How Arrogant Do We Have To Be To Say Someone Is Not A Real Muslim?

Brother Mustafaa is a prolific author, blogger, podcaster, public speaker, and social media influencer renowned for his commitment to guiding individuals towards discovering their purpose, attaining fulfillment, and embracing authentic living. His writings are deeply influenced by his personal journey and experiences, making them relatable and impactful to readers from all walks of life.
He is the author of "My Walk With Farrakhan: My Testimony and writings inspired by my life’s journey with my leader, teacher, and guide," along with other books available on Amazon. "My Walk With Farrakhan" is a testament to his unwavering dedication to his faith and the profound impact his spiritual leader has had on his life. Brother Mustafaa is a registered member of the Nation of Islam under the leadership of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.
Brother Mustafaa's podcast and social media platforms serve as beacons of empowerment, inspiring a global audience to embark on transformative journeys of self-discovery and spiritual alignment. Through his work, he seeks to empower individuals to overcome challenges, find their inner strength, and live with purpose and intention.
His coaching sessions and speaking engagements are characterized by a compelling blend of wisdom, humor, and empathy, fostering an environment where individuals are encouraged to live authentically and embrace their true selves. His message resonates with a diverse audience, transcending cultural and religious boundaries, and inspiring positive change in communities worldwide.
Join Brother Mustafaa on a path of personal and spiritual evolution that transcends boundaries and nurtures profound, lasting change. Connect with him at and via email at
