Ғылым және технология

What do toasters and cyber security have in common?
With more and more devices being connected to the internet these days, the numbers of possible targets are increasing as well. And that includes your smart toaster. An important part of cyber security is taking preventative measures by learning what attackers could do next. And what better way to do that than giving them something to lure them in… That is why we established a geographically distributed network of honeypots on over 50 locations across Europe and USA, which constantly monitors cybersecurity attacks and collects data about them. So that is how CyberLab was born, an open cybersecurity observation platform. Here you can follow all current attacks live and it also helps with better visual representation of dimensions of these attacks 🙂.
The data is openly available to everyone at cyber.ltfe.org.
LMMFE Production:
Graphics, 3D animation - Žana Juvan
2D animation - Ana Berkopec
Voiceover artist - Rosie Tapner
Kaj imata skupnega vaš opekač in kibernetska varnost?
Vse več IoT-naprav pomeni vse več potencialnih tarč napadalcev. In žrtev zlonamerne kode je lahko tudi vaš opekač. Zelo pomemben del kibernetske varnosti je spremljanje napadalcev in njihovih aktivnosti. Da lahko to počnemo, potrebujemo nekaj, s čimer jih lahko zvabimo k sebi …
Zato smo vzpostavili geografsko porazdeljeno mrežo "honeypotov" na več kot 50 lokacijah po Evropi in ZDA, ki konstantno spremlja kibernetske napade in zbira podatke o njih. Tako je nastal CyberLab, odprta platforma za opazovanje kibernetskih napadov. Na njem lahko v živo spremljate trenutne dogodke, pomaga pa tudi za boljšo predstavo o razsežnostih napadov 🙂.
Podatki so odprti in na voljo na cyber.ltfe.org
Produkcija LMMFE:
Grafike, 3D animacija - Žana Juvan
2D animacija - Ana Berkopec
Govorka - Rosie Tapner

