
This channel is dedicated to simply reading and studying THE
HOLY BIBLE AKJV and giving attendance to reading, to
exhortation, to doctrine. At times I might look at some news
and weather and visit with other participants via Streamyard. I
hope this creates a SAFE SPACE and HAPPY PLACE for all and
for those who are interested in things pertaining to God the
Father, our Lord Jesus Christ his only begotten Son, and the
Holy Ghost. If you're not interested please continue channel
surfing You Tube as there are over 51 MILLION channels you
can choose from. Thank you.
This also is my personal arrangement to provide a useful format
for discussing and disseminating breaking news and
information. Opinions posted here are not necessarily my own.
If you are offended by wide open discussions of news, life,
politics and religious things, and God's word, kindly get out of
here NOW. At times sources quoted here are suspect at best. I
try to make sure they are correct, but I do err at times.
Comments by readers are theirs alone, I may or may not
approve of their opinions.

