Highlights Brendan (14 yrs) playing U18 (holding mid and center back) for Maricopa United


This video features Brendan playing mainly holding mid and center back in 5-6 games for Maricopa United 02, trained by Alex Hernandez (Flex), Brendan's coach since he was 8. From 3:40 to 5:38, the video includes some tackles and interceptions.
Normally, Alex needs B to play holding mid because most of the kids are playing up, which means that it's pretty crazy pressure at center mid. Alex is one of those rare coaches that requires his teams to play the right way even if it means losing. It's all about teaching the game to him. And he's amazing at it. Brendan loves playing center mid for Alex because it reminds him of futsal, which he grew up playing. That's especially true when he is playing up so many years. It requires him to think fast.
Alex does let him get up in the attack sometimes when they need goals. That is why he is going forward so much when playing Phoenix Rising, which was down to 10 players. He had a lot of space to go forward on the counter attack, so he got to have a lot of fun. He plays forward for Luis Dabo at Santos and attacking mid for me. Brendan also plays forward when he plays as a guest at tournaments for clubs like RSL-AZ.
Alex did need B to play center back against the yellow team because they had only 10 players. Alex was missing both of his experienced center backs for that game, so the responsibility fell to Brendan and the other central midfielder on the team. They both learned a lot that game! Center back can be particularly challenging at 14 going up against seniors in high school. That is especially true when you are down to 10 players and your coach still wants you to play the ball on the ground like always. It was great training for Brendan's mind (speed of play).
Brendan loves both his teammates and his coaches in Maricopa at FC Arizona and in Phoenix at Santos. He is really enjoying the experience of getting to play for, and to learn from, so many awesome coaches!
Apologies to his teammates, but Brendan's send ball at 8:05 resulted in a really great goal. There was a great assist and shot that we missed when the camera fell. Those two teammates of Brendan's played awesome that game, though! Both of them had two goals and just kept working their butts off for the entire 90 minutes.

