    Looks like a cool place! Thanks for your honesty, but don't beat yourself up about not planning, you learned something new and now you have a great thing to look forward to when you have the chance to go back to explore the nature and culture

  • @chiahuayang1101
    @chiahuayang11014 жыл бұрын

    When I went to Taitung, I plan loosely. Because that’s a place to chill out and get away for the weekend. And I believe that I can bump into someone/sth interesting .

  • @milk710747
    @milk7107474 жыл бұрын

    Recommend you 1. Sazasa Forest Museum ( It's like open air museum about Taiwanese aborigines and Taitung unique forest type ) 2. Fushan Fish Recovery Area 3. National Museum of Prehistory ( about Taiwanese aborigines ) you will find the most beautiful nature in Taitung

  • @linuxtw
    @linuxtw4 жыл бұрын

    Back in the day when ppl built those old buildings, I believe that it's a phase that the skills were not so advanced and it's really poor period of time in Taiwan, like after WWII, that's why most of the old buildings don't have elevator and ppl who designed the buildings didn't have the idea of needing tall houses

  • @patriciahowellcassity767
    @patriciahowellcassity7674 жыл бұрын

    I’m a person that likes both. Advantages to both. If by myself, I can go to one place and if something catches my eye I can flip into another Direction. If with others, have different input and still go where not been before. If I plan a trip I Aways include flex Time so can change plans. If I have only an outline of where to go leaves me open to might show up. I love driving and any nature involvement. Not much party person. But was when I was your age. I have done long trips alone and had other women thing I’m crazy. The world can be very challenging for a woman on her own. I’m brave and careful and have always been ok. Thanks for your videos. Do wish you would end the cussing but that’s your thing. When you get fed up with it, you will.

  • @frnk57
    @frnk574 жыл бұрын

    太好了 終於有字幕了 ^ ^

  • @nickchen6142
    @nickchen61424 жыл бұрын

    我覺得兩個人的旅行最佳,因為只要兩個同意做甚麼事就好,越多人意見會更多。two people is the way for traveling, more people, more options

  • @terrann3545
    @terrann35454 жыл бұрын

    Nah Prozz, we do it all the time with everything, we go places that turn out to be amazing, and some down right boring haha, we feel you, lots of love Prozz.

  • @luisrebelo3681
    @luisrebelo36814 жыл бұрын

    My memories of Taitung are heading for the mountains and having a hot spa, beer and karaoke in the jungle. Good times and hope to repeat it in a couple of months.

  • @cbrtdgh4210
    @cbrtdgh42104 жыл бұрын

    I'd love to see a video about the aboriginal culture, definitely really interesting for anyone into languages/history! Also, trips to Kinmen or Matsu would be super interesting.

  • @carlopton
    @carlopton4 жыл бұрын

    I like to just explore without too much planning. If you use the apps and guides you always end up going to the same places everyone else goes to, and you don't get that sense of wonderment when you find something you're not expecting.

  • @daca1361
    @daca13614 жыл бұрын


  • @c.c.k.3921
    @c.c.k.39214 жыл бұрын

    You should make a list that you wanna visit, such as 三仙台.鹿野高台.伯朗大道etc. Sometimes I prefer travel with friends that I can share the experience, but sometimes I wanna travel alone cause I can decide where to go &what to eat. It depends.

  • @nekochen
    @nekochen4 жыл бұрын

    Those mountainey road looks perfect for a place to get car-sick haha.

  • @alexdiego2593
    @alexdiego25934 жыл бұрын

    Who was recording you when you was eating?

  • @laowhy86
    @laowhy864 жыл бұрын

    The grocery store music makes me wanna steal demo discs out of video game magazines in 1997

  • @ashleytodd9415


    3 жыл бұрын

    wow u here

  • @hobog
    @hobog4 жыл бұрын

    Taitung is the launch for flights and boats to Green Island.. and Orchid Island?

  • @jlpcpr
    @jlpcpr4 жыл бұрын

    Good job on the video my friend! Keep working your ass off on those subtitles! XD

  • @donaldf.switlick3690
    @donaldf.switlick36904 жыл бұрын

    Do both. Have a plan and change it as desired.

  • @jamesjpn4669
    @jamesjpn46694 жыл бұрын

    I used to travel like that but, too many times I went to places and just ended walking around aimlessly. That can be good too if you're lucky enough to stumble across something cool but my luck is turd so I plan just a little now. I try to have 1 maybe 2 things I want to do in a day and the rest I leave to chance.

  • @snorkels9188
    @snorkels91884 жыл бұрын

    I like to have an idea of the things you can do in a place, so I don't end up missing out on anything or having your situation, cos then I can work out what sounds interesting for me to do whilst I'm there, but I also don't like to make an intenerary or anything like that either. It's a nice balance of "I'll see when I get there, and explore" and "here's some shit I know would be fun to do/see" if that makes sense? Like when i visited Taiwan, I would get lost in my neighbourhood, just wander around and find all sorts of nifty spots or pretty areas, or awesome food, then turn on my GPS to get back to my flat. But I had also looked up some fun things I could go see/do when I had the time, (I was studying at a MTC). :)

  • @1934wen
    @1934wen4 жыл бұрын

    很喜歡 ( there's nothing ) 這一段 。 謝謝你的Vlog

  • @clarkchangsix
    @clarkchangsix4 жыл бұрын

    The hotel you stayed generally called "Pau Ging" in Taiwanese.

  • @chiefenumclaw7960
    @chiefenumclaw79604 жыл бұрын

    To prepare for a new country I usually just watch a few KZread videos on the way to the airport. Upon arrival I walk up to a local & ask him/her where the parties at?

  • @YoFreshWiggy
    @YoFreshWiggy4 жыл бұрын

    "Keep your stick on the ice" Hahaha, okay Red Green!

  • @brewmule6799


    4 жыл бұрын

    O'le Green That's why that tag line sucks

  • @schaoshang652
    @schaoshang6524 жыл бұрын

    The subtitles are good summary of your descriptive talks 😂😂

  • @Sabu.962
    @Sabu.9624 жыл бұрын

    Welcome to my hometown

  • @flyboring
    @flyboring4 жыл бұрын

    Totally understand. I am a guy who also lazy to plan. Believe google map can solve all my need. However, some place just can’t play and enjoy in that way. Just go visit again. 台東 is one of most beautiful natural in Taiwan.

  • @arty2k
    @arty2k4 жыл бұрын

    Got a magnet link?

  • @80sbabe
    @80sbabe4 жыл бұрын

    I've always traveled alone all over Asia. I was living in China too like you ( I think we were both living in China in the beginning of my venture there and you were spending your last year there). It would have been nice to have a travel buddy but my coworkers tended to stay in the city during holidays or were in relationships so they would be traveling with their significant other. I have always did some researching on the cities I went to.... the famous landmarks and maybe a few obscure ones if they're not too far because I didn't have the luxury of having my own mode of transport like you . I did everything my foot and public transit. I looked up best restaurants, where to people partied, etc etc. I never went blind. I'd book a cheap hotel close to everything or most of where I wanted to visit. It saved me time and money. But i never made up an itinerary of every little thing to do and see everyday and at exact times. Since you can jump onto a motor vehicle like your bike or in a car, just do some Googling on the cities you're driving to in Taiwan. That way you know whether it's worth staying in that town or just pass through to another town that is worth staying in.

  • @risingsun983
    @risingsun9834 жыл бұрын

    Taitung is for sceneries, aboriginal culture and food, water falls, hot springs, rice and tea culture, and hot air ballon festival....also surfing. Two small islands: snorkeling and ocean hot springs at Green Island and authentic and very rustic oceanic indigenous culture on Orchids Island....

  • @quikee9195


    4 жыл бұрын

    Totally boring :P

  • @risingsun983


    4 жыл бұрын’s definitely NOT for everyone. 🤪😁 By the way, Taitung is also good for stargazing....

  • @rompetiss
    @rompetiss4 жыл бұрын

    Really smart idea to subtitle your video! Not sure how much Curtis Jackson army bothers you anymore, but it will make it way harder for them to push their narrative. Fun video!

  • @user-bw5vb8bz5l
    @user-bw5vb8bz5l4 жыл бұрын


  • @bush2376t
    @bush2376t4 жыл бұрын

    Hi Prozie. I like to travel by myself witout any preparations. And CIV 6 can be addictive I understand you there.

  • @contperlin
    @contperlin4 жыл бұрын

    go to Green Island next time in Taitung. I think that place is much more fun than the Taitung city.

  • @buda3d2007
    @buda3d20074 жыл бұрын

    I love Taidong, less people, its a great part of Taiwan, but yes you need a bike or car to get around there, check out the nature spots there its awesome, tons of foreigners do push biking through there

  • @kwitchabichen
    @kwitchabichen4 жыл бұрын

    Glad to see the Chinese characters. Fun to try and learn from videos like this.

  • @DK-210
    @DK-2104 жыл бұрын

    For traveling, pick one or two key activities for the day and leave the rest for exploration or relaxation. People who end up jampacking their vacations end up miserable and the trip feels like a chore.

  • @EdwardBerryy
    @EdwardBerryy4 жыл бұрын

    Oh dude, I will tell you, you have DEFINITELY up'd your game! Iv'e been watching from time to time and oh man, your videos are super clean now. You might not realize it but I'm not just saying that or BSing you. I also do that with downloading but of course more than likely like you if I like something and can afford it I buy it. Most movies in 2019 are pretty much trash and actually I don't even watch them but it is what it is hehe.

  • @PassFissn
    @PassFissn4 жыл бұрын

    so now you stalling videos with subtitles before release ?

  • @AyaneruKawaii
    @AyaneruKawaii4 жыл бұрын

    Haha CIV6 a.k.a. hyperbolic time chamber LUL but always plan a bit without details will be fine. such as destinations only or just around food :)

  • @xixingpooh
    @xixingpooh4 жыл бұрын

    Ah you're playing Civ 6, a man of culture!

  • @Prozzie


    4 жыл бұрын

    fuck yea bud! Doing a Gilgamesh game right now

  • @xixingpooh


    4 жыл бұрын

    @@Prozzie Awesome stuff, I'm conquering Africa as Australia. If you ever want to host or play online let me know!

  • @goodi2shooz
    @goodi2shooz4 жыл бұрын

    I'm a planner... and I can travel alone or I can travel with one companion.. I'm an only child so I have always been pretty independent

  • @vznquest
    @vznquest4 жыл бұрын

    the city itself is nothing special but next time you're here, head up the coast a bit. Dulan in particular is worth staying overnight. and the entire drive up to Hualien is stunning.

  • @peter9675311
    @peter96753114 жыл бұрын

    想要慢活放鬆的話,台灣外島我也很推(雖然我只去過澎湖看花火節Penghu Firework Festival),但還請務必做足功課,澎湖騎車請小心(總覺得那邊的黃燈轉紅燈比較快),還有就是太陽很大,務必做好防曬!!

  • @porkami
    @porkami4 жыл бұрын


  • @B16Finniusiscool142
    @B16Finniusiscool1424 жыл бұрын

    Hey Prozzie, I've been loving your videos on Taiwan recently. I know you have a prejudice against Brits, but do you reckon you could do me a favour and do a video detailing in depth the pollution aspect of Taiwan. You could describe each city, North vs South and compare it to life in a Canadian/Western city. Thanks

  • @lifeintaiwan


    4 жыл бұрын

    Finn Higgins good idea! Would love to see more of this on your channel.... there’s a million different topics for you to cover

  • @user-uu9iq4kh9p
    @user-uu9iq4kh9p4 жыл бұрын

    哈哈 你真的錯了 去台東 真的需要有在地人 你才可以玩到瘋狂的旅程

  • @StefanBacon
    @StefanBacon4 жыл бұрын

    I feel much more secure travelling alone. I like ti have ideas what I'm going to do but i always end up winging it. Having plans is good if they're communicated with everyone, but my first trip to Asia was with a girlfriend who didn't tell me any of the plans before the moment they happened and put me through 3 weeks of absolute hell. I went back alone after we broke up, and didn't end up doing much with the friends I was meeting, but had a time nonetheless.

  • @marshallpyatt5425
    @marshallpyatt54254 жыл бұрын

    REDRUM. REDRUM. Awesome video and beautiful scenery. Lose the Canon. LOL.

  • @quikee9195
    @quikee91954 жыл бұрын

    Interesting as Taitung is one of my favourite towns in Taiwan. I stayed in Taitung for a week and renter a bicycle immediately when I came there (should've rented a scooter instead, but OK, it feels good travelling around with on your own power). Yes, there isn't much happening in the town so you need to find it and you can't do that on foot (it's a small town, but not that small). Mostly, I don't plan anything before travelling.. I try to figure it out when I get there. But I got into trouble with the immigration once because of that. 2 years ago I decided to go to New Zealand but I didn't look into anything what to do there, and just roughly where to go (North to South) and I had no idea about the popular places and when the immigration asked me what I will do in NZ and where I will go, I told them I plan to travel and I have no idea yet where exactly I will go. This was highly suspicious and they almost didn't let me into the county.

  • @Prozzie


    4 жыл бұрын

    Whoa really? I've never heard of immigration doing that before.

  • @Steven-oi3ef
    @Steven-oi3ef4 жыл бұрын

    Great title, nice luggage :)

  • @sandydeng5758
    @sandydeng57584 жыл бұрын

    People go to Taitung for the nature and to get away from the big cities! There are also hot springs around there.

  • @user-tg4ps5gf6t
    @user-tg4ps5gf6t4 жыл бұрын


  • @julia_hcj
    @julia_hcj4 жыл бұрын

    It' so sad that you visited Taitung but did not meet what you expect to see...haha... I have lived in Taitung for many years, it' hard to survive if you don't have a scooter, in here, people usually get around by car or scooter, so next time that you visited Taitung again, go to rent a scooter, btw, remember that you need a international license for riding then you can rent a scooter! Once you rent a scooter, you can go to almost every breath- taking landscapes! Besides the indigenous cultures, Taitung is also famous by its nature, wild animals and outdoor activities, such as surfing, diving, mountain climbing, paragliding, hot air balloon, biking, triathlon ect., and Taitung also have kinds of hot spring in the mountains and natural streams, in the world, there are three under sea hot springs, one of them is just located at Green island, a small island that is nearby Taitung eastern offshore, another two under sea hot springs are located at Italy and Japan. If you go to sea, the probability of meet the dolphins or whales is high, here also could find the green sea turtles. I think Taitung would be a bee's knee for the outdoor or natural aficionados!

  • @user-te7ju1lu1z
    @user-te7ju1lu1z4 жыл бұрын

    可以上網查原住民祭典的是日期呦 有些祭典供遊客參與

  • @bingdong700
    @bingdong7004 жыл бұрын
