He That Commiteth Sin Is Of The Devil 5/27/24

He That Commiteth Sin Is Of The Devil 5/27/24
The Kingdom of God is preached and every man presses into it.
1 Timothy 2:1-5
Lean not to your understanding, which is carnal.
Remember the Lord.
Saints: law Kingdom and Grace Kingdom.
Law Kingdom saints, old testament, do sin.
Grace Kingdom saints, new testament, do not sin.
Revelation 22:1-5.
Proverbs chapter 1.
Sharpest people in the church, here.
People do not want to be born again.
The wife of thy youth, the holy spirit.
Remember thy creator in the days of thy youth, new born babe.
Proverbs chapter 2.
Proverbs 5:12-18.
Job 33:1-4.
