Her husband connived with her mother to take his rich wife's properties

Adobe, a successful real estate mogul, had it all - wealth, beauty, and a heart of gold. Despite her high social status, she remained humble and kind, always looking for ways to uplift others. When she met Adekunle, a humble meat seller from the local market, many suitors wanted her but she was drawn to his kindness and simplicity. They married, and Adobe enrolled Adekunle in school, where he excelled and later joined her company.
Their marriage was a beautiful partnership, with Adobe respecting and supporting Adekunle's growth. She never made him feel inferior, despite her wealth and success. She loved cooking his meals and taking care of him, finding joy in being a wife and partner. As their love deepened, Adobe's heart longed for motherhood, a desire she always wished to have but Adenkunle never gave in to her desires saying the marriage was young and they should enjoy it more before the babes came in. . Adobe patiently respected his decisions. Years passed and Adobe brought up the issue of childbearing again since age is not on her side. Adekunle will ignore her or give an excuse for not being ready yet. Adobe's heart breaks more.s
However, one thing that surprises Adobe is that her in-laws never worry her or question her on why she didn't conceive a child, which is uncommon in Africa. On the other hand, she thought they just didn't want to interfere in their marriage.
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