"Hoshino Resorts KAI Aso_星野リゾート 界 阿蘇" Kokonoe/Oita/Japan Trip-Log

This is our trip-log in May 2024.
We hope that it will be helpful for those who are considering visiting at Hoshino Resorts KAI Aso.
The contents will be personal impressions and confirmation contents. If accuracy is required, please refer to the official website.
星野リゾート 界 阿蘇への宿泊を検討されている方の参考になれば幸いです。
00:00 Opening
00:15 Entrance
01:20 In the Room
03:11 Open-air bath
04:39 Dinner
05:40 Breakfast
05:57 Services
07:13 Nearby Places
08:24 Information
08:43 Impressions

