Highlights 回味精彩時刻 |Hong Kong International Photo Festival 2021 二〇二一香港國際攝影節

HKIPF 2021 Highlights 回味精彩時刻
A recap of Festival happenings
Through the main programme Photography Cinema, HKIPF 2021 saw a wide variety of works and artistic approaches from image makers in Hong Kong and neighbouring countries. Beyond screenings and discussions exploring the ‘still’ and ‘moving’ from a multitude of perspectives, talks, workshops, performance and photo walks held in different pockets of the city brought new ways to experience familiar neighbourhoods and get to know different communities. Revisit the series of events from the perspective of some of our participants and facilitators.
About HKIPF 2021 'Photography Cinema' : hkipf.org.hk/news/photography...
Festival Videography Team
Director of Photography 攝影指導: Etienne Leung 梁凱淩
Sound 錄音: Li Ka Wai 李嘉慧, Fung Yiu Tong 馮耀棠
Gaffer 燈光: Bun Chan 陳濱彬
Copyright © 2022 Hong Kong Photographic Culture Association, All rights reserved.
#hkipf #香港國際攝影節
