High schoolers ready to race solar-powered car they built

A group of Palo Alto High School students is headed to Texas to compete in the biennial Solar Car Challenge, a 925-mile race from Fort Worth, Texas to Palmdale, California starting on July 16.
The Palo Alto Solar Vehicle team has spent the past four months designing and building The Beast, a three-wheel, 100% solar powered vehicle, from scratch. Their car features a solar panel roof and a series of batteries that will store power for later use. Team members expect the vehicle will last for about six hours of driving per day.
The race is divided into tiers based on experience. The Palo Alto team, the only high school team in northern California to enter the race, is entering the beginner's Classic Division, in which the vehicle that travels the most miles in the shortest amount of time is the winner.
Read the full story here: www.paloaltoonline.com/news/2023/07/07/palo-alto-high-school-students-build-solar-vehicle-for-national-solar-car-challenge
Video by Magali Gauthier

