Heart of the North: My Hometown, Húsavík; 北方的心臟:我的故鄉Húsavík

"冰島最迷人的港口之一 胡薩維克 Húsavík。發現這個古老小鎮的豐富歷史,從早期的維京定居者到現今著名的鯨魚觀賞之旅。感受Skjálfandi海灣的迷人美景,並深入了解Húsavík獨特的文化織錦。
#Húsavík #胡薩維克
Húsavík, one of Iceland's most enchanting harbors. Discover the rich legacy of this historic town, from its early Viking settlers to its renowned whale-watching tours. Witness the mesmerizing beauty of the Skjálfandi Bay and delve into Húsavík's unique cultural tapestry.
#Húsavík #IcelandTravel#NordicOdyssey #HistoricHarbor.
