Hodie Christus Natus Est - Hendrik Hofmeyr (Gents Universitair Koor)


Hodie Christus Natus Est, gecomponeerd door de Zuid-Afrikaanse componist Hendrik Hofmeyr, gebracht door het Gents Universitair Koor o.l.v. Joris Derder, live opgenomen tijdens het concert 'Wolcum Yole' in de Sint-Pauluskerk in Gent op 14 december 2022.
Hodie Christus Natus Est, composed by the South-African composer Hendrik Hofmeyr, performed live by the Ghent University Choir, conducted by Joris Derder, on December 14th 2022 during the concert 'Wolcum Yole' in the Saint Paul's Church in Ghent.
Video and audio: Phillip Willems #GentsUniversitairKoor #GUK #WolcumYole

