Hey it's Night Time.Just Go To Sleep My Baby Gurl ...(UTTU Floor 29&30 LOW RARITY ONLY CLEAR!!!)

And Thus the finalle of this UTTU season
Was fun while it lasted but yea kinda pain to bully my first ever i2 5* like this
Yea Baby Blue was my first 5* i2 ever so it kinda well irony to defeat her in this season of UTTU
Anyway i have some plan coming of this week so stay tuned cuz This Epic One wont disappoint
Music Used
• Shirobon - Regain Control
• A Lone Prayer - Person...
0:05-Floor 29 Start
3:20-Floor 29 End
3:35-Floor 30 Start
7:13-Floor 30 End
7:25 Character Stats
#reverse1999gameplay #guide #reverse1999guide

