Hatem Bazian: 'Palestine ... it is something colonial' - pt. 4/4: Q&A with Bazian & Hira

Book presenation of Hatem Bazian's 'Palestine ... it is something colonial' (Amrit publihsers)
Part 4: Long round of discussion with both Bazian and Hira
Part 1: Presenation by Hatem Bazian:
• Hatem Bazian: 'Palesti...
Part 2: Discussion and Q&A with Hatem Bazian:
• Video
Part 3: Decolonial thinker Sandew Hira situates Hatem's book in a broader decolonial framework:
• Hatem Bazian: 'Palesti...
Hatem Bazian - Bazian is founder and national Chair of American Muslims for Palestine, a decolonial Islamic thinker and author and founder of the Islamophobia Research and Documentation Project. Furthermore, he is professor of Near Eastern & Asian American Studies and Asian Diaspora Studies at the University of California, Berkeley; co-founder and Professor of Islamic Law and Theology at Zaytuna College.
More info about Hatem Bazian can be found here: www.hatembazian.com/about/
Sandew Hira - Hira is an independent scholar. He is director of the International Institute for Scientific Research in The Hague, coordinator of the Decolonial International Network (www.din.today/) and co-editor with Arzu Merali and Prof. Stephen Small of the University of California Berkeley of the book series ‘Decolonizing The Mind’ (www.amritpublishers.com/en/).
More information about Sandew Hira can be found here:
This event took place in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and was organized by:
- Het Palestijnse Huis: www.palestijnsehuis.nl/
- Studenten vereniging Iqra: sviqra.nl/
- Back to Palestine: / btpalestine
- Studenten voor Rechtvaardigheid in Palestina (SRP): / palestinasolidariteit
- SRP Rotterdam: SRP.Rotterdam/
- Amrit Publishers: www.amritpublishers.com/nl/
- Decolonial International Network: www.din.today/
- Youth Rights Initiative: / yr.initiative
- Vereniging voor Palestijnse Jongeren in Nederland: groups/744416215690851/
- Critical Collective: criticalcollective
- الجالية الفلسطينية - هولندا: www.palestijnsegemeenschap.nl
"In his latest book Bazian asserts that “Palestine is the last settler colonial project to be commissioned in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and still unfolding” today. Hatem Bazian argues that the events from the late 19th century up to the present can be best understood from a settler colonial perspective. He argues that the case of Palestine has many similar features to classical colonialism, which include:
- The normative deployment of violence
- The religious justification for colonialism
- The existence of a garrison state to sponsor colonization
- The transformation of the land and geography
- The constitution of a new colonial epistemology
- The expulsion and negation of the existence of the indigenous population
Hatem Bazian will elaborate on these points after which there will be plenty of time for questions and discussion with the audience.
Decolonial thinker Sandew Hira will also share his insights on Bazians book. "

