He Became a Hometown Hero


Biggie Smalls has it all these days - A luxurious couch for day naps, a fenced-in yard to unleash his zoomies, and best of all, a family who loves him. But life wasn't always this way.
In fact, he was first discovered tied to his finder's porch with no sign of an owner in sight. We may never know his full story, but we will always know how grateful he was to come to the ARL for his new chance on life.
Not only has Biggie Smalls lived each day to the fullest since then, but amazingly, he recently paid his good deed forward: by alerting his family of a blazing fire on the neighbor's porch just before it spread to their home.
We know not every ARL alumni is out in their community saving lives, but we know animals just like Biggie Smalls are making a big impact on their families and communities every day, all thanks to their journeys that began right here at ARL.
Today, you can keep Biggie Smalls's act of kindness going by making a DOUBLED gift for animals just like him thanks to a generous donor matching all gifts up to $20,000.
Make your doubled gift today at berksarl.org/draftday/.

